Zhong Lijin saw Bai Liyi's proud appearance, and he was not happy for a moment.

Looking straight at Bai Liyi sitting beside him, he picked his eyebrows and said, "I just like to drink. What do you want?"

Bai Liyi just laughed, took her empty bowl and gave her another bowl of soup.

"Since you like to drink, drink more, so that if you lose weight, others will say that I abuse my wife." Bai Liyi joked.

Zhong Lijin gave him a look and took the soup he handed over, but he was still happy in his heart.

This time, Zhong Lijin didn't drink soup, just put the bowl close to him, and reached out to lift it.

Zhong Lijin raised her eyes and looked at the dishes on the table.

Eight treasure duck in sauce, stewed bean curd with minced pepper and crucian carp, golden silk baby dish, pearl emerald shrimp

It's all her favorite dishes.

"Why don't you move your chopsticks?"

Seeing that she did not move, Bai Liyi began to clip a piece of tender meat from the belly of a fish for her.

Zhong Lijin chewed the meat in her mouth and asked Bai Liyi vaguely: "how can the kitchen move so fast? But it took a quarter and a half of an hour to cook so many dishes. "

Bailiyi gave her another piece of duck and then replied, "when you are in a coma, I'll ask someone to prepare the ingredients for these dishes in the kitchen. As soon as I tell you, several pots can cook together and pour quickly. I asked people to stew the wild mushroom chicken soup this morning. You're also lucky. If you don't wake up today, you won't be able to eat it."

Think of Zhong Lijin coma this period of time, his inner suffering, youyou relieved.

Zhong Lijin only thought that he was really lucky for himself, so she gave him a smile.

Zhong Lijin was supposed to enjoy bailiyi's service. Sometimes when he thought of it, he would give bailiyi some dishes.

When the stomach is full, Zhong Lijin starts to taste the soup bowl again.

Clear eyes a turn, did not take the left hand spoon head, a little doubt diffuse on the heart.

Just finished peeling a shrimp's hand for Zhong Lijin, the knuckles are clear. Bai Liyi cleans his oily fingers with a handkerchief, and then comes to see Zhong Lijin all the time.

"So you like my face so much?"

Zhong Lijin face a red, "no, I'm just thinking about something."

"Think about something? Staring at me thinking? Well The last syllable has a strong nasal sound.

Zhong Lijin simply put down the spoon, asked his doubts, "Bai Liyi, what happened to the big lady in the end?"

Bai Liyi would not let her go if the eldest lady did this to her.

Bai Liyi's face darkened when she mentioned the big lady.

"The end? It's good that she didn't break her up to pieces when she did this to you. "

Although Bai Liyi's tone was fierce, Zhong Lijin knew that it was because the eldest lady nearly killed her.

Zhong Lijin is the soft rib of Bai Liyi. The big lady moved his rib. How could the end be good.

"Her love for Zhong Litan is in the wrong way, which is the biggest culprit for their death."

"What? Is compassion overflowing? " Bai Liyi gave her a glance.

"It's not sympathy, it's just emotion."

She also didn't ask him how to deal with the big lady again. The end of the big lady was just death.

Seeing that bailiyi's face was not good-looking, Zhong Lijin flattered him and gave him a duck leg.

"Don't be angry." Zhong Lijin shakes his arm.

"I'm not angry. I'm just afraid you're too soft hearted. If someone bullies you later, you won't fight back."

"I'm so stupid

Is that right? Besides, who dares to bully me? Only you dare. You've killed all the other people who bullied me. "

Bai Liyi nodded with approval.

Well, only I can bully my women.

It was morning when they had enough to eat and drink.

Although Bai Liyi had slept for a while, it was good to lie in bed and chat with Zhong Lijin as long as he was close to him.

Zhong Lijin is full of food and sleepiness. Just as she is sleepy, she feels that a fire is constantly attacking her.

She opened her eyes in confusion and saw bailiyi's big hand swimming around her, fanning the flames.

"Well, bailiyi, don't make trouble." Zhong Lijin's soft refusal.

"You sleep. Don't worry. I won't touch you when you sleep." Bai Liyi's voice is a little hoarse.

Zhong Lijin wants to cry without tears.

Brother, what's the deal? Can you take your hands out first.

Then, Zhong Lijin still sleeps in a daze and lets Bai Liyi do mischief.

One night, Baili Yi, in addition to the last step, wiped Zhong Lijin clean.

When Zhong Lijin wakes up, Bai Liyi turns over and presses down.

"Hello! What are you doing? " Zhong Lijin was shocked.

"What do you think?"

"You said don't touch me!"

"I'm talking about when you're sleeping."


What else Zhong Lijin wanted to say was swallowed by Baili Yi.

He ate all the people with her.

Zhong Lijin was too shy to look at Bai Liyi, but then came Bai Liyi's low and magnetic voice, "my jin'er is so shy?"

Bai Liyi chuckled and turned Zhong Lijin's head back to face him.

"No, how can you do that?" Zhong Lijin clenched her fist and punched him in the chest. Du qizui gave him a look.

"Hahaha, we are husband and wife. Don't say that I only feed you. Even if it's a couple's gift, it's just a matter of course. That's not serious?" Bai Liyi feels funny, looking at Zhong Lijin's angry face, he has an impulse to pinch it.

And then he did.

Zhong Lijin angrily opened her mouth and bit away at his hand. Bai Liyi's hand suddenly shrank and didn't bite.

Zhong Lijin turned her lips and shook her head with regret.

Bai Liyi flicked his fingers gently on her bright and clean forehead. He was reluctant to exert himself.

"Cruel bad girl."

As soon as Zhong Lijin's eyes were lifted, he felt more and more distressed for Bai Liyi's bloodshot eyes. His eyes were red and full of tears. He didn't make any trouble with them.

Zhong Lijin holds up Bai Liyi's handsome face, caresses his tired eyebrows with soft hands, slides down his high nose, and finally falls on his chin with green stubble.

Heartache and guilt pour out, clench the lower lip, will cry out.

Bailiyi grabbed her hand that swam on his face and put it in his heart. She was a little relieved that she felt sorry for him. He said softly, "now you know that you have come to feel sorry for me?"

Zhong Lijin nods. Even if she just wakes up, she knows that he is always with him.

She suffered this disaster. He was afraid that she would have a shadow over it, so he kept diverting her attention and making her as happy as possible.

He is already very tired.

"Don't cry, it's all over." He put his chin on her shoulder.

She cried, and his heart was cut.

Zhong Lijin sniffed and nodded again.

Looking up at the sky outside, it's already dinner time, "jin'er, are you hungry?"

"Go to sleep. I'm not hungry. When you wake up, we'll have dinner together." Zhong Lijin put his head on his shoulder again, one hand hugged him, one hand gently stroked his head.

Bai Liyi didn't refuse, but the warm fragrance and soft jade were in his heart, and his sleepiness came.

Soon he breathed steadily and went to sleep.

Zhong Lijin had been sleeping for five days, but she didn't feel sleepy. Leaning on Bai Liyi, she began to think about what happened these days.

The fall of Zhong Li's family is too fast. When the prince's accident happens, it involves too much. All the families involved with the prince are dealt with.

Just now Bai Liyi told him that Zhong Lihan had been transferred to Nanman.

No matter what Zhong Lihan did to her, he was her father after all.

The land of Nanman is a gathering place of exiles. Nanman is synonymous with poverty, suffering and riots.

Zhong left home and moved there. They had enough of it.

Because of bailiyi's protection, she was able to escape the disaster.

Zhong Lijin sighed. She had already told Zhong Lihan that the eldest prince was short-sighted. He acted rashly and stood in his team. It was suicidal. He just didn't believe her and was exiled to Nanman. In the final analysis, he was responsible for it.

After a long time, Zhong Lijin thought emptily and thought a lot.

The man in his arms seems to move, Zhong Lijin bows her head.

Bai Liyi had been sleeping for such a long time, but he still held his hands tightly.

When she bowed her head, she was just staring at the sleepy eyes of Bai Li Yi.

Bai Liyi imprinted a soft kiss on her cheek, especially soft.

Zhong Lijin felt the stiffness of her body and the pain of her shoulder which was pressed by Bai Liyi just now.

Zhong Lijin said that she was in pain and wanted to cry, but on her face, she didn't show the expression of pain.

However, Bai Liyi is like a worm in her stomach. She knows everything.

Big hand gently rubbed her sore shoulder, some distressed said: "sorry, I sleep too long."

Probably because he just woke up, his low voice was a bit hoarse.

"You've done so much for me. It's not hard for me to make you a pillow for two hours."

The energetic Baili Yi came back, and Zhong Lijin was also happy. His small hand and his big hand held each other.

The time she spent with bailiyi was the happiest time in her life.

How lucky she is to meet bailiyi in this life.

Thinking about it, he also laughed.

Bai Liyi, curious, pinched her nose and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

Bai Liyi, curious, pinched her nose and asked, "what are you laughing at?"

"Guess what." Zhong Lijin deliberately played tricks with Bai Liyi, smiling with pride.

Bai Liyi looked at Zhong Lijin, and his mouth also raised a smile: "do you guess I guess?"

Zhong Lijin blinked, a little annoyed: "hate!"

Looking at Zhong Lijin's coy appearance, Bai Liyi laughed. Gently scraped Zhong Lijin's nose, said: "you first rest, I'll show you, how about the doctor's medicine."

"Well." Zhong Lijin nodded cleverly.

On the other hand, Lin Qianru was worried when she heard that Zhong Lihan was about to be transferred to Nanman. He wanted to go to bailiyi to plead, but he was struggling with how to open his mouth.

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