"I think you'd better lie down! In order not to blame our brothers for not being gentle enough later! " Said one of the great men.

"Disgusting Acacia evil cold way, Acacia side back, suddenly touched a thing on the hand.

Acacia will quickly pick up the things at hand, aiming at two people, that is a pair of scissors, she has a plan in her heart, if she can't escape today, she will die here directly, also don't want to let other people touch her body!

"Disgusting? It's time for you to shout The big man said with a wild smile.

"Ha ha, what else did you say to her! Go straight ahead Another big man is not willing to lag behind, said with a smile.

"Get out of here!" Acacia while waving scissors, while shouting.

One of them rushed up with a lunge, grabbed acacia's wrist, and then grabbed the scissors.

Acacia only feel empty hand, and then he was lifted up, thrown to the bed, just want to sit up, but was a press, and then a hand to grasp her clothes, Acacia panic pulled out a hairpin from the hair, and then forced to the big man's hand, suddenly the big man's wound gushed out a lot of blood.

"Ah The man let out a cry of pain, then let go of his hand and backed away.

Seeing this, another man came forward to inspect the wound of the man, tore the cloth from himself, and then bandaged him.

Acacia saw this and ran out, finishing his clothes while running.

Naturally, the big man realized that he had run away and wanted to chase him. But thinking of his brother's injury, he decided to bandage him first.

Just when Acacia was in a panic, the two men caught up. Acacia could only run with all their lives. Acacia, who had already lost her strength, was running with her own instinct. After a while, Acacia fell on the road, and the two men just caught up.

"Hum, you bitch! Now look where you're going! I have to kill you The wounded man said ferociously and came to Acacia.

Acacia knows that she can't avoid it, but she is still unwilling to give up. She feels the stone in her hand. Acacia just wants to take it up and smash it on the big man's head. Suddenly, two people in black appear in front of her.

"Who are you?" The man was surprised by the appearance of the two men in black.

"Who cares about your business? As long as you know, you will die soon. That's enough." As soon as the words came to an end, the man in black pulled out his sword at his waist. Acacia felt a flash of white light in front of him. Then he heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. He saw that the heads of the two men had fallen to the ground, and their bodies were still the same as before.

"I don't know what to do." The man in Black said coldly, "take the man away."

"Who are you?"

Acacia just asked the exit, was one of the people in black stun.

"Talk a lot." The man in black, who had just opened his mouth, said, "send the man back."

Another man in black picked up Acacia and put it on his shoulder. Then they left, leaving only the heads and bodies of the two men and the blood on the ground.

"As for the young master, when I came back, I saw that the LORD was carrying the young master on his back, and his head was full of blood." The look of Hou Ye was very flustered, and the panic in his eyes was obvious. It didn't look like between brothers or friends, but it was like between lovers. At that time, there was a guess in acacia's heart, but Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin didn't say anything, and naturally she wouldn't say much


"What about Zhong Li Yao Jing?" Zhong Lijin curiously asked, this woman is too vicious, should be punished.

"Well, I'm not sure. I just heard that I was arrested by the marquis." Acacia shook his head.

"Well, I see. You go down first." Zhong Lijin said.

Zhong Lijin's mind is recalling some things that happened before, suddenly Acacia came again, with panic and fear on her face.

"What's the matter? "Acacia?" Zhong Lijin doubts a way.

"Childe, situ family..." Acacia looked at Zhong Lijin and said, "situ family has been destroyed..."

"What! Have you killed the door Zhong Lijin is shocked.

"Yes, no one in the family survived, but the servants were spared."

"No one survived..." Zhong Lijin whispered. Was it made by Bai Liyi? Or other enemies of situ family?

"Did you hear who did it?" Zhong Lijin asked.

"No, it's just that some people say it was made by Marquis Ding..." Acacia said.

"No way, he won't do such a thing." Zhong Lijin naturally didn't believe it.

Zhong Lijin thinks about it for a long time, then suddenly remembers Zheyun Pavilion and yunyeya. With the strength of Zheyun Pavilion, it's not difficult to wipe out situ's family. If you think about it like this, you can think of all these things.

Here, bailiyi got the news almost when the first person found out that the situ family had been destroyed. He knew that it was made by zheyunge, but it was cheap for Zhongli Yaojing.

"Send Zhongli Yaojing back!" A hundred Li Yi Road.

"Yes." There's a secret guard.

Dark Wei sends Zhongli Yaojing back to Zhongli mansion after she faints. It's a day later when Zhongli Yaojing wakes up and knows that situ mansion has been destroyed. When she knows the news, her first thought is to find Zhongli Jin.

"Zhong Lijin, get out of here!"

Zhong Lijin was resting when she heard someone shouting outside. It was Zhong liyaojing who didn't want to pay attention to the sound. However, Zhong liyaojing kept yelling and scolding outside, and the more she scolded, the worse it became. Because of the secret guard arranged by Bai Liyi, Zhong liyaojing couldn't get in. In a hurry, she could only stand at the gate of the yard and scold like a shrew, Dark Wei has no choice but to let her go.

Zhong Lijin really can't listen any more, let dark Wei put people in.

"What's the matter? You came here early in the morning to curse? " Zhong Lijin said coldly.

"Don't you know what you do? Isn't the extermination of situ mansion related to you? What a cruel heart you are Zhong Li Yao Jing's face roared ferociously.

"What proof do you have that I did it? Do you have a brain? I don't know how you grew up. When something happened, you doubted me. How much you love situ Yan! He killed your child, you don't know, and you go to suspect others! Don't blame God for his unfairness to you Zhong Lijin is really tired of Zhong Liyao Jing, and he has to bear a headache and scold.


Zhong Liyao Jing has never seen Zhong Lijin like this. In her eyes, Zhong Lijin never loses her temper, which is one of the reasons why she has been arrogant. But now Zhong Lijin's words make her a little uneasy. In fact, she knows in her heart that her abortion has nothing to do with Zhong Lijin. It's because of situ Yan, which she overheard, but she just won't be reconciled, Why can Zhong Lijin live better than her

??? Why did Zhong Lijin become a close friend with Bai Liyi and a servant of the prince? And she can only be reduced to the present situation?

"Ha ha, I don't know what you came here for today, but what I want to tell you is that you made your own end today." Zhong Lijin said coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Zhong Li Yao Jing turns her head.

"Whatever you want! Now I'll just trouble you to get out. " Zhong Lijin said impolitely.


Zhong liyaojing was upset when she saw that she was starting to rush out. She wanted to go out like this. Suddenly, she saw Zhong Lijin's head turned away and her white neck appeared. She pressed her hand on the temple and kneaded it back and forth. A vicious idea suddenly appeared in Zhong Liyao Jing's mind. If Zhong Lijin disappeared from the world, it would be good, Zhong liyaojing does this, and walks to Zhong Lijin with a ferocious face. Because Zhong Lijin's back is facing Zhong liyaojing, Zhong Lijin doesn't see Zhong liyaojing's action at all.

"You... You... Zhong..." Zhong Lijin suddenly felt that her neck was pinched and turned her head. It was Zhong liyaojing. Zhong Lijin's face was red and she could not speak again. She had to struggle desperately. Her fingernails were stabbed into the flesh of Zhong liyaojing's hand, but Zhong liyaojing didn't let go, Zhong Lijin is pinched so that she turns her eyes. Just when Zhong Lijin thinks she can't live, she suddenly hears a familiar voice.

"What are you doing?"

Then Zhong Lijin feels that the person on her body is pulled apart, and her neck is also loose. Zhong Lijin gasps and coughs, like a dying fish.

"Take her down to the palace." Yuwen flame cold voice way, he originally came to see Zhong Lijin today, didn't expect to encounter this kind of situation, fortunately he came over, otherwise the consequence is unimaginable.

"Come here, please come here!" Yu Wenyan yells, he comes forward to pour a glass of water to Zhong Lijin, and then pats her on the back to let her go.

After a long time, Zhong Lijin recovered. The doctor also came and felt her pulse. Then he said that she was just frightened. The wound on her head cracked and was bandaged again. Then she left.

"What's going on?" Yu Wen Yan asks a way.

Zhong Lijin didn't expect that Zhong Liyao Jing would do such a thing and said it again.

"What a wicked woman Yu Wen Yan spat a way.

"Thanks to you, otherwise there would be no Zhong Lijin in the world." Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

Just as Yu Wenyan wanted to say something, Bai Liyi came in, with a little flustered on his face.

"Clock away!"

"Hundred miles." Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi, "what's the matter?"

"How dare you... Zhong Li Yao Jing treat you like this!" Bailiyi saw that there were some red fingerprints on Zhong Lijin's white neck, which set off her white skin. Bailiyi was very angry and wanted to tear Zhong Lijin to pieces.

"Uncle, don't worry, Zhong Li Yaojing will not come to a good end. I have asked people to report what she did today to the Minister of Dali temple. He will give Zhong Li Yaojing the punishment she deserves." Yu Wen Yan way.

"Never let her go."

Zhong Lijin had never seen Bai Liyi's indifferent expression before. He was moved by Bai Liyi's concern for her, but also thought of his identity and his unclear relationship with him.

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