Zhong Liyao Jing is even more angry to see Zhong Lijin say so. Whether or not to pretend to be a lady, he made every effort to greet Zhong Lijin.

Zhong Lijin was beaten and didn't say a word. He just gritted his teeth. Because she doesn't want to show weakness in front of her enemies. If she asks for mercy in front of her enemies, it's better to let someone kill her.

Yes, she is such a disposition, even if she is dead, she will not let herself beg for mercy from her enemies. After a while, Zhong Lijin felt that his strength was not so heavy.

She knew that it was because Zhong Li had almost used her strength. After a while, Zhong Li Yao Jing really has no strength. She goes to Zhong Li Jin and squats down in front of him and says: "ha ha! Don't think it's over. "

Does Zhong Lijin ignore her? Almost crazy roar, just as always with that pair of cold eyes looking at her. Seeing that she was looking at herself, Zhong Li Yao Jing sneered, "look! How charming these eyes are

Looking at that pair of eyes, Zhong Li Yao Jing looked away again, looked at the beautiful face and continued: "Oh! By the way, this beautiful face puzzles many men. "

Speaking of this, the jealousy in Zhong Li's eyes can't be covered up. She shakes her hand and slaps Zhong Lijin. After the slap, she stood up and clapped her hands inside.

I saw Gu Yunlan dragging a woman whose face had disappeared the slightest color of blood step by step to the front of Zhong Lijin. The corner of his mouth raised an evil smile: "don't you always say let us let your mother go? She's here now. Did you save her? Ha ha ha And then there was another laugh.

Zhong Lijin gritted his teeth and said, "tell me, how can you let my mother go?" Gu Yunlan takes no notice of her words and lifts Lin Qianru up like a doll.

She gave her a slap. Under the influence of the slap, the pale woman woke up. She still didn't know the situation. But when she saw a deep slap on Zhong Lijin's pale cheek, Lin Qianru was flustered.

"Jin'er, what's the matter? How are you doing now? " Zhong Lijin hears his mother's words, but he doesn't care about his injury at this time. He quickly climbs to his mother's side. But how could Gu Yunlan and Zhong liyaojing make it so easy for her to come to her mother's side.

The answer is obviously impossible.

Is the clock from the fast to his mother's side, Gu Yunlan a foot on the clock from the Jin that is also supporting the back of the hand above the ground. Zhong Lijin was cold sweat DC, but she still did not cry out, because her pride did not allow her to do so.

And see this scene of Zhong Li Yao Jing is not willing to, come to Zhong Li Jin is a foot. And Zhong Lijin still didn't shout. Seeing Zhong Li Yao Jing's face with tie Qing, Zhong Li Jin was happy: "ha ha ha!"

Zhong Li smiles sincerely.

This smile is to make Zhong Li Yao Jing angry“ You are such a bitch. You can't make a sound. It can still be found now. Good. Let's see if your motherfucker can stand our torture. Ha ha

Then he went to Lin Qianru, the mother of Zhong Lijin. Facing Lin Qianru is the same kick as Zhong Lijin, but it's much heavier than Zhong Lijin's. Lin Qianru snorted.

Zhong Li is very angry to see that his mother is so tortured by them, and he looks at Zhong Li Yaojing and Gu Yunlan

"Stop it! You can torture me as much as you want, but please let go of my mother. "

When they heard Zhong Lijin's words, they burst out laughing“ Poof! Zhong Lijin, you cunt, do you think you have another one to negotiate with us? "

Said to Lin Qianru is a boxing and kicking, compared with the beat of Zhong Lijin's that beat is really better than. Zhong Lijin is totally helpless beside him. He can only watch his mother beaten by them. Tears on the flow down so frustrated.

See Zhong Li sincerely tears of Zhong Li Yao Jing in one side, really in the heart happy bad. On the wanton walk to the side of Zhong Lijin said“ Yo! Isn't the bone hard? When I hit you like that, you didn't even hum. Why do you cry like this? "

Then he kicked Zhong Lijin badly. Zhong Lijin can no longer hide his anger in his eyes. "Zhong Liyao Jing, unless you don't fall into my hands in the future, if you fall into my hands, I will give you back ten times what you gave me today."

Bai Liyi on the other side also gets the news that Zhong Lijin has been kidnapped by Gu Yunlan and Zhong Liyao Jing. Regardless of his body that hasn't rested for many days, he transfers his personal guard and goes straight to the temple where Zhong Lijin is.

When bailiyi arrives, clock Lijin is being tortured by Gu Yunlan. Bailiyi gets angry and rushes over. Meanwhile, the guards he brings surround Zhong Liyao Jing and Gu Yunlan for the first time.

Bailiyi unties the rope tied to zhonglijin, and sees that her whole body is full of scars, and her whole body's anger goes to the two people like asking for money.

Zhongli Yaojing and Gu Yunlan are already flustered when they see Baili game coming in, let alone the fierce Baili game now. At this time, they had already stood there shivering.

At this time, Zhong Lijin has already saved her mother. She goes to bailiyi. Bailiyi sees her coming to her and reaches out to help her. She turns pale, and her anger is even stronger in her heart.

Zhong Li just saw her expression, and a trace of warmth passed in her heart. He reached out and patted the back of his bony hand. She was so a hundred Li Yi, that anger also followed to pacify down.

Zhong Li sincerely saw that his mood was more stable and he was relieved“ What are you going to do with them? " Then he looked at the hundred Li chess.

"At the lady's command." Bai Liyi made fun of him.

Zhong Lijin was a little shy in his heart when he was said by bailiyi: bailiyi is restless if he doesn't tease people all day. Bailiyi saw that her face was ruddy, so he touched her hair.

The client Zhong Lijin was so touched by him that he felt a little embarrassed: "so many people are here, and I'm not ashamed." When you look at Baili chess, it's a school of nature.

Zhong Li: it's really more popular than others. I turned my eyes at Baili chess, and I'm not allowed to pay attention to him. Instead, he turns to Gu Yunlan and Zhong Liyao Jing. At this time, Zhong Lijin's eyes have already lost the joy of just teasing Bai Liyi, and his eyes are just cold before.

She goes to Zhongli Yaojing. When she goes to Zhongli Yaojing, bailiyi also looks at her subordinates, and two of them come out and hold her.

Zhong Lijin is very helpful to bailiyi. She went to Zhong Li Yaojing and her eyes narrowed slightly: "remember what I told you not long ago? But if you fall into my hands once, I will give you ten times as much as I want to, so that your life is not like death. "

After hearing this sentence, Zhong Liyao Jing knows that she can't escape this time. Heart is also a gray, tears fell unconsciously.

Zhong Li said with a sneer, "ha ha! Yes? I haven't started playing yet, you can't wait to cry? How can this be done? It's not fun. "

After saying that, Zhong Lijin's figure shakes and seems to be about to fall. Baili chess hands on Zhong Lijin's waist, Baili chess see Zhong Lijin like this, brow severely wrinkled up.

See clock leave sincerely weak say: "I am all right, rest assured." Zhong Lijin knows that if it goes on like this, the man will be mad.

Then he said to his men, "cut her face, beat fifty boards, and throw it to the mass grave." Bailiyi's men turn to look at bailiyi. Bailiyi nods and his men do it immediately. And bailiyi left with Zhong Lijin.

It's already evening for bailiyi to return to Houfu with zhonglijin. Bai Liyi got out of the carriage with Zhong Lijin in his arms. The servants in the mansion were scared when they saw bailiyi holding a pretty little beauty back to the Marquis's mansion.

It's no wonder that no one in the whole Marquis's house knows that their Marquis dotes on his wife. How nice it is that his wife has been so badly hurt.

Seeing this, the housekeeper was also startled and went to call the doctor. Bai Liyi takes Zhong Lijin back to his room. After the treatment of the imperial doctor, Zhong Lijin is just suffering from some skin injuries. Bailiyi was relieved. After sending the doctor, he took care of Zhong Lijin by the bedside.

In the middle of the night, Zhong Lijin finally wakes up. During Zhong Lijin's coma, the people who were left to deal with Zhong Liyao Jing also return to Hou's house to reply to Bai Liyi. Zhong Li didn't know where it was when he woke up. When he saw bailiyi sitting beside him, he guessed that it was Houfu.

Does Zhong Li Jing wake up the shallow sleeping bailiyi? Zhong Lijin was embarrassed and lowered his head: "sorry, I woke you up."

Bailiyi saw her wake up and said with a smile, "it's OK. Are you hungry? I haven't eaten all day today. "

Zhong Lijin was a little hungry when he said that. Nodded, see she nodded, bailiyi go outside to let the servant pass meal. After a while, a table of dishes appeared in Zhong Lijin's eyes.

But Zhong Lijin is not in a hurry to have dinner. Bailiyi is also a person with delicate mind, and naturally found her abnormality. Touched her little head: "don't worry, mother-in-law, I've arranged for someone to take care of her, just suffered some skin injuries. It's all right

Hearing this, Zhong Lijin's eyebrows also spread, and he enjoyed the rich dinner with ease.

Because she believed that bailiyi would handle it well. After dinner, they went to sleep. As for Zhongli Yaojing, it's not necessary for Zhongli to take care of it, because Zhongli Yaojing is just a plaything for Master Li in the north of the city. If she is missing, it's mostly a smile, just a plaything gone.

What's more, he had long wanted to quit Zhongli Yaojing, but he didn't dare because of the name of Dingguo Houfu. At this time, she disappeared, and he was too happy.

After Zhong Lijin wakes up, the first thing is to see Lin Qianru.

Seeing that Lin Qianru is in a good mental state, Zhong Lijin is relieved.

Think of that day the temple of things, Zhong Lijin hate root itching. It seems that she was too kind to her at the beginning, which led her to dare to do so to herself.

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