Suddenly saw in front of is walking fast maidservant, Lin Qianru heart head had an idea. He pinched the handkerchief tightly, bit his lip, raised his hand and cried, "wait a minute!"

Voice down, Lin Qianru two step by step to follow up, maid heard her cry, immediately stopped.

"This soup is for jin'er. If I have nothing to do, let me send it."

Lin Qianru said to her maid with a smile on her lips.

The maid nodded, handed the medicine to her and turned away.

Lin Qianru soon went to the yard, and bailiyi just took the porridge from the kitchen to go to see Zhong Lijin.

"Dingguo Hou, I..."

Lin Qianru looked at him and immediately said excitedly.

But the conversation was interrupted in the middle of it.

"There's nothing I can do about it."

Bai Liyi looked at Lin Qianru, who was standing opposite him with the decoction. He shook his head and said that he knew what she was going to say next. He couldn't help her in this matter at all.

If you force yourself to help, you will not succeed, and you will be misunderstood as a prince.

Then in the future, the emperor will be suspicious and take more precautions against himself.

Lin Qianru listened to his words, her eyes were full of doubts and doubts.

The purpose of her coming here is to let Bai Liyi help Zhong Lihan in the face of Zhong Lijin.

"It's impossible. I'm sure you have a way. There must be a way for the master not to be transferred to the land of Nanman!"

Lin Qianru stepped forward a few steps, some excitedly yelled, and even stretched out her hand to hold Bai Liyi's clothes.

Bai Liyi frowned and pushed her hand down. Lin Qianru also felt her gaffe and moved her eyes to the left awkwardly. Then she turned back.

"I really can't help with this."

Bai Liyi said in a straight and serious light.

Lin Qianru pinched her hand under her sleeve, then loosened it, nodded, and turned away.

Lin Qianru thought that Bai Liyi, as the Marquis of Dingguo, could certainly help. He just didn't want to help.

In this case, she can only go to ask jin'er. Bai Liyi likes jin'er so much. After listening to jin'er, she should help her.

Thinking like this, Lin Qianru raised a faint smile and quickened her pace.

Bai Liyi, who was standing behind her, looked at her far away figure and could not help shaking his head helplessly. She was Jiner's mother. She might not believe what he said.

But let Jin son tell her these words, she can think to understand!

While staying in the room at the moment, Zhong Lijin is quietly leaning on the head of the bed, and her eyes are staring at the willows outside the window. A breeze blows, the windows open and close, and the sound of the door being pushed open rings in Zhong Lijin's ears.

Zhong Lijin takes her eyes back and turns to the door.


Zhong Lijin raised her hand and rubbed her sore neck. She sat up straight and cried softly.

Lin Qianru carefully put the Decoction in her hand on the table, and then sat down in front of Zhong Lijin's bed.

"Jin'er, I think you look much better. Why don't you drink this bowl of medicine, and your mother will accompany you to go out for a walk and take a breath of fresh air."

Lin Qianru pulled her hand over with one hand, gathered her broken hair behind her head with the other, patted her hand gently, and then said to her.


Zhong Lijin nodded and sat up from the bed. Lin Qianru quickly walked to the table and brought the medicine to her mouth. She gently blew it and handed it to her.

Zhong Lijin put a mouthful to drink, but as soon as she touched the bowl, she was scalded.

"Watch out for the heat."

Lin Qianru looks at Zhong Lijin lovingly, and when she sees that she is scalded, she reminds her in a worried voice.

Then Lin Qianru seemed to want to say something else, but there was a trace of sadness in her eyes, and she swallowed her words.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhong Lijin blew the soup she was carrying, took a spoon and put it in her mouth, and said softly.

She could see that her mother was very worried when she came in, and she knew what to say to her.

Moreover, it is strange that the maid did the work of carrying the soup and medicine, and her mother took the initiative to take the job.

"Jin'er also knows that Zhong Li's home is about to go to Nanman's land. Nanman's land is not a good place. All the people who leave Zhong Li's home are people who have enjoyed glory and wealth for a long time. They have to face such a big gap for a moment.

How is that possible?

As a Marquis of Dingguo, Bai Liyi had only to say a few words in front of the emperor. Maybe the emperor would take back his orders and not let them go to the land of Nanman.

Now he is outside the door. Jin'er, you are the Marquis of Dingguo, and your mother knows that the Marquis of Dingguo likes you very much.

As long as you go to talk to him and ask for help, Duke Ding will certainly agree. "

Lin Qianru said to Zhong Lijin with a smile. After that, she patted her hand gently, and then she was ready to stand up.

Zhong Lijin frowned, then shook her head and pulled out her hand.

With a sigh, he said helplessly: "my mother doesn't know something. It's because Bai Liyi is the Marquis of Ding state, so he can't go to the emperor to ask for mercy. If he goes to the emperor to ask for mercy, the emperor will think that he is the person of the great prince.

Although Bai Liyi is very powerful, as long as the emperor thinks so, he will be suspicious and weaken his power slowly.

So bailiyi can't help you with that. "

Zhong Lihan glanced at the door and saw a familiar figure. He must have asked for love when his mother just came in.

He didn't agree, so his mother came in and pleaded with him.

After listening to what she said, Lin Qianru knew that they couldn't help.

Carefully pondered for a while, nodded slightly, which revealed a strong sadness.

Zhong Lihan had never been to their mother and daughter, and they had dissuaded him, but he ignored them.

She, seeing what he had done, was very cold, but she had no choice.

Zhong Lihan has not been very kind to their mother and daughter these years, although he has not really done his duty as a husband, although he has let them be bullied in the house.

But she never thought about taking jin'er away from Zhong Li's home.

Because, she loves him, originally just parents marriage, she wants to get married, they do not love each other

It's a very good feeling.

But after a long time, she really fell in love with him.

I want to leave, but I can't give up

Lin Qianru thinks like this, the nose can't help but have some ache, Zhong Lijin sees this, in the heart also has some uncomfortable, she drinks the soup medicine which is in the hand one mouthful.

She knew that her mother really liked bailihan, but bailihan was not good to her mother at all. She put power first in everything and stayed with her mother just for the sake of interests.

Zhong Lijin looked at Lin Qianru, whose eyes were slightly red. She put the bowl aside and said softly, "Mom, dad has driven you out. Although it has been confirmed, dad still doesn't believe you, does he?

If dad really loves you, he should believe it at that time and send someone to investigate the matter.

Besides, my father has never given any favor to his mother, isn't he?

Besides, it's not that I didn't persuade my father, but he didn't want to listen to me. "

After Zhong Lijin finished, he sat down toward Lin Qianru and held her tightly in his arms.

Lin Qianru put her head on Zhong Lijin's shoulder, and tears came out of her eyes.

Yeah, that's exactly how he treats himself.

But, so what?

He is still his prime minister. Anyway, it has been proved in the end. Isn't that a big deal?

Lin Qianru raised her hand and wiped her eyes. Her eyes became firm.

"I will accompany him to the land of Nanman."

Lin Qianru said suddenly, with a smile on her lips. She lifted her head from Zhong Lijin's arms, hugged her, and then stood up.

Zhong Lijin listened to what she said. She couldn't believe it. She suffered a lot when she went to Nanman.

Since her mother has been expelled from the mansion by Zhong Lihan, and she is also the mother of the Marquis of the state, she doesn't have to go to that place to suffer at all.

Is it not enough for my mother to suffer in the mansion these years?

But my mother said that she would go to that place, which... She would never agree!

"No, my mother has suffered enough. I can't go to that place."

Zhong Lijin turns over from the bed and shouts loudly.

At this time, Bai Liyi, who was standing at the door, came in quickly and said, "the southern barbarian land is poor and suffering, and there is a riot. How can you go?"

"You don't have to persuade me any more. I've firmly established this idea. Since I'm married to Zhong Lihan, I'll follow him wherever he goes!"

Lin Qianru's tone is full of firmness.

Zhong Lijin originally wanted to say something, but seeing her firm eyes and tone, she swallowed the words that had already reached her mouth and shook her head helplessly.

"Then... Mother must take good care of herself, and don't let her daughter worry."

Zhong Lijin's mouth suddenly raised a bright smile and nodded.

It's hard to change what her mother decided. It's better to let her be more careful than to dissuade her.

Just send more people to take care of your mother.

The eldest lady is dead now. Zhong Lihan has only one wife, and her mother is not afraid of hardship. She is willing to follow him to the land of Nanman.

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