There is no way, in bailiyi so "indifferent" attitude, Zhong Lijin had to rest his mind. In fact, Zhong Lijin probably knew something in her heart, but she knew it was one thing, and it was another thing to say it from bailiyi.

Although Zhong Lijin has been a man for more than ten years, in essence, she is still a daughter's family. As a daughter's family, she should be careful.

Unconsciously, the carriage that Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi took had already driven out of the city gate, that is to say, they were already outside the city.

Because Zhong Lijin himself seldom had a chance to come out before, and as long as she went out, there would be some annoying things like this and that, not to mention that most of Zhong Lijin had something to do when she wanted to go out. Therefore, Zhong Lijin didn't have the mind and time to put on the surrounding environment.

However, this time is not the same, this is the first time that Zhong Lijin has nothing to do, it's all because she went out to play. Well, in Zhong Lijin's mind, we can use the word "play" to describe this trip.

So, Zhong Lijin took the initiative to lift the curtain beside the carriage, as if to see the scenery outside the city. I don't know where bailiyi plans to take Zhong Lijin this time. As time goes by, the carriage is going to less and less crowded places, and the direction is also more and more remote.

However, because of this, the surrounding environment is getting better and better, green trees are everywhere, and many people need to raise their heads to see the top. In addition, Zhong Lijin even found some rare plants.

As a doctor, Zhong Lijin couldn't stay in the carriage any longer. I don't know if she is too excited. Zhong Lijin seems to have forgotten. At this time, she is not alone in the carriage.

Shout "stop", stand up, lift the curtain, jump down, such a series of actions like flowing water, without a trace of pause. This kind of Zhong Lijin has no time for Baili to react.

And Zhong Lijin's actions without warning also made Baili chess jump. You know, although Zhong Lijin had just called "stop", the coachman didn't hesitate to stop the horse after hearing Zhong Lijin's "stop".

However, the point is that the carriage did not stop steadily at this time, and Zhong Lijin jumped down regardless of anything. Although there should be no substantial harm, who can guarantee 100% safety?!

All of a sudden, Baili Yi's heart is a burst of anger, but it is not angry Zhong Lijin, but angry himself, angry that he did not consider this trip carefully.

Mingming has been on this road for so many times, and he knows Zhong Lijin's attitude towards this rare herb. How can he not let Zeyi and them pick one in advance, so as to avoid such things.

At this time, Baili chess, I don't know what's going on, magnified the fact that it was a trivial matter in Zhong Lijin's eyes. Not only that, but also he put all the responsibilities on himself.

I don't know, if these let Zhong Lijin know, she will regret her seemingly no action before.

No matter who is angry in his heart, bailiyi quickly follows Zhong Lijin and rushes out of the carriage.

Because the speed of Bai Liyi's reaction is not very fast, when Bai Liyi rushes out, he just sees Zhong Lijin jumping down.

Seeing this moment, Bai Liyi, who has always been fearless, suddenly raised his heart as if he was worried about something important, such as the collapse of his country and his family.

Keke, if you only look at the look of Baili chess, this metaphor is more appropriate, but if you see Zhong Lijin, it is estimated that there will be some embarrassment.

At this time, the carriage was about to stop, so when Zhong Lijin jumped down, he just staggered because of some irresistible factors. Other things, such as sprained foot or knocked down, didn't happen.

In fact, Zhong Lijin is not so brainless and impulsive. She can really jump down when the carriage is still moving fast. You know, Zhong Lijin is a person who has been fighting for two generations in the backyard. How can she be like the one in Baili chess's heart? She has no brain at all?!

To tell the truth, in fact, bailiyi really treats Zhong Lijin as a woman and a lover of bailiyi. It is because of this that Baili chess regards Zhong Lijin as a person with insufficient intelligence and a porcelain doll that almost breaks when touched. At this time, Bai Liyi subconsciously made Zhong Lijin and Zhong Lifu look like chickens flying and dogs jumping.

As for Zhong Lijin at this time, she didn't think as much as bailiyi. Cough, at this time, she was full of these precious medicines in front of her eyes.

Looking closely at Zhong Lijin's eyes, no matter who, as long as they are not blind, they are almost able to see the light in them. You can also see the excitement in Zhong Lijin's heart. In fact, if anyone who knows these herbs can see what is in front of Zhong Lijin's eyes at this time, it is estimated that it will have the same performance as Zhong Lijin. No, it should be bigger than Zhong Lijin's reaction.

Looking at the figure that Zhong Lijin suddenly becomes busy, bailiyi's original irritable mood is slowly calming down.

Yes, bailiyi plans to take Zhong Lijin out this time. It's because there are so many things before that Zhong Lijin's life is not so beautiful.

Therefore, bailiyi had a "happy" discussion with those in the palace and was ready to hang out on their first day of marriage.

Although the current scene is not in the imagination of bailiyi, it can even be said that it was "frightening" at the beginning, seeing Zhong Lijin's happy appearance, bailiyi said that it was a small part of achieving his original goal.

If you think about it, you will feel better. So, bailiyi, Zeyi, Linxiang and others quietly look at Zhong Lijin, who is constantly working hard. I watched her break one from time to time

From time to time, a plant is pulled up by its roots.

It's really not that Zeyi and Linxiang don't want to help. The main reason is that they can't do it. If it's simple bandaging, they can still use it. They can also distinguish common wound medicine. However, the problem is that the herbs in front of them are unusual.

Since these herbs can make Zhong Lijin, who has been living for two generations, so unable to control herself, it is natural that they are unusual. So, as a rookie in the field of medicine, how can Zeyi and Linxiang help? It's more like helping!

As a result, Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi stayed in such an unknown place for a long time. Because Zhong Lijin and bailiyi didn't go out very early, bailiyi asked Zeyi to find something to eat around here after careful thinking, and everyone's meal was settled here.

This kind of thing, bailiyi and Ze have experienced a lot, so soon, Ze Yi with his game appeared in bailiyi and Zhong Lijin's sight. At the same time, Linxiang, who was assigned to pick up wood and other things, also came back.

Because Linxiang still has no experience in this aspect, the task of barbecue is ultimately put on Zeyi and bailiyi.

Are you kidding me? There are four people here: Zhong Lijin, bailiyi, Zeyi and Linxiang. Except Linxiang who can't barbecue, there are three people left. As a new favorite wife, bailiyi can't let Zhong Lijin do it, although he doesn't know whether Zhong Lijin will do it or not.

Oh, by the way, forget to say that before, although it was Zhong Lijin, she almost rushed to the carriage without a word of greeting.

However, he would not blame Zhong Lijin for his Baili chess, so he silently put part of the responsibility on the innocent coachman. He thought that it was because of the poor skills of the coachman that he could not stop the carriage in time after Zhong Lijin said "stop".

Because of this, the innocent coachman had no chance to explain, so he was sent back to Huiyuan Houfu. After that, Zeyi will take over the work of the coach.

With the passage of time, the game on Zeyi and bailiyi's hands began to diffuse more and more strong fragrance. For this point, Zhong Lijin also admired bailiyi, or the man who made the carriage in front of her.

At the beginning, Zhong Lijin was still worried. They didn't expect to have a meal on the road, so even if they had game, how could it be delicious without seasoning?!

But when Zhong Lijin was worried, she saw bailiyi quietly get back on the carriage and take out a series of seasonings for eating game.

In fact, at that moment, Zhong Lijin was surprised. Before in the carriage, Zhong Lijin just sighed about the degree of luxury, but did not find that there was something else in it. You can pull out several drawers at will, and there are also things that you need or need by chance.

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