Soon, Zhong Lijin found the seasoning she wanted in the car. These condiments are placed in small bottles and look extremely small. No wonder the carriage can hold so many things.

Zhong Lijin went to the barbecue place with small bottles, sat down and said, "your carriage is good! There are so many things in it. "

"It's inevitable. Now that we're all planning to come out, we must bring more things. " Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin in front of him and said with a smile, "you're out. You don't have these. I'll have to let people prepare more."

Unexpectedly, Bai Liyi's mind was so careful that he thought of these things.

Those game will send out some aroma after being barbecued, plus these delicious seasoning powder, it is a unique.

Zhong Lijin and bailiyi lie on the lawn together after dinner, watching the sunset.

"How beautiful! It's really beautiful. If you have time in the future, you have to take me here to watch the sunset often. " Zhong Lijin likes today's schedule very much, and also likes the free environment and atmosphere outside.

"Where are we going next? Go back? " Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi and said, "it's really good for us to come out as soon as we get married."

"What's wrong? It didn't last long. Aren't you interested in medicine? Just now I saw some precious herbs on my way here. Along the way, you can gather herbs and do some ordinary things. I'll hunt and play some game. Isn't that good? " Bailiyi takes Zhong Lijin into her arms, sniffs her breath and says, "it's late. It's time for us to leave."

"Well, well, I'm looking forward to where to go next!"

They got into the carriage together.

Just at dinner time, Linxiang and he chose one or two. After dinner, they went to other places to enjoy the scenery. They just came back.

"Master, don't we go back tonight? If someone knows, I'm afraid it's not good! "

"That's it

"What to be afraid of! It's just not going back for one night. If someone asks, it's just that something happened on the way back tonight. After all, I'm with bailiyi. What else can I do? " With a bad smile, Zhong Lijin looks at bailiyi and says, "Hey, what's up? It's time to show off! "

"Now? What does it show? " Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin and said, "have a good rest. If we go further, we can't find a place to stay. We may have to spend the night in the carriage tonight. Besides, someone has to take turns on duty at night."

As soon as we heard that we had to be on duty at night, we didn't dare to talk more. We just wanted to have a rest now.

But now, Zhong Lijin is really worried, "don't you really go back tonight? Where on earth do you want to take us? "

"Don't worry, it will be here soon. It's just that I've lost a lot of time eating there today. " Bailiyi comforted Zhong Lijin, "don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Well, I believe you."

The carriage went on, through a grove, to another road.

Here is a bamboo forest. In front of it is a hut. It looks as if no one lives there. But strangely enough, no one lives in a house that has been cleaned in perfect order.

Zhong Lijin, led by bailiyi, looked at the thatched cottage carefully and said, "it's so strange here! should

Let's live! Is it suitable for us to live here so rashly? "

"It's right, because I've had it built for a long time." Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin and said, "if one day we are tired of staying in the city, how about coming here for a few days? Every day I collect medicine, cook, and watch the sunset. "

I didn't expect bailiyi to have such a romantic idea. Zhong Lijin didn't know what to say, and her eyes were full of tears.

"Are these all the surprises you prepared for me? With this unique carriage and this hut? " Zhong Lijin can't believe that if she continues to live here, there will be other surprises and so on.

"Yes, it's not easy to get married with you. Of course I have to prepare well. Besides, it's all small things. As long as you can be happy, why not do it? " Bailiyi held Zhong Lijin in his arms and said, "don't worry, I will be there in the days to come."

Zhong Lijin wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and said with a smile, "you are really bad. You have kept it from me for so long."

"It's not a surprise, I don't know."

That night, Zhong Lijin and bailiyi lived in the hut. They had a romantic night together.

The next morning, when Zhong Lijin got up, bailiyi was already busy.

It's no better here than in the government. Everything has to be done by ourselves.

Bailiyi and the other two servants were already busy making breakfast, but Zhong Lijin just got up.

"I'm so sorry. I... I slept." Anyway, I am also a master. I should be a master.

Zhong Lijin is embarrassed to look at the two people outside, and then looks at bailiyi who is cooking very seriously. It's really heroic.

"I didn't expect you to cook?"

"A little, but not a lot. Let's stay here for a while this morning. We'll go at noon. We'll arrive at the mansion before sunset in the evening. Don't worry. The food will be ready soon. " Bai Liyi said.

Zhong Lijin came forward to help with a smile, "I'm not in a hurry. In fact, I'm not very hungry. I ate a lot of game yesterday! Ah, let's take some game with us when we go back this time! I think it's delicious. You can let the chef in the mansion cook it. "

"Well, you can get as many game as you want, if you want!" Bai Liyi said with a smile.

After breakfast, several people went hunting in the forest together.

At the bailiyi game site, some hunting tools were made out of wood, which was very easy to use. The two men were busy hunting, while the women were watching, sometimes helping.

This time out, Zhong Lijin really saw the skill of Baili chess. He can cook and make tools. He can do everything. Why didn't he find that he had these skills before?

The more I think about it, the sweeter I feel.

It's late, Zhong Lijin will play a good game to sort out, and then put on the car, a party ready to start back to the house.

Originally thought that the road does not stop, should be half an hour can arrive, who ever thought, unexpectedly met the robber on the road!

Several heroes of the green forest looked at the people in front of them with swords in their hands and yelled: "if you want to cross the road, you have to leave some money to buy road! Ladies and gentlemen, I'll give you a special price. It's a one hundred Liang silver. How about it? "

"Ridiculous, one hundred Liang! you

It's better to rob others. Do you think we look rich? " After Zhong Lijin said this, she regretted it.

Although they didn't bring much money, after all, they were well-dressed and the carriage was specially made, which was much more special than others.

Oh, that's stupid.

Zhong Lijin looked at you guys and said, "you guys, we really come to visit our relatives. We didn't have much money with us. In this way, I'll write you an IOU. How about going to the city and looking for us then? "

"Ridiculous, when we are stupid? If you really write this IOU, don't ask for money in the future, I'm afraid you'll kill us! Somebody! Tie me up

As soon as the words were finished, someone whispered to the hero. After that, several people sneered.

Zhong Lijin and bailiyi are ready to fight hard, but unexpectedly, they blow out the mystery, fantasy and medicine directly.

Zhong Lijin, who has studied medicine, naturally knows the power of this medicine. Once she is given it, she can't wake up in two or three hours.

No, I didn't take the antidote when I went out.

Zhong Lijin's reaction is very quick, just feel wrong, has already covered his mouth and nose with cloth, but still inhaled a little bit.

Seeing bailiyi being knocked down by someone standing beside her when she covered her mouth and nose with her hand, she was cruel. Her husband could bend and stretch, not to mention the little girl?

In the twinkling of an eye, Zhong Lijin fell to the ground and pretended to faint.

The bandits didn't care what their identities were at all. After they tied people up, they threw them into the carriage and even pulled them back to the stronghold.

Although Zhong Lijin is not so familiar with the surrounding terrain, she still knows a little about it. She has never heard of robbers here! What the hell is going on?

After the carriage entered the village, several people were thrown into prison by them.

Waiting for the watchman to go away, Zhong Lijin tries to wake up the people around her.

Zhong Lijin takes out all the powder on her body, but she just can't find the one that can solve the mystery, magic and medicine. She is in a hurry.

At this time, on the other side of the stronghold, the head of the robbery was talking to the creditor about the special function of the car, and all the people in the stronghold were very excited.

Zhong Lijin finally wakes Bai Liyi up and says to him, "we've been kidnapped! Think of a way quickly

"Well?" Bai Liyi calmed down and looked around. Then he realized that he was in the prison.

It's really enough. These bandits are really brave.

Bailiyi looked around and said to Zhong Lijin, "don't worry. Wake them up first. Let's have a long-term plan."

With that, bailiyi began to study the surrounding environment.

From the small window of the prison, you can see part of the stockade.

At this time, Zhong Lijin did not wake them up, and people came from outside.

Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijin have a good heart, and they are dizzy at the same time.

"Ah, please send this woman to the boss and let him see what a beautiful woman she is!"

"What's the identity of this man? If it's an ordinary lady, it's all right. If it's an official, the boss is not afraid of being chased by the government? "

"What are you afraid of! Our boss used to be a bandit in those years. What's so terrible! "

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