Xu Wanrou immediately worried: "what? There's nothing but a name. In this way, you want me to find this treasure house. Aren't you kidding me? "

"If you can't find this treasure house, I will be the one who died. What's the difference between you and killing me?" As Xu Wanrou said this, her legs softened and she could not help slipping against the table.

The man in black didn't care about Xu Wanrou's attitude at all. He continued: "we can't say that either. Now we have heard a legend that the clue to occupy the treasure house is in Bai Liyi's hands."

On hearing this, Xu Wanrou's eyes lit with hope.

She quickly stood up, grabbed the man in black's sleeve and said, "really, you didn't cheat me?"

The man in black threw Xu Wanrou away and said, "if you hadn't met Bai Liyi now, do you think the organization would care about such a small chess piece as you?"

The man in black straightened his clothes and said to Xu Wanrou, "the organization doesn't need you to do such a difficult task. Now you just need to find out the clues about the treasure house that can be occupied by Bai Liyi. Even if your task is completed, the organization won't disturb you any more."

Xu Wanrou, who was left aside, calmed down and told humanity in Black: "I know. As long as the organization doesn't kill me and keeps its promise, I will organize to find a treasure house."

The man in black nodded and said, "this is the best."

With that, the man in black went out through the window.

After Xu Wanrou watched the man in black leave, she sat on the stool with her two legs. Naturally, he didn't know what was the treasure, nor did he know what clues Bai Liyi had in his hand. However, as long as the organization does not marry her life now and let him have time to make a living for his future, he will do anything for the organization.

When eating the next day, because Zhong Lijin is not there, Lin Ruqian's concern for Zhong Lijin turns to Xu Wanrou. Xu Wanrou really gets Lin Ruqian's love, and even Xu Wanrou gets a special treatment, that is to be able to eat at the same table with Bai Liyi and Lin Ruqian.

For servants, to be able to eat at the same table with their master is not only disrespectful, but also a great honor

During the meal, Bai Liyi and Lin Ruqian both seemed to have no taste. Xu Wanrou naturally knew what they were worried about, which led to the fact that they didn't think about tea and rice.

Xu Wanrou chewed the rice in her mouth and thought about how to talk with Bai Liyi and how to occupy the treasure house.

At this time, Lin Ruqian said: "I don't know if anyone has seen jin'er. If someone can provide me with some information, I can do everything for him at any price."

With that, Lin Ruqian began to cry. Bai Liyi also put down the bowl and chopsticks and comforted her carefully.

Looking at Lin Ruqian and Bai Liyi, Xu Wanrou suddenly got to her heart. She put down her bowl and chopsticks. For the first time, instead of immediately comforting Lin Ruqian, she said to Bai Liyi, "actually, when I went out shopping today, I heard someone say that I had seen Miss jin'er. But I didn't believe that man who spoke freely. "

Bai Liyi and Lin Ruqian immediately looked at Xu Wanrou and said anxiously, "really?"

Xu Wanrou pretended to be frightened by them. Bailiyi and Lin Ruqian noticed their gaffe and then sat down. Bailiyi said softly, "miss Wanrou, if you hear anything, please tell us."

For the first time, I heard bailiyi speak to her so gently, Xu

Wan Rou could not help blushing, and then said, "I'm also listening to others on the street, but it's not necessarily true. If you can't find Miss jin'er at that time, don't be too disappointed."

For Bai Liyi and Lin Ruqian, they are dead horses and live horse doctors.

So at their urging, Xu Wanrou naturally told her own story.

"When I was on the street today, I heard a man say that he had seen Zhong Lijin, but he also said that she knew the ability of Childe Yi. If childe Yi could provide him with clues to occupy the treasure house, he would release people."

Xu Wanrou then added: "I don't think the man dressed very well, spoke madly, and even said such arrogant words, so I think what he said may be a lie, so I didn't pay attention to his appearance."

Lin Ruqian said excitedly: "this man said that he had met jin'er. Nine times out of ten, it should be true, right? After all, if he had cheated us, he would not have come to a better end. "

Xu Wanrou timely reminded Lin Ruqian: "old lady, don't forget what he said. You must provide him with clues to occupy the treasure house before he can release people."

Lin Ruqian also responded and immediately asked Bai Liyi, "Yi'er, the man said that you can help him find the clue to occupy the treasure house. You can satisfy him, give him the clue to occupy the treasure house, and then save jin'er!"

Bai Liyi, who had always been ignorant, was helpless. He said to Lin Ruqian, "mother-in-law, it's not that I don't want to help that man find clues to occupy the treasure house for jin'er, but that I don't know what the treasure house is. Where is the clue to start? "

Lin Ruqian also understood that bailiyi was not omnipotent. If he could do it, he would have done it by his heart to jin'er.

Lin Ruqian thought so, but Xu Wanrou didn't think so. Since the organizer said that bailiyi had clues to occupy the treasure house, she would not cheat such a powerless person.

Then it means that Bai Liyi knows all this but pretends not to. It seems that this treasure house is more important to him than Zhong Lijin.

The three people finished the meal with their hearts in mind.

It's another night. Xu Wanrou is not in a hurry to fall asleep. She knows that the people in the organization can't wait to see her tonight to see the progress of the task.

Sure enough, when there was silence in Baili mansion, the man in black came again.

The man in black asked Xu Wan judo, "have you got any clues from Bai Liyi to occupy the treasure house?"

Xu Wan Judo: "this is just the past day. I'm just a servant girl. In such a short period of time, if you want me to find out such important information, you have to worry about it again. That's too much to believe me!"

Humanity in Black: "the clue to occupy the treasure house is very important. If you can't find it in a short time, we will have to change someone to do the work. At that time, we will have to sacrifice you for bailiyi's trust in another person."

Xu Wanrou knew that the organization did what she said, so she quickly assured the man in black, "since the organization has spoken, I will find the clue as soon as possible. But as you know, I'm just a little maid. Sometimes, when I do a lot of things, I'm naturally more than willing and less than able. "

The man in black couldn't understand Xu Wanrou's flowery heart. He said directly, "what do you want the organization to do for you?"

Xu Wanrou said with a smile: "it's not very difficult for organizations. I just want to organize

Help me to be bailiyi's woman

Zhong Lijin quickly escaped, but she thought that she would be kidnapped, must be someone premeditated, so she did not go back immediately, but ran to the treasure pavilion to hide. Because she was in a hurry, she didn't have time to tell Bai Liyi.

There is still a little story in this treasure Pavilion.

At the beginning, Zhong Lijin had nothing to do recently. One day, Zhong Lijin took a lunch break and her hair was a little messy. She asked the maid to dress her up again.

The maid came forward, opened the dressing box, picked it up from left to right, frowned and said to Zhong Lijin, "empress Hou, these jewelry are not bright in color and new in style. Let's go to the jewelry store on the street and buy some new ones some day. It's said that flowers go with beauties, swords go with heroes, and concubine Hou, you are naturally beautiful. How can you go with more beautiful jewelry? "

Everyone loves to hear good words. Zhong Lijin laughs: "you are so clever. It's like wiping honey. Do you eat sugar secretly, or else your mouth is so sweet?" Zhong Lijin is in a good mood and seldom plays a joke.

The servant girl immediately turned white and lowered her head to explain: "no, no, what I said is true. This jewelry really doesn't deserve you."

Jewelry, jewelry, listen to the maid said jewelry several times in a row. Zhong Lijin has a flash of inspiration. Yes, she can open a jewelry store.

With her experience in the last life, she has more experience than others, plus a good memory. She still remembers that some of the later jewelry were very good-looking, and many people liked it, which caused a stir in that period.

She can make it appear in front of the world ahead of time. Of course, she can also design her own drawings. Before she let the craftsmen make them, she was very interested in jewelry. She liked the shiny things very much. She had some knowledge about jewelry, so she was lost when she thought about it.

The servant girl saw that Zhong Lijin didn't speak for a long time. She was puzzled in her heart, so she boldly raised her head and saw that Hou Fei seemed to be thinking about something.

I shouldn't have bothered you, but I haven't finished dressing yet, so I said softly, "Madam Hou, let's make up first." Zhong Lijin's thoughts were startled by the sound of the servant girl's words. Looking at her hair in the dressing mirror, she nodded to the servant girl and said, "then comb it."

"Yes, empress Hou." The servant girl is glad that the Hou imperial concubine is not angry. Pick a gem hairpin, plus a Jin Bu Yao, make-up.

The servant girl looked at Zhong Lijin's face. She didn't look angry, so she complimented: "empress Hou, it's not a slave who tells a lie. No matter how bad your jewelry is, it's dazzling for you. If you wear it by someone else, it won't have such effect."

Zhong Lijin smiles faintly, ignoring the flattery of the servant girl.

She looked up and asked, "where is the Marquis?"

"The Marquis has gone out. He can't come back until evening." The servant girl didn't know why the imperial concubine suddenly asked the Lord, but she came back immediately.

"Well." Zhong Lijin said she knew.

They could have opened a jewelry store without knowing how to play Baili chess, but they are husband and wife. If they don't talk to him, if he hears about Baili chess from others, he will be more angry at that time, because of her understanding of Baili chess.

In order not to let each other's feelings have flaws, Zhong Lijin decides to say something to Bai Liyi. Anyway, he won't disagree. He knows that he will only support her.

The time of an afternoon passes in the waiting of Zhong Lijin.

It's almost time for dinner, and bailiyi finally comes back to his house.

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