Zhong Lijin and Linxiang were rescued by bailiyi, and then they went back to their mansion to have a rest. After arriving at houye's house, Linxiang was arranged by the servant girl to have a rest in the wing room, while zhonglijin was called to his study by bailiyi.

Bai Liyi looked at Zhong Lijin, who had just changed clothes and looked beautiful and refined, and said, "do you know how dangerous it is today? If I show up half a minute later, you might die, you know? How can you not cherish your life so much? Even if you don't cherish it, you should think about it for me. What should I do if something happens to you? "

Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi and roared at him with fear. She couldn't help laughing. Bai Liyi was already furious. Seeing that he was so angry, Zhong Lijin could still laugh. He couldn't help but want to dig out Zhong Lijin's heart to see what it was made of and how he could be so heartless.

When bailiyi was on the verge of breaking out, Zhong Lijin suddenly put away her smiling face, looked at bailiyi gently, and said to him, "well, don't be angry. I know you are worried about my safety and I'm afraid of any accident, but now it's all over, isn't it?

And I'm still standing in front of you, isn't that enough? Let the past go. Why not be unhappy about the past? I don't like to see you angry. I like to see you smile. " Bailiyi looked at this kind of Zhong Lijin, and finally he had no choice but to smile.

But not long after Zhong Lijin had just married Bai Liyi, there was news in the palace that the emperor was seriously ill and was in crisis. And this one news spreads immediately let big prince and three princes disorderly feet. At the same time, it also makes the competition between the big prince and the third prince for the throne more intense.

But it is almost well known that the big prince and the third prince are fighting for the throne in the imperial palace. Now the emperor is seriously ill. Once the emperor does not know which day he will die, which Prince will inherit the throne becomes the key. This is the time when the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty should choose to stand in line.

What's more, all the civil and military officials in Manchu Dynasty think about standing in line. She doesn't know Zhong Lijin, but his father, Zhong Li, is the leader of his family. She knows Zhong Lijin very well. But his husband Bai Liyi is standing in the third prince's team, which can't help but make Zhong Lijin feel very embarrassed. But after all, it's hard to return to the dilemma. How did Zhong Li's family treat her at the beginning? He never forgot.

After washing, Zhong Lijin sits in front of the mirror with a green dress. The candlelight flickers against her white face, and a green silk is draped on her shoulder, which makes Zhong Lijin look more tender in the daytime. Even if it is washed out, it is also very beautiful.

This is the picture that Bai Liyi came in and saw. He just felt his heart move and some other tenderness.

Bai Liyi came up behind her and said, "what are you thinking about? So lost? "

Zhong Lijin quickly returned to her senses and saw Bai Liyi standing behind her in a suit of Chinese clothes. She could not help frowning, "are you out?"

"Yes! In this case, it would be a bit out of time for me to stay in my house quietly. " With that, Bai Liyi smiles, turns around and walks to the table. "I heard that you didn't use your dinner, but what are you worried about?"

What does Zhong Lijin know

You can't hide it from Bai Li Yi. There's no leisure in this house. Zhong Lijin sat opposite him, "I can't eat by myself. It's reasonable for the Marquis to go out every day. How can I eat safely?"

Bai Liyi listened to Zhong Lijin's words. Although he knew that it was hard to say whether they were true or false, they were also very useful. Since she said so, why don't you follow her? Bai Liyi nodded approvingly, "well, since that's the case, I can't live up to your kindness. Come on, set the table! "

Finish saying, the servant girl outside the house fish penetrate and put delicacies on the table in the hand.

Zhong Lijin suddenly looks at Bai Liyi in surprise. He regrets that he is just talking. Unexpectedly, Bai Liyi is still serious. The most important thing is that although you don't eat anything at dinner, it doesn't mean you want to eat at this time!

Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi awkwardly, "it seems that you are ready to tease me, or how can I just say that you are ready to let people set dinner?"

Zhong Lijin looked helplessly, picked up the wine pot and poured a cup, "although I can't eat anything, I'm still interested in drinking a few cups. How can you appreciate it?"

"Nature Bailiyi picked up the wine cup and drank it all. His eyes were a little deeper.

When Zhong Lijin saw him without saying a word, he knew that he was thinking about things. When he was in front of him, he seldom lost his manners. Zhong Lijin knew that there must be something important, so he sat quietly and didn't disturb him. After a long time, Bai Liyi began to speak.

"Jin'er, do you know who did that?"

"Which one?"

Bai Li Yi turned his eyes to Zhong Li Jin and said, "you know what I'm talking about, and you're still beating around the bush with me. It seems that if I don't punish you, you really don't know how powerful I am!" With that, bailiyi took zhonglijin's hand and took her into his arms, letting her sit on his lap.

It's true that this posture is somewhat ambiguous. Zhong Lijin's heart beats faster, but fortunately, she is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, not as shy as a general woman.

"What? It's a bit too much to punish you? " Hundred Li Yi evil spirit smile, with a kind of ambiguous atmosphere.

Zhong Lijin quickly stood up and left Bai Liyi's arms. "What are you talking about? The Marquis of the state is so unruly!"

Bai Liyi shook his head with a helpless smile? Is the love between husband and wife not serious? It seems that jin'er doesn't know what it's like when the Marquis is more unorthodox. "

"Bai Li Yi!" Zhong Lijin gouged out Bai Liyi and sat back on the chair, "but what happened? Look at you, it should be a bother. "

Bai Liyi nodded, "the emperor is in critical condition. The situation in the court is chaotic. At this time, neither you nor I can be alone. It seems that the whole process of Zhong Li's leaving home is in a whirlpool. Of course, this whirlpool is not only Zhong Li's leaving home, but also... "


"The atmosphere between the eldest prince and the third prince is very tense, and the struggle is becoming more and more fierce. Among them, Bai Liyi and Zhong Lijia are bound to stand on two opposite sides. As for you... Jin'er, although Zhong Li's family is not so kind to you, your surname is Zhong Li. I hope that if there is something really wrong, or it must be time to kill yourself, you can think about yourself

The position of the government. But you don't need to be burdened. No matter which side you choose, I won't embarrass you or blame you. It's your choice. I won't go against it. You know, for these things, you are more important! " Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin affectionately, these words he really is sincere.

Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi's look, and his deep eyes are full of shining light. Zhong Lijin knows that Bai Liyi's words are not against his heart. It's true that he thinks about himself like this. How can I let him down? Zhong Lijin smile, with a bit of cunning, "do you really think so?"

"Can I still cheat you?" Bai Liyi was asked by Zhong Lijin, and she was in a bad mood. After so long, didn't she believe in herself? How boring“ I have a lot to say. What's more, it's a man's business to fight for power and profit. It has nothing to do with women. I don't care if you get involved or not. I'll see who dares to do what to you when I'm in charge of my country! "

With a bright smile, Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi with a look of arrogance. He was a little proud in his heart. "In this way, I really feel that you are extraordinary and heroic."

Bailiyi reluctantly looked back at Zhong Lijin, but for a moment he was stunned. Against the pearly background, Zhong Lijin's original white face was more lustrous, with hazy lines, brilliant smile, and a little light in a pair of clear eyes. Such Zhong Lijin, take off the strong shell and indifferent look, do not have a gentle calm. At this moment, bailiyi even hoped that he could let Zhong Lijin's smile go on forever.

Bai Liyi was addicted to Zhong Lijin's eyes and held out his hand to Zhong Lijin's cheek. His warm touch made Bai Liyi's heart ripple and his tone soften. "No matter what, I don't want to change my mind. Jin'er, I don't marry you to have any relationship with Zhong Li's family, let alone to make Zhong Li's family difficult. "

Zhong Lijin lowers her head and spreads her smile in her heart. In fact, Zhong Li's family has always been on the side of the great prince, who is the eldest son of the emperor and has an extraordinary position in the court.

And bailiyi... Although Zhong Lijin never had a careful understanding of his position, she remembered that when she first met bailiyi, his clothes were dirty and she went to the third prince to change them. It can be seen that Bai Liyi had a deep relationship with the third prince, and no one else could match him.

If he was not in the third prince's camp, how could he be so arbitrary?

The fight for imperial power between the eldest prince and the third prince became more and more fierce. Naturally, Zhong Li's family and Bai Li Yi also followed suit. As the wife of the Marquis of Ding state, and bearing the surname and blood of Zhong Li's family, it's no wonder Bai Li Yi was worried about his position. It's a pity that I left home with Zhong

Zhong Lijin sneers at the bottom of her heart. Bai Liyi knows all about this, but he is still worried about himself. Zhong Lijin was very moved to hold Bai Liyi's hand. "Since Marquis Ding is so worried about me, I can't disappoint you either."

Bailiyi naturally recognized the ridicule in Zhong Lijin's tone and looked at her with a pick eyebrow, "so you have decided the camp?"

"Cut! What's the decision? " Zhong Li Jin white, he turned around, "I have never changed camp, OK? The so-called married from the husband, I am the Duke of the kingdom is the princess, how can help others reason. No matter what the final result is, I won't go back. You can rest assured. "

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