After that day, Zhong Lijin didn't see Zhong liyaojing again. It was said that she was put into the prison of the Ministry of punishment. The crime was intended to murder her brother. In fact, the crime was not so serious. However, because Bai Liyi and Yu Wenyan specially cared for it, people in Dali temple would naturally pay more attention to it.

Bai Jinghong and Bai Zhaoying both came to see her. When they heard about it, they were all angry, especially Bai Zhaoying. Since the sacrificial ceremony, they were also thrown to the training ground, so Bai Zhaoying seldom came to find Zhong Lijin. Unexpectedly, they had a chance to have a rest and heard such news.

"I'm going to kill her!" Bai Zhaoying gritted his teeth.

"No, she's got what she deserves." Zhong Lijin pacifies the way, in fact, she likes Bai Zhaoying this girl, straightforward, Zhangyi.

"That's not enough! Such a woman! How vicious Bai Zhaoying has been living in the military camp for a long time. Most of the people there are straight men, so Bai Zhaoying naturally hates Zhong Liyao Jing, a woman who is used to playing tricks, especially those who hurt her heart.

"It's OK. There's no need to be angry about her." Zhong Lijin comforted.

Bai Zhaoying sees that Zhong Lijin comforts her so tenderly. She can't help saying that she is more and more powerful. Zhong Lijin only regards her as a result of her temperament and comforts her all the time. Bai Jinghong can't see it anymore. He takes Bai Zhaoying out, regardless of her struggle and resistance. When she goes out, she gives Zhong Lijin an apologetic look.

When Zhong Lijin saw that they had gone out, she laughed and stood up, intending to go out for a walk. After all, she had been lying in bed for so many days and was not comfortable.

Not long after she left, she heard that Zhong liyaojing was looking for her. After hearing this, Zhong Lijin was stunned. She didn't expect that Zhong liyaojing would come to her again. For a moment, she didn't respond. She was hesitating whether to go or not. Then she heard Zhong liyaojing's voice. From a distance, Zhong Lijin came to the door and saw that Zhong liyaojing was dressed in light blue and her hair was simply pulled, Only fixed with a wooden hairpin, with a clean face and no powder, Zhong Lijin was surprised to see that Zhong Liyao Jing was quite different on the peaceful day.

"Let her come!" Zhong Lijin opens her mouth and asks dark Wei to let her come.

Unexpectedly, the two dark guards hesitated, and then they still didn't let Zhong Li Yao Jing come.

Zhong Lijin's eyebrows were very similar to Bai Liyi's.

"Then I'll go!" Zhong Lijin then goes to Zhong Liyao Jing. The dark Wei wants to stop her, but he doesn't dare to move her.

"It's OK. You can watch it there." Zhong Lijin waved her hand with a smile and said, pointing to a stone table not far away.

Seeing this, they had to pass.

"See? They are afraid of you. " Zhong Lijin said with a smile.

"I know." Zhong Li Yao Jing said with a smile.

"Come on, what can I do for you?" Zhong Lijin doesn't talk nonsense with her any more. She asks directly.

"Big brother came to me and told me a lot of things, including you and him."


"I'm going to become a monk. I'm going to practice with my hair." With a smile on her face, Zhong Li Yaojing said, "I think I should think about some things. Of course, I still hate you as always."

Zhong Lijin is a little surprised, but he doesn't expect Zhong Liyao

Jing made such a plan.

"Me too. I hate you as always." Zhong Lijin said.

Zhong Li Yaojing smiles and turns to leave.

"Why do you say that to me?" Zhong Lijin suddenly asked.

Zhong Liyao Jing's back is dull for a while, and then Zhong Lijin hears Zhong Liyao Jing say.

"Because you are the only one in the world who can remember me except my mother."

Zhong Lijin was stunned. Looking at the back of Zhong Liyao Jing, she felt a little sad. Later, she heard that Zhong Liyao Jing was going to be locked up for a lifetime. LAN Fengjun's intercession was useless. Zhong Liyao Jing put forward it by herself. He wanted to become a monk in nunnery for a lifetime. Bai Liyi didn't agree, but later, he suddenly agreed. This is the scene today.

Zhong Lijin never thought that Zhong liyaojing would suddenly make this decision, just like Zhong Litan before, although she didn't think that Zhong liyaojing and Zhong Litan could get along with each other peacefully, because some things were destined by nature. Since Zhong liyaojing hated her to the bone, she would not make up so easily. She understood that she would not force her, After all, she and Zhong liyaojing are not in the right place.

"I, jing'er, how can I suddenly be so upset that I want to become a monk?" LAN Fengjun holds the departing Zhong Li Yaojing and cries.

"Mother, isn't that good? This cell is damp and dirty. Isn't it nice in a nunnery? It's all for a lifetime. Why don't you choose a better place? " Zhong Li comforts Yao Jing.

"Zhong Lijin! It's all her! Or you don't have to be locked up for life! What's wrong with you? Why do you want to be locked up for a lifetime? It's not because of her! I hate my own power for my mother! Otherwise, I'll let her taste it, too! " LAN Fengjun said maliciously.

"Niang, all these things have passed, so don't mention them any more. That's it!" Zhongli Yaojing doesn't want to say more, but just comforts LAN Fengjun.

LAN Fengjun saw that she didn't want much, so he had to change the topic and told her. Then he and Zhong Litan sent her to the carriage and watched her leave. They both came back.

Zhong Litan didn't expect that his always arrogant and pampered sister would choose to take this road. He just hoped that she would really like to open up like him. Don't be persistent any more.

It's a month and a half later when Zhong Lijin gets better, but the real murderer of the massacre has not been found out. For a moment, people in the court are worried that when their family will be destroyed.

"Emperor, I think this matter should be strictly investigated." A minister came forward.

"Where is the Minister of Dali temple?" Yu Wenyu said.

"Weichen is here." The Minister of Dali temple came out.

"How's the case going?" Yu Wen Yu asked.

"Back to the emperor, I can't find out." The Minister of Dali temple said with some shame on her face, "no matter how I investigate, I can't find any clues. The criminal will deal with the scene clean. I've searched for it with others, and I'm ashamed that I don't have any clues."

With that, the Minister of Dali Temple knelt down.

"What's the use of raising you?" Yu Wenyu Enron is furious.

The ministers below were as silent as a cicada, and none of them dared to speak.

"Come on! What do you say? " Yuwen Yu looks around first, then points to Yuwen guanye and says.

Yuwen guanye didn't expect that he had tried hard to hide himself, but he was caught by Yuwen. Yuwen guanye originally blamed situ Yancai for this. He made Zheyun Pavilion think that it was situ Yan who hurt yunyeya. He thought that it was situ Yan who Zheyun Pavilion wanted to take revenge on. He didn't expect that Zheyun pavilion would destroy situ's family, and he was afraid for a while, He was afraid that the people of Zheyun pavilion would come to him for revenge, so although he was standing in the hall, he was uneasy. When yuwenyu called him, he didn't react. Until he felt that the atmosphere in the hall was not right, he found something wrong and looked at the people in the hall.

"Father King..."

"Tell me, what are you thinking?" Yu Wen Yu suppresses anger way.

"Er Chen is thinking about the case of the extermination of Si Tu mansion." Yuwen guanye racked his brains to come up with an excuse. Unexpectedly, he just ran into it. Seeing Yuwen Yu's face softened, Yuwen guanye was relieved.

"Tell me, what do you think of?"

Yuwen guanye calms down, and then he opens his mouth.

"The son Chen thinks that he has the strength to destroy the situ family. Naturally, he has a certain strength and status. He also has a grudge against the situ family, but he doesn't want to be scolded, so he lets go of the servants in the situ house..." Yu Wenguan says.

Yuwen guanye thought Yuwen Yu would scold him for being ridiculous, and the ministers around him would also be dissatisfied with him. Unexpectedly, bailiyi came out to support him.

"Emperor, Weichen thinks that what the great prince said is very true, which shows that the great prince has investigated this case. Therefore, Weichen proposes that the great prince be responsible for this matter." A hundred Li Yi Road.

After hearing this, Yuwen guanye is surprised. How can he be responsible for this! This matter has nothing to do with him. Let him investigate it. If Zheyun Pavilion finds out, he will die. If he finds out whether the murderer is dead, he will be far away from the throne. Anyway, it's not a good choice. He can't help but look at bailiyi. It's all his bad ideas, Otherwise, he doesn't have to face this situation!

"That's what I think. Since you have said that, it's up to you, guanye. Don't let me down!" Yu Wenyu said earnestly.

"My son is afraid of..." Yuwen guanye wants to shirk.

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid before you go to war? " Yu Wen is dissatisfied with the way.

"I think it's better for Duke Ding to do this thing..." Yuwen guanye hopes Yuwen Yu can change his mind.

Yuwen Yu looks at Yuwen guanye's appearance of shirking. He is a little disappointed. As soon as he wants to scold him, bailiyi begins to speak first.

"Prince, this is your fault. I'm just a martial arts man. How can I understand these things? What's more, people are convinced that the prince's analysis is correct just now. Now the prince is shirking it. Doesn't the prince have no idea that what he just said is just nonsense? " Bai Li Yi's words can be said to drive Yu Wen Guan ye into a desperate situation. If Yu Wen Guan Ye does not agree, he will admit Bai Li Yi's words.

"Of course not." Yuwen guanye quickly denied it. Yuwen guanye clenched his teeth and said, "my son takes orders."

With that, yuwenyu's face is better, and the ministers who support yuwenguanye are relieved.

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