After retiring, Bai Li Yi comes to the dark faced Yu Wen Guan Ye.

"Your Highness, the emperor has high hopes for you. Don't let him down!" Bai Liyi said with a smile.

"That's nature." Yu Wenguan's appearance of smiling makes Bai Liyi feel relieved.

Yuwen guanye looks at Bai Liyi's back and squints.

"It's not sure who will win!" Yuwen guanye whispers.

"It's raining hard!" Zhong Lijin whispered.

"Come inside, don't get wet by the rain outside." Acacia way.

Standing in front of the window, Zhong Lijin didn't know what she was thinking. Her face was not very good. When she heard the question of Acacia, she didn't have any reaction. It seemed that she didn't feel the existence of Acacia at all.

"Young master? What's the matter? " Acacia feel strange, come forward to ask.

At this time, Zhong Lijin's expression became relaxed again, as if she had just figured out something.

"Acacia, I'm fine. I'm fine." Zhong Lijin smiles.

Finish saying, Zhong Lijin takes an umbrella to go outside, regardless of the eyes of Acacia, straight to Lin Ruqian's yard.


Lin Ruqian was chatting with her servant girl in her room when she saw that Zhong Lijin was coming. She seemed to have something to say to her, so she waved to her servant girl to go down.

"What's the matter? It's raining so hard. How did you get here? "

"Mother, jin'er thought about something and wanted to go out alone to experience." Zhong Lijin said.

"Going out alone?" Lin Ruqian said, "no, I'm not sure. How big do you think it is? It's so dangerous to go out alone. "

"It's all right. Jin'er has a sense of propriety. Think about it. My cousin was so old that he went out alone." Zhong Lijin guessed that Lin Ruqian would not agree, so she thought of many reasons to convince Lin Ruqian.

In fact, she didn't go out for any experience, but because of Bai Liyi. She felt that she was still young, and she couldn't tell what was like and what was worship. She probably didn't like Bai Liyi, but just adored him. She didn't like anyone in her past and present life, so she didn't know whether she really liked Bai Liyi, so she wanted to go out to have a look, See if she will feel the same way when she meets a better one.

"Can you be the same as Zichen? He is different from you. If something happens to you, what do you want me to do? " Lin Ruqian does not agree with Zhong Lijin's decision.

"Mother, don't worry. I have a sense of propriety." It took Zhong Lijin a long time to let Lin Ruqian agree.

"When are you going out?" Lin Ruqian exhorted for a long time, and then remembered the problem.

"I'm going to spend two or three days." Zhong Lijin returned.

Zhong Lijin didn't expect to go out at any time. She just wanted to go out early.

This is Yuwen guanye's mansion.

"Damn it

The familiar curse came out of the study, and then the familiar broken sound of the teacup.

"Zuochi, come in!" Yu Wenguan yells.

"Yes." Zuochi replied.

The left pool outside the door immediately went in.

"You, go and deal with this and find a scapegoat." Yuwen guanye now tells zuochi in the debris of the ground.

"Yes, but master... Where are you

What the main hall said... "Zuochi is helpless. Where can he find the powerful people to be the scapegoat?

Yuwen guanye is stunned. What he says in the main hall is too full. If the scapegoat he is looking for is different from what he says, isn't he going to lift a stone and hit himself in the foot? But where did he go to find such a force? Do you want to give up Zheyun Pavilion directly? Yuwen guanye thinks for a long time, but at last he has no choice and makes a decision.

"In this case, help them, wipe all the traces clean, and let the case become an unfinished one."

"Yes." Zuochi answered, then turned around and went out to do business.

"Bailiyi, you can push me to this point." Yuwen guanye grits his teeth.

This day, Zhong Lijin is taking a rest, Acacia will call her up.

"Young master, it's time to have lunch."

Zhong Lijin kneaded her bleary eyes and sat up.

"Well, bring it to me!"

When Acacia cloth good chopsticks, Zhong Lijin yawned over.

"How come you are always sleepy recently?" Acacia frowned.

"I don't know. I went to bed early at night and took a nap during the day, but I still feel sleepy." With that, Zhong Lijin yawned again.

"Is there something wrong with the body? Shall I call for a doctor? " Acacia is really worried.

"Don't be so troublesome. It's hard to avoid the lack of spring and autumn." Zhong Lijin comforted, "what's more, how can I be so delicate? I'll call a doctor for this matter. "

"Well, well, since you don't want to go, I won't say anything more. Just remember to say it when you feel uncomfortable. Don't worry about it." Acacia can't talk about it, so she has to give up.

"Come on, eat. Don't talk about the unhappy things."

Zhong Lijin sat down and gave her the cloth with acacia.

"Has the kitchen changed recently? Why does the food taste different from before? " Zhong Lijin frowned and said.

"Yes? I'm eating the same as before. Maybe the cooks of the gentlemen have changed. " Acacia is a servant in zhonglifu, which is different from what they eat.

"How can there be celery in this dish?"

Zhong Lijin suddenly turns out a pile of celery from a dish. She never eats celery. This is what the cooks of Zhong Lifu all know. The cooks of Zhong Lifu have to know what they should avoid and what they like to eat. How can they make such a mistake? And Acacia said there was no change of cook.

"Acacia, when cooking tonight, you go to the kitchen to have a look." Zhong Lijin frowned.

"Yes." Acacia also feel strange, should come down.

In the evening, Acacia was a little earlier than the time when she usually served. It turned out that the cook for Zhong Lijin and others was not the old cook, but a middle-aged man. Although Acacia didn't come long ago, she didn't see this man. Acacia was a little strange, but she didn't have much doubt, After all, it's normal to change cooks, so Acacia didn't think much about it, just wanted to leave, but suddenly saw that the cook poured something into the pot. It was a white porcelain bottle, not a salt pot. After the cook poured it, he put the white porcelain bottle away, put it back in his arms, and then took up the shovel to stir fry the dishes in the pot for several times

This down, finished a few dishes on the side, should be waiting for Acacia to come to serve.

Acacia pretended to have just come and took the food back as usual.

"What's the matter?" When Zhong Lijin saw acacia's face, it seemed that something was wrong and confused.

"Childe, this dish..." Acacia wants to talk.

Zhong Lijin heard this, plus see Acacia in the hands of the food box, probably understand the meaning of Acacia.

Acacia closed the door and told her what she saw in the kitchen. Zhong Lijin's face changed after listening to it. Then he told Acacia to pack the food in the food box separately and let her send it back later.

When Acacia went out to send things back, Zhong Lijin secretly sent out the other loaded food. When Zhong Lijin came back, her face was black.

"Young master?" Acacia surprised.

"I just showed the dish to my master. There are slow, sexual and poisonous drugs in the dish. This medicine is called" Shen'an ". After taking this medicine continuously, you will be drowsy. Then you can't wake up and you will die in your sleep."

After listening to Acacia, I was surprised, because Zhong Lijin was particularly sleepy these days.

"I know exactly who gave this medicine. I'll keep an eye on it in the kitchen in the future." Zhong Lijin said.

"Well, I see." Acacia has a dignified face. Although she understands the darkness of the big house, she doesn't expect LAN Fengjun to be so vicious.

Zhong Lijin guessed that it was LAN Fengjun's hand at the first time when she knew about it. It was only for her daughter Zhong liyaojing. She could understand that she was for her daughter's heart, but what did it have to do with her? It's all about putting all the accounts on her. How can she be bullied? This account must be calculated with her LAN Fengjun.

In the next few days, Zhong Lijin pretended not to know the same thing, and still ate the food from the kitchen. In fact, she let Acacia pour out all the food. She stayed at home and was in the room every day, either sleeping or reading. Anyway, she looked decadent.

"Madam, she has been sleeping in the room these days. She is staying at home. It's estimated that..." Lan Fengjun's maid said.

"Hum, she deserves it. Zhong Lijin made my son become a monk and my daughter become a monk. Fortunately, tan'er is sensible and knows that he will inherit the family business after all. He just doesn't know what kind of ecstasy Zhong Lijin has given them. They all talk to her and say good things for her!" LAN Fengjun said fiercely, her face became a bit ferocious. She had hated Zhong Lijin and Lin Ruqian. Now Zhong liyaojing was forced to become a monk and couldn't come back all her life, which made her hate Zhong Lijin to the bone. That's why she changed the kitchen cook and chose this method. Although it's not good, it's enough, What she wanted was for Zhong Lijin to disappear from the world.

"Don't worry, she can't escape this time." The servant girl comforted.

"I won't let her escape, either." LAN Fengjun said with a ferocious smile.

A few days later, LAN Fengjun heard the news that Zhong Lijin was in a coma. He asked many doctors to find out the reason. Moreover, his breath became weaker and weaker. It seemed that he was about to die at any time. Lin Ruqian and Acacia stayed by her side day and night for fear that she would die. LAN Fengjun also came to see Zhong Lijin lying there, pale and dying, A pair of seriously ill appearance, in the heart then put down a big stone, she pretends a pair of concern appearance, comforted Lin Ru Qian a few words, then left.

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