After a while, Zhong Li Yaojing was worried. She patted her chest and asked lanxi'er, "but should we have a complete preparation? That woman is very smart. If she finds out, aren't we in danger?"

Lanxi'er seems to have been prepared for a long time. She takes out a white porcelain vase from her arms, which is engraved with patterns, and shakes it in front of Zhongli Yaojing's eyes: "with this, we will not be afraid of anything. Zhongli Jin will become everything in our hands sooner or later. By that time, there will be no part for her to say. She is a dissolute woman who everyone scolds. Ha ha."

"This man, where are we going to find him?" Everything is ready, but Zhong Li Yaojing is worried about it.

"Where we can't find it, what kind of man can't be found in the world. Shouldn't women like Zhong Lijin be more attractive to men, so we can find people who don't want to be paid. Isn't that killing two birds with one stone, and we don't have to put up anything, so naturally someone will come to us uninvited, and finally it has nothing to do with us, We can also get out of it easily

LAN Xi'er's cleverness is something that Zhong Li Yao Jing never thought of. She is so catchy in this way that she doesn't even think about it.

"Your method is really excellent." I have to say that there must be praise at this moment. However, it is precisely because of this that Zhong Li Yaojing sees a bright future. The woman called gravity advance will be trampled on by them forever and will never turn over.

Think of here, it seems that the mind began to come up with such a scene.

Zhong Lijin looks aggrieved and tears fall. She is trampled on by them and allows them to bully her. She still cries out for mercy.

Just think about it, I think it's a special way to relieve Qi. Who makes that woman's toes so high at ordinary times? I wish every time I see them, my nostrils are up.

The two women talked and laughed wildly.

Qing'er is by the door. When she hears them talking about this, she is very nervous. Unexpectedly, the two women have such courage.

After poking through the paper pasted on the door, Qing'er secretly looks inside and sees something familiar. The small porcelain vase has been seen in the drugstore. Unexpectedly, they are women and have this kind of thing in their hands.

But in this way, after she went back, she had more reason to say that if Zhong Lijin knew about it, she would be rich soon.

I can't wait to think about the sour days when I sleep with silver in my arms.

But the conversation between the two people in the room doesn't seem to be over.

Although lanxi'er has the courage to come up with such a method, he is somewhat afraid of Zhong Lijin, but he has to figure out a way out for himself. As a last resort, it's not impossible to pull Zhong liyaojing out as a shield, but at this time, he always has to say something good to get her into this mindless woman.

"Yao Jing, what do you say if it doesn't work this time?" Lanxi'er, of course, goes with a successful attitude. The reason why she says this is just to test her teammate and see what Zhong Li Yaojing thinks in her heart.

But Zhong Li Yaojing is not a fool as she thinks. She certainly knows what the woman is thinking. It's just a trial. The two women have just reached an alliance and are going to test each other.

green fields

Still listening to all this outside the door, I can't help feeling sad for them. How can they succeed if they are not in the same heart? They are really enough.

However, how the two of them have nothing to do with themselves. As long as they tell Zhong Lijin their plans, they will feel better.

Lanxi son some eat pain of light call way, green son side cover mouth, carefully leaning on the door to eavesdrop, at the same time also in his heart also played a small abacus. The once delicate and incomparable body leaning against the door is now full of bruises, and the deep pain from the wound reminds her that this evil breath must not be swallowed so easily.

"Zhong Li Yao Jing, I'll double my claim on you!" Qing'er swore in her heart. Her hands clasping her handkerchief trembled slightly with anger and hatred, and her eyes turned red, as if they were dripping blood at any time.

At this moment, the creator of all this, Zhong Li Yaojing, is still secretly happy that she is about to fly to the branch and become a Phoenix. She doesn't know that her plot with lanxi'er to frame the Duke and his wife has already been heard by Qing'er.

Zhongli Yaojing will soon feel the taste of being trapped in a cocoon.

The conversation between them continues. After listening for a long time, Qing'er frowns slightly. She turns to think that it's not a good way for her to listen all the time here. Besides, there are people coming and going in the house. If the eavesdropping is discovered, with Zhong Li Yaojing's ruthless character, she is determined not to live the next day.

Thinking of this, Qing'er is in a panic. Safety is the first thing. She has to save her life before she can take revenge on Zhong Li Yaojing.

Qing'er clenches her lips for fear of making any noise to disturb Zhong Li, Yao Jing and LAN Xi'er.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. The most urgent thing is to tell the Marquis of Dingguo about the tricks of Yaojing and lanxi'er, so that she can recognize the true features of these two people!" Qing'er's brain is running at full speed. She carefully looks around. After making sure that she has not been found by anyone, she leaves in a hurry.

In the room, the conversation between Zhong Li Yaojing and lanxi'er is still going on in an orderly way. Zhong Li Yaojing says that she is thirsty, so she pours a cup of tea, savors it carefully, and shows her eyebrows and frowns: "although my sister's idea is good, it's just that everything is ready. I only owe you Dongfeng."

"Oh?" Lanxi son smell speech heart bottom don't understand, "isn't elder sister in the mind still have what don't trust of affair?"

Zhong Li Yaojing put down her cup and looked up at lanxi'er. "Sister, how do you say we can invite the couple to the mansion?"

"This..." lanxi'er didn't come up with a good idea for a moment, so he couldn't help thinking, while Zhong Liyao Jing was bored playing with the cup in her hand, and there was a moment of silence in the room.

I just saw the hope, is it so soon to burst it? no Absolutely not! Lanxi'er is not reconciled. She thinks how beautiful she was in the past, but now what kind of life is she living?

She didn't want to go back, didn't want to live without money, and didn't want to marry the old man who was over 50 years old and half of his body had been buried in the Loess!

"Ah... Are we really going to the land of Nanman?"

Zhongli Yaojing thought of the future, she could not help sighing. Hearing this, lanxi'er's eyes suddenly flashed a cunning light, "good sister, I have a way!"

Zhongli Yaojing suddenly picked up her spirits, and she excitedly took lanxi'er's hand. "What can I do for my sister, please tell me!"

The corner of lanxi'er's mouth rose slightly, "since we are going to the land of Nanman, why don't we push the boat along the river and hold a farewell banquet? When the time comes, as long as we sincerely invite dingguohou and his wife to our house for dinner, the plan can go ahead as scheduled! "

There are also maidservants who will come to pick up their mother. "

In the mansion of marquis Ding, the atmosphere is peaceful. People come and go from all over the mansion. The seemingly peaceful atmosphere conceals the disaster that may be coming.

"What are you looking at? With a plate of sweet scented osmanthus cake, Zhong Lijin walked slowly from the door to the Duke of Ding. The Duke of Ding raised his head and was about to answer. A trace of warm yellow sunlight was scattered on Zhong Lijin's smiling face through the window screen made of fine cotton yarn in the study, and the warm light was also scattered on the edge of her eyelashes, It's like the flowing Ye Wei in a quiet and elegant landscape painting, flowing to her thin and gradually curved eyes. Her eyes are affectionate, and her plain white clothes look so reverie and indifferent. She has a light temperament like osmanthus, small and exquisite, but there is no lack of light fragrance. Looking at her face, the Marquis Ding was a little stunned and looked at it carefully, The corner of my mouth rippled slightly, but I don't know why I just looked at it quietly. I didn't even say a word when you came.

"Why don't you read now, but you look at me again." Zhong Lijin's smiling eyes and eyebrows are more curved, and the corners of her mouth are slightly upturned. As she playfully says, she puts this plate of sweet scented osmanthus cake on Bai Liyi's desk, but grabs the book in Ding guohou's hand again. With a light smile, she retreats to one side. With her body moving back, her curly sideburns draw a thin trace in the air. When Zhong Lijin stops, There is still a little residual fragrance in the air.

"Well, you are.. Ha ha. " Baili Yi was robbed by Zhong Lijin, and he came back to reality from his bewilderment. Looking at Zhong Lijin who covered his mouth and laughed a few steps ago, he said fondly.

Then, he gradually got up and pretended to grab the book from Zhong Lijin with a smile. Zhong Lijin took the book and stepped back a few steps. The plain white skirt swayed the scholarly air. Zhong Lijin saw that Bai Liyi didn't get it. His smile turned into a smile. He still looked at Bai Liyi with a crooked eyebrow and looked up playfully.

"You fool, you are so addicted to reading. Why don't you just go with the book? What do you want me to do?" With that smile, he retreated and looked at Baili Yi with a sad look. He pretended to throw the book at Baili Yi. Baili Yi looked flustered. He quickly walked to Zhong Lijin's side, grabbed Zhong Lijin's hand holding the book, took the book and hugged Zhong Lijin's slender waist.

"Li'er, look at you. You're still jealous of books. It's not too late for you to throw them when you have a good look at them." Bai Liyi's eyes were full of light, and a smile floated again at the corner of his mouth.

Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi, gently pushes him away, takes back the book with a finger like a scallion root, looks at Bai Liyi with a peach blossom eyebrow with half doubt, then turns his head, walks slowly to Bai Liyi's desk, puts the book down and looks at the cover carefully, but there is no word. It's just a light blue title page, and the corner of the book turns yellow. It seems that it has been some years, I'm wondering.

"Open it up and have a look." Bai Liyi smiles and holds his chin in his hand. He looks at Zhong Lijin with affection.

"Just look at it." Zhong Lijin snorted to Bai Liyi, then turned a page with her fingertips.

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