Zhongli Yaojing two lines of tears can no longer help, keep flowing down, "why don't you let me go? Did that bitch Zhong Lijin ask you to come? Isn't it Princess Ding? What's the big deal? Ha ha ha, I could have done the same. If. But if the plan doesn't fail... "

Zhong Li Yao Jing is still addicted to the previous fantasy, still feel that he may be the princess of Ding.

After hearing this, the old beggar quickly covered Zhong Li Yaojing's mouth and yelled, "you don't want to die? It's a death sentence to murder a princess. Besides, it will also involve nine ethnic groups. Don't you think about your family? "

Zhong Li Yaojing broke away the old beggar's hand and murmured: "why, why do you want to do this to me. I left home in the same hour. Why did I become like this? But she Zhong Lijin has become the princess of Dingguo? " She ran to the courtyard in tears and yelled, "God, why are you so unfair?"

But no one would pay attention to her even if she yelled again. Even the maid who did the chores didn't look at her from the beginning. In order to live, Zhong Li Yaojing has lived day by day from being choosy at the beginning to being tolerant now.

Zhong Lijin has already bribed several maids of the rich merchants. They will report to the Marquis's mansion every night. Zhong Lijin patiently listens to their rewards every day, and then turns her head to tell Bai Liyi like a joke. Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin and listens to her every time. He laughs and finishes talking about Zhong liyaojing, and then laughs together. It's also the happiest part of his day.

In a flash, it's been more than a month. In the streets and alleys, no matter day or night, they all talk about Zhong Li Yaojing and the little beggar's indulgence. Gradually, Zhong Li Yaojing's body has gradually recovered.

"It's said that Zhong Lijin is such a bitch..."

After recovering from her injury, Zhong Li Yao Jing plans to go shopping. In an alley around the corner, she hears someone talking about Zhong Li Jin. She stops and listens secretly.

Listen carefully. It's Gu Yunlan's voice. His eyes turn and he has a plan.

"Yunlan, it's really you. It's so nice to meet you here." Zhong Li Yao Jing takes small steps to Gu Yunlan's direction.

"Yao Jing? What are you doing here? " Gu Yunlan is startled by the sudden sound of Zhong Li Yaojing. Gu Yunlan turns to see that it is Zhong Li Yaojing, and then asks.

"You go first." Gu Yunlan gives a wink to the woman who just talked to her. The woman nods and turns to leave the alley.

"Yunlan, since you don't like Zhong Lijin and I hate her, how about we work together to deal with Zhong Lijin?" Zhong Li Yao Jing takes a look at the woman walking, turns to Gu Yunlan and whispers.


Gu Yunlan actually despises Zhong Li Yaojing. Gu Yunlan herself is the official's daughter, and she is just the daughter of a small businessman.

Some days ago, I heard that the streets and alleys were talking about Zhong Li Yaojing and beggars. Gu Yunlan didn't want to cooperate with Zhong Li Yaojing. When she was hesitating, Zhong Li Yaojing suddenly said something to let Gu Yunlan make up her mind to cooperate with Zhong Li Yaojing.

"I know Yunlan, you like bailiyi. I can help you marry him. How about this condition?" Zhong Li Yaojing looks at Gu Yunlan who is indecisive, and suddenly thinks that Gu Yunlan likes Bai Li Yi, so she takes the condition of helping Gu Yunlan marry Bai Li Yi as an advantage, and Gu Yunlan will certainly marry Bai Li Yi


"Well, you remember the terms you promised me, and I agree to cooperate with you." Sure enough, Gu Yunlan really agreed to cooperate with her.

"Well, I hope we can have a good cooperation." Seeing Gu Yunlan nodding, Zhong Lijin says, "what Zhong Lijin cares about most is Lin Qianru's dead girl. Unfortunately, I don't have so much power. The kidnapping of Lin Qianru's dead girl will be handed over to Yun LAN. As long as the most important person of that bitch is tied up, I'm not afraid that bitch won't come."

Zhong Li Yao Jing's pretty face was a little twisted at this time.

"OK, I see. I'll go back and get ready." Gu Yunlan said, and Zhong Li Yao Jing nodded, turned and left.

"Hum, Zhong Lijin, I don't believe you won't come." Zhong Li Yao Jing tightens her handkerchief, releases it, smiles in a good mood, and turns to go shopping.

After returning home, Zhong Li Yao Jing, who has nothing to do, lies on her bed, thinking about her life. The rich businessman she married is very bad for her. She just has a bad, very bad, very bad life. To be exact, she has never had a good life since she married a rich businessman

This time, I must seize the opportunity to cooperate with Gu Yunlan! Zhong Li Yaojing holds the handkerchief tightly.

A few days later, Gu Yunlan sent a letter to Zhong Li Yaojing.

Zhong liyaojing thanks the man, then goes back to his room, closes all the doors and windows, sits on the chair and opens the letter.

"I've sent someone to tie Lin Qianru back to the capital. What's next?"

Gu Yunlan's book.

After reading the letter, Yaojing burns it.

Then he wrote back to Gu Yunlan and told her to meet him in the private room of the teahouse tomorrow afternoon. After writing the letter, Zhong Li's confidants sent it out.

At noon the next day, there was a box in the teahouse.

"Yunlan, here you are." Zhong Li Yaojing sees Gu Yunlan coming and quickly gets up to greet him.

"Well, sit down." Gu Yunlan and Zhong Liyao Jing politely make a few remarks and enter the main topic: "Yao Jing, I have tied Lin Qianru. What should I do next?"

"Next, write a letter to Zhong Lijin. Three days later, let her go to the deserted temple in the south of the city to save Lin Qianru. She can only come alone. Otherwise, Lin Qianru will die." Zhong Li Yaojing looks at Gu Yunlan and says.

"Then I'll send someone to deliver the letter. But you want to help me get bailiyi, you can't cheat me, otherwise... "Gu Yunlan looks at Zhong Li Yaojing with threat.

"I know. Don't worry. I can't cheat you." Zhong Li Yao Jing assures Gu Yunlan that she is looking at Gu Yunlan.

"All right! I believe you. I hope you don't let me down. I'll go first. "Gu Yunlan got up and hurried out of the teahouse.

"This time I'll see if you're going to die, Zhong Lijin." Zhong Li Yaojing holds the teacup tightly.

When Zhong Lijin came to see the opera in Japan, he was flustered at the sight of the letter.

Damn, who on earth tied her mother?

Originally, Zhong Lijin was still thinking about whether to tell Bai Liyi about it. It can be seen that he has been very busy these days, so he gave up the idea and went alone.

Three days later, Zhong Liyao Jing is waiting for the letter sent by Gu Yunlan at home. Then she learns that Zhong Lijin has received the letter and is on her way to the broken temple in the south of the city. Gu Yunlan is already on the way to the broken temple in the south of the city.

Zhong Li Yao Jing simply picked up her things, and then hired a carriage. She didn't care about many things, so she moved quickly

I went to the broken temple in the south of the city.

"I don't believe you don't die, hum, little bitch." Zhong Li Yao Jing scolds fiercely.

After arriving at the temple, Zhong Lijing saw that Zhong Lijin had been tied up. Zhong Lijin was surprised to see that Zhong Liyao Jing was also here, but he was relieved soon.

Think about it: Yes, Gu Yunlan is here, and she must be there. Zhong Li's eyes were cold and said to them, "let my mother go, I'll do whatever you want." Hearing this, Zhong Li Yaojing couldn't help but sneer: "if you let me release people, I will release them. Then I don't have much face?"

When Zhong Lijin heard this, he said, "how can you let my mother go?"

Zhong Li Yao Jing and Gu Yunlan hear Zhong Li Jin's words, they look at each other and stand there laughing without scruple. Seeing this, Zhong Li couldn't help feeling a little annoyed at his incompetence and Thinking:

Yes! I can't even protect myself. What can I do to save my mother? Thinking of this clock, I feel cold in my heart. But the face did not show, only coldly looking at the two people are laughing.

Coldly interrupted these two people's laughter: "you laugh enough."

At this time, they seemed to notice that Zhong Lijin was the same. Gu Yunlan squatted down and looked at her, holding Zhong Lijin's chin in one hand and said, "I didn't expect that, do you have this day?"

The clock leaves sincerely not language, only coldly looking at him. Gu Yunlan was annoyed by the look in her eyes, so she yelled, "what are you looking at? Is that the only way you look at me? "

Zhong Li said with a sarcastic smile: "ha ha! Yes? Are you afraid of my eyes If eyes can kill people, I'm afraid Gu Yunlan has died a hundred times a thousand times.

Zhong Li lowered his eyes. The eyes under his long eyelashes didn't know what he was thinking. Gu Yunlan see such clock from sincerely suddenly some don't want to let go.

But does Zhong Lijin not know? But Zhong Li knows that she is in their hands now, and it is impossible for her to escape with her own strength even if she has to save her mother.

At present, the most important thing is to procrastinate with them and try to get rid of them. There is no other way. At this time, Zhong Lijin, who is meditating, is suddenly shaken by Gu Yunlan, who is holding her chin.

Gu Yunlan's throw made Zhong Li feel dizzy. After all, no matter how strong she is, she is just a woman, and her strength can't be compared with that of a man. She can only hate looking at Gu Yunlan.

Gu Yunlan was amused to see her looking at herself like this: "how? Now that you're a prisoner, I can't leave you alone? " Then he laughed.

At this time, Zhong Li Yao Jing also came to Zhong Li Jin“ What are you talking to her about? You can't kill her now, so teach her a lesson. Give me a break. " Said also affectionately shook Gu Yunlan's arm, Gu Yunlan to Zhong Li Yaojing this action is very useful.

With a self righteous attitude, he said, "then she'll give it to you. Pay attention to the propriety.",! Don't play to death. I'll see how the woman is Seeing this scene, Zhong Li frowned fiercely and said in his heart: it's really two shameless things.

After Gu Yunlan left, Zhong Liyao Jing walked to Zhong Lijin as a winner: "it's you who killed me. I want to get them all back now."

Zhong Li said with a cold smile: "ha ha! You blame me? That's ridiculous. If you don't do something yourself, you'll get hold of it? I'm not the kind of person who talks nonsense. "

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