"Not yet." Bai Liyi shook his head, "tomorrow, I'll come to you tomorrow, OK?"

"Well, tomorrow." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

"Well, since we're here, why don't we have lunch together?"


After lunch, Zhong Lijin goes back. Because of going hunting tomorrow, Zhong Lijin plans to go back and make good preparations.

"Acacia, I'm going hunting tomorrow. Prepare a light suit for me!"

As soon as Zhong Lijin returns to the yard, she shouts, but there is no response for a long time.


Usually, when Zhong Lijin shouts, Acacia will answer immediately.

"Did you go somewhere else?" Zhong Lijin murmurs alone.

Zhong Lijin didn't think much about it, but after waiting for an hour, Zhong Lijin still didn't see Acacia, so she found something wrong. She ran to the room of Acacia, but found that there was no one in the room. However, Zhong Lijin saw the broken teacup on the ground, and was in a bit of a panic for a moment. Acacia is a neat person. If the teacup is broken, The first thing of acacia is to clean up the pieces.

She stepped forward and found that the water in the teacup had already dried, which means that Acacia had already had an accident. For a moment, Zhong Lijin didn't know what to do, so she had to run out first and saw Huang Yuan at the gate of the yard.

"Huang Yuan! Do you see Acacia Zhong Lijin grabs Huang Yuan's sleeve and asks.

"Young master, isn't Acacia always in the yard?" Huang Yuan was puzzled.

"I didn't see her at all!" Zhong Lijin shouts anxiously.

Huang Yuan saw that Zhong Lijin, who was always calm, could not calm down. He was also a little flustered. He recalled what happened today.

"By the way, Mrs. situ came to see you in your yard today, but she left when you were away." Huang Yuan suddenly remembered that Zhong Li Yao Jing had been here today.

"What! Zhong Li, Yao Jing has been here Zhong Lijin understood that this matter had something to do with Zhong liyaojing. "Is there any difference when she left?"

"Mrs. situ didn't look very well when she came. She looked better when she left, but she suddenly took me and said a lot." Huang Yuan recalls and answers Zhong Lijin's words.

Sure enough, it can't have nothing to do with Zhong Li Yaojing.

"Now you go to dingguofu to find dingguohou. If he is not in, you go to the training ground to find him and tell him everything. He will know how to do it." With that, Zhong Lijin ran outside.

After hearing this, Huang Yuan ran out to find Bai Liyi.

Here, Zhong Lijin doesn't care about riding a horse or a carriage. She runs directly to situ's house. The guard in front of the door won't allow her to go in.

"I'm Mrs. situ's younger brother. Please let me know if you have something to do with her." Then Zhong Lijin took out some silver tickets and put them in their hands.

"It was Mr. Zhong Li, so we put it in. You wait. I'll report it to you right away!" The bodyguard took the advantage and naturally went to work.

After a while, the bodyguard came back and said that Zhong Li Yaojing was willing to see her and asked her to sit in the yard.

As soon as Zhong Lijin listens to it, she follows the bodyguard inside. As soon as she enters the yard, she sees Zhong Lijin sitting in front of the stone table drinking tea in green clothes. When she sees Zhong Lijin coming, she smiles.

"Oh, today

What a day it is! You came to me

"Stop talking nonsense, where are people?" Zhong Lijin seldom talks with her more. He comes to the point and asks.

"Who? I don't know. " Zhong Li Yao Jing pretends not to know.

"Stop pretending. I know all about it. Today, no one has been to my yard except you." Zhong Lijin said coldly.

"I don't know. If you want to talk about flowers, I don't know what you say." Zhong Li Yao Jing a face you can Nai I what appearance say.

"You Zhong Lijin is angry to death, but he has nothing to do.

"If you don't hand it over, don't blame me for suing you in Dali temple." Zhong Lijin can only take the most direct method to this kind of rogue character.

"Do you have any evidence?" Zhong Li Yao Jing disdains the way, she is to see that acacia is taken away by her, no one see, so will be so arrogant.

"I don't know what you want to do, but you are really stupid." Zhong Lijin sneers.

"You Zhong Liyao Jing is stimulated by Zhong Lijin.

"Well, I do have her, but I'm afraid she's not as good as dead now. I heard that she used to be Huakui. You say that you can't enjoy such a beautiful woman yourself, and you can't let others enjoy it? The elder sister is very concerned about your younger brother, including your maid. " Zhong liyaojing laughs and makes Zhong Lijin angry. She didn't expect that Zhong liyaojing, a woman who is so disgusting and vicious, would do such a thing.

"You deserve to be in such a situation. No wonder situ Yan doesn't like women like you. He is pretentious, affectable and vicious. As long as he is a man with eyes, he won't marry you. If you do too much evil, he will fall to heaven. Even your children won't let go!" Zhong Lijin is also angry at what she says.

"You bitch! How can you say such a thing Zhongli Yaojing is so angry that she starts to play. Then she comes to Zhongli Jin and reaches out her hand covered with Codan and pinches Zhongli Jin.

Seeing this, Zhong Lijin quickly dodges. Unexpectedly, the servant girl on one side grabs Zhong Lijin. Zhong Lijin has to break away. In a panic, she pulls the mechanism of the jade bone fan in her hand to reveal the dagger at the end of the fan. Then she paddles back. Seeing that Zhong Lijin is holding a dagger in her hand, the servant girl releases her hand and dodges. Zhong Lijin suddenly lets go because of the servant girl, Lean forward.

Zhong Lijin only felt the world was spinning. Then she suddenly felt that her head was hit violently by something, and the warm water flowed to her face. Subconsciously, she stretched out her hand and touched it. Then she saw the bright red on her hand. First she was surprised, and then her consciousness gradually blurred. She vaguely saw Bai Liyi's plain robe, I heard the scream of Zhong Li Yao Jing and the roar of Bai Li Yi.

When Zhong Lijin wakes up, he hears Lin Ruqian's sobbing.

Zhong Lijin opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything.

"You've been in a coma for three days."

Zhong Lijin heard a familiar voice and wanted to move her head to look at the sound source. However, she found that her head seemed to explode. It was so painful that she couldn't help whining.

"Don't move. You hit your head on the stone table and shed a lot of blood." A hundred Li Yi Road.

"Xiang... Xiang... Si." Zhong Lijin said laboriously.

"Don't worry, young master. Acacia is OK." One side of Acacia said, only

Is Zhong Lijin can't see the fatigue and haggard on Acacia face.

Zhong Lijin was relieved and fell asleep again.

When Zhong Lijin wakes up again, Lin Ruqian holds her and cries for a long time. Zhong Lijin comforts her for a long time. Later, he learns from other servant girls that Lin Ruqian and Bai Liyi have been guarding her for four days, during which time they haven't had much rest.

Zhong Lijin has always been unable to get out of bed. As soon as she sits up, she feels that the whole world is whirling around and she can't walk down at all. So Zhong Lijin has been lying on the bed. Later, she hears the whole story from Acacia.

That day, Acacia was in the yard to make clothes for Zhong Lijin, but Zhong liyaojing came.

"See Mrs. situ." Although Acacia knows that Zhong Liyao Jing and Zhong Lijin are not on the same table, some of the etiquette they should have is still necessary.

"Are you that lovesickness?" Zhong liyaojing originally came to find Zhong Lijin to vent her anger, but unexpectedly, Zhong Lijin went out, so she could only vent her anger with acacia.

"Yes." Acacia replied, she knows that I'm afraid Zhong Li Yao Jing won't let her go.

"It looks good. Why? My brother hasn't given you a place yet? " Zhong Li Yaojing said with a smile.

"Lovesickness and childe are not that kind of relationship." Acacia frowned.

"No way! Zhong Lijin, that little beast Zhong liyaojing scolds, "she won't let you go. You and Zhong Lijin are really the same. They like to pretend! It's obvious that there are all dissolute people in my heart, but I have to pretend to be pure and high. I like it Zhong Li Yao Jing said maliciously.

Acacia is speechless. She didn't expect that Zhong Li Yaojing's words are so vicious that her younger brother won't let it go. She also said that she is a lady of a big family. She can't even compare with some shrews in the market. Acacia wants to turn around and leave, but Zhong Li Yaojing is still talking. What she says is more and more ugly. Acacia can't help opening her mouth.

"I didn't expect you to be so ill bred when you were still everyone's young lady."

"What are you talking about?" Zhong Li Yao Jing didn't expect that a little servant girl would dare to say that she was angry, so she was quickly arrested.

When they saw the situation, they were flustered and rushed to their own room. Unexpectedly, they broke the cup and covered their mouths and noses. They put it in a sack and were taken out by Zhong Li Yaojing. Huang Yuan didn't find it. When people on the road saw it, Zhong Li Yaojing also said that he was carrying some miscellaneous things, Maybe it's true that no one doubts or is afraid of Zhongli Yaojing. Unexpectedly, no one doubts Zhongli Yaojing, so he is lost in the carriage.

When the carriage stopped, Acacia thought that she would be put down too. Unexpectedly, the carriage stopped and started again. Acacia probably guessed that the carriage should be in situ's house.

After a while, the carriage stopped again, this time Acacia was lost.

When Acacia comes out, they see two big men. They throw her into a room and then stare at her.

"I didn't expect us to be so lucky. Today we have to perform well. We can't let my wife down!" One of them had a disgusting smile on his face, and his eyes were naked. He had been staring at Acacia, as if he wanted to take off her clothes with his eyes.

There was a sense of despair in acacia's heart. She kept retreating. When she had something on hand, she picked it up and threw it at the two big men. The big man just regarded it as fun and waved away the things that Acacia had thrown.

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