"If the beauty is like this, why don't you come to my heart early..." Zhong Lijin read in a shallow voice, and gradually looked up at Bai Liyi.

"The Pengmen gate is just for waiting for you to open." Bai Li Yi echoed, and then came to Zhong Li Jin. He put his hand on Zhong Li Jin's shoulder and laughed.

"Whose poem is this? It's so artistic. " Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi and looks at him like he doesn't understand.

"You don't know?" Bai Liyi pretends to be confused in response to Zhong Lijin's ignorance.

"Say it quickly." Zhong Lijin was so strange that he covered his mouth and laughed again.

"Well, it's a poem of the ancients. It says." Speaking of this, bailiyi hugged zhonglijin more tightly in his arms, and the tenderness in his eyes was like water.

“。。。 It's like the love between you and me. Pengmen is just for you. " With that, bailiyi gently let go of Zhong Lijin and put his hands on her shoulders. He leaned forward slightly. His eyebrows and eyes were as high as Zhong Lijin. The warm soft light seemed to understand the tenderness of the two of them at this moment. It was scattered on bailiyi's golden edged clothes and slender eyelashes. The tenderness on his face could not be covered up any more. Zhong Lijin also understood his feelings and looked at him with a smile, Two people four eyes opposite, seem to have a thousand words, also can't speak of.

"Madame..." The little girl who came to deliver the soup at the door saw this tender moment, and her words could not be taken back. She had to stand at the door of the study, blushing, lowering her head, panting quietly. The thin bangs on her forehead were also left behind by sweat. A dull face appeared in the warm picture of the two.

"Xiao Hong, I'll take it." Seeing this, Zhong Lijin gently pushes Bai Liyi's hands away. His cheeks are slightly red, but he doesn't care that Bai Liyi is still affectionate and tender. He quickly walks to Xiao Hong and takes over the soup. Bai Liyi came back to see Xiao Hong at the door, pretended to pick up the book and sit back on the chair to read carefully, but quietly swept the movements of the two people at the door with the remaining light.

"Madam, you and Hou ye are really very affectionate and envious of others." Xiaohong sees bailiyi sitting down and reading without paying attention to her two, and then says with a smile to Zhong Lijin, who is blushing.

"You girl, don't you hurry to wipe the sweat on your forehead, be careful to catch a cold." Zhong Lijin said with a smile, and took the soup in Xiaohong's hand with her hand.

Looking back at Bai Li Yi who pretended to be a poet, he couldn't help laughing“ Your marquis is a diligent man. How can you be disturbed by this love

Xiao Hong looks at Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi.

"Well, you step back. Don't come here if you don't have anything to do." Seeing this, Bai Liyi quickly pretended to be serious and asked Xiao Hong to step down.

"Yes, sir." Xiao Hong looks at Zhong Lijin and smiles. Zhong Lijin gives her a playful look. Xiao Hong turns around and leaves.

"Look, you haven't tasted this sweet scented osmanthus cake for your Pengmen diehu." Zhong Lijin is holding the soup, laughing at Baili Yi and walking slowly to his desk.

"Delicious" bailiyi grabs the sweet scented osmanthus cake on the plate, swallows it in his mouth, puts down his book, and gets up to greet Zhong Lijin.

"Go away, you." Zhong Lijin came to the desk from another direction, put down the soup, and dodged the embrace of Bai Liyi.

Zhong Lijin stares at Qing'er for a while, as if to see through the truth of her words.

Qing'er saw that she didn't speak for a long time, but she didn't dare to urge her. When she was waiting for some impatience, Zhong Lijin's voice rang out slowly.

"Why should I believe you?"

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Qing'er said in a hurry, "princess, what I said is true. I heard someone say that it's important for you."

"Oh? Well, you can tell me, who wants to hurt me? " Zhong Lijin said lightly, it's hard to hear joy and anger from her tone.

As soon as Qing'er wants to step forward, she is stopped by the guard. Zhong Lijin waved to the bodyguard, indicating that he was OK.

Qing'er stepped forward and whispered a few words in her ear. Back to the original position and stand.

"Linxiang." She called the maid next to her.

"Yes, princess." Linxiang answered, took out ten ingots of silver and handed it to Qing'er.

"Linxiang, send qinger away." Then let the carriage go on.

"Jin'er, I feel more and more that this matter is not so simple. You go back to the palace. I'll go back to Zhongli's house myself."

Lin Ruqian took Zhong Lijin's hand and said softly.

"Don't worry, mother. I'll be fine. Besides, if something happens, I can't let you go to the party by yourself. " Zhong Lijin said to comfort her.

While talking, I arrived at Zhongli mansion.

As soon as Bai Liyi heard that they were coming, he took Zhong Liyao Jing and LAN Xier to wait in front of the house.

As soon as they saw Bai Liyi, they quickly met him. Respectfully salute, eager to express themselves, pretend to be virtuous.

Bailiyi took the hand of Zhong Lijin and passed them. He went straight to Zhong Lihan and said hello.

Zhong Lihan looked in their direction and wanted to say something, but in the end he just opened his mouth.

"Inside, please." Zhong Lihan leads Lin Ruqian into the mansion.

Zhong Li, who has been forgotten in the original place, leaps forward with jealousy in her heart.

Zhong Lijin! See how long you can be proud of, after today he is mine! His pet can only belong to me!

Thinking about this, Zhong Li Yaojing shakes her handkerchief and angrily walks into the house.

During the dinner, Zhong Lihan talked with Bai Liyi without a word.

Zhong Li Yao Jing called the maid and said, "go and see if the porridge in the kitchen is ready. Bring it here."

The maid stepped down.

She looked at the figure of the maid she had prepared to leave, and her lips were hooked.

The maid's steps were quick, and soon she brought up some bowls of porridge.

The maid stood in her original position and gave her a reassuring look.

"Mr. Wang, you have a taste of this porridge. It's good for me. It's specially prepared in the kitchen today. How about you try it?"

Zhong Li's voice rang out from the hall.

Bailiyi picked up the porcelain bowl in one hand and put it into his mouth with a spoon in the other.

Zhong Li Yaojing is very happy to see him drink.

However, Bai Liyi vomited all the porridge in his mouth onto his handkerchief, which no one could see.

Bai Liyi didn't answer, and she didn't rush to ask. After all, the porridge he drank was what he wanted. He didn't really want to ask whether the porridge was good or not.

Seeing things getting closer and closer to her expectations, she couldn't help but feel very happy.

After dinner, Bai Liyi took a rest in the courtyard prepared by Zhong Lihan.

A maid came in, respectfully saluted, told him that Zhong Lijin was waiting for him in Wenya Pavilion, and then left.

Bai Li Yi called his bodyguard and gave him a few orders. Go to wenaccord.

Along the way, bailiyi found that someone was following him. It was the maid who had just come to tell her that he was more sure of his doubts.

He wanted to see what they were trying to do. In order not to scare the snake, he went on, didn't look back, opened the door and went in.

The maid saw that he went in and rushed to report to Zhong Li Yaojing.

He looked at the maid's back, and his lips were tickled. He laughed a little evil. He opened the door and went out.

Before long, the bodyguard led a beggar who smelled all over.

"Go in and wait on me tonight. You're the best."

On the other hand, when Zhong Li Yaojing received the news from the maid, she was overjoyed and dressed up to make a good impression on Bai Li Yi.

She tapped on the door a few times, and when no one answered, she pushed the door and went in. As soon as I went in, I heard a male voice.

"Don't hold the lamp." Afraid of her doubts, he continued, "it's more emotional in the dark, isn't it?"

Zhong Li Yao Jing didn't say anything, which was just what she wanted. She was afraid that Bai Li Yi would recognize her when she held the lamp. He put it forward just what she wanted.

After a few steps, Zhong Li Yaojing smelled a strange smell. It seemed that there was a little stink. The more he went, the stronger the smell was.

Her heart is very strange, but because this person is a hundred Li Yi, but did not say anything.

As soon as he got close to the bed, he was dragged to the bed by a big hand.

After all, that man is a beggar, food and clothing can not solve, how can contact men and women, at this time he appears more and more hungry.

And she, in order to better satisfy Bai Liyi, took some infatuated drugs in advance, and now she has begun to play a role. She couldn't wait to undress the man.

Even if you can't see your face clearly, Zhong Li's beautiful figure will make the man more and more out of control.

The man tore at her clothes rudely. It was because he had not experienced the relationship between men and women for a long time. He could not stand the provocation of Zhong Li Yaojing. He ignored her virgin body and hit her hard, which made her faint.

Xu is too much medicine, she woke up, continue to unreservedly tease, issued bursts of intolerable Jiao, Yin.

A room of spring.

Outside the door, the bodyguard, who was ordered by Bai Li Yi, could not help but marvel at Zhong Li Yao Jing's lewdness and leave with a sigh.

Lanxi'er didn't really want to help Zhongli Yaojing, but for her future life, she had to rely on Zhongli Yaojing.

After knowing that she had climbed to bailiyi's bed, she began to carry out her next plan.

Zhong Li Yao Jing is just a piece of her own. She never cares about her life. When she gets rid of Zhong Lijin, he gets bailiyi's favor. To get rid of her is like stepping on an ant.

Thinking like this, LAN Xi'er's eyes flashed an obliteration idea.

Lanxi'er called her maid. Seeing that there was no one around, she leaned close to her ear and said, "I always smell a smell in the pavilion in the middle of the pool. Go there and burn some delicious spices."

The maid has been following lanxi'er for a long time, so she naturally knows something about the efficacy of this spice.

Naturally, she also understood her intention. She laughed and retreated: "I understand."

Seeing that the servant girl retreated, lanxi'er narrowed her eyes and beckoned a servant girl. She whispered a few words in her ear. The servant girl nodded and went to Zhong Lijin.

"Hello to the princess." The servant girl is blessed.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Lijin put down the cup and looked at the maid.

The servant girl lowered her head. Zhong Lijin couldn't see her face clearly. She said, "the prince ordered the servant girl to come and tell the princess to go to the pavilion in the middle of the pool."

"Did the LORD say what he wanted to do with me?" Zhong Lijin frowned slightly, a little confused.

"The Lord didn't tell the maidservant."

"So it is." Zhong Lijin stands up slowly with the support of her maid. It's estimated that Bai Liyi is doing something again. He can't tell such a servant, but he asked more.

"You lead the way." Zhong Lijin straightened her clothes and looked at the maid.

The servant girl blessed herself and turned to walk in front of her.

And on the other side

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