Zhong Lijin greets: "why did you come back so late? When dinner is ready, it's waiting for you."

Bailiyi sat down with Zhong Lijin and looked at her for a while. She didn't show her face, but her eyes showed a sense of urgency. He thought that she had something to look for him, so he asked, "jin'er, don't worry. Come and sit down. Is there anything you want to tell me, eh?"

Zhong Lijin's heart trembles when she listens to bailiyi's words. She thinks she behaves the same as usual, but she doesn't know bailiyi can find her abnormality from her little action. A warm current flows slowly from her heart, which makes her heart soft. She knows that if bailiyi didn't take her seriously, she would not know that she is different from her usual.

Zhong Lijin is very moved in her heart. No one has ever been so kind to her. I can't help reddening my eyes.

Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin's red eyes and is at a loss. He doesn't know what's wrong with Zhong Lijin.

"Jin'er, what's the matter? Did I say something wrong? " Bai Liyi comes to Zhong Lijin.

"No, it's not your fault. It's just my feeling." Zhong Lijin shakes her head quickly to keep him from worrying.

"That's good. By the way, do you want to talk to me about something? I don't think so

"It's just a little thing. You must have no dinner when you come back so late. I'll tell you after dinner." Zhong Lijin doesn't want to make bailiyi hungry because of her little things, and refuses.

"All right." Bailiyi is relieved to hear that Zhong Lijin said it was a small matter. Bailiyi knows Zhong Lijin very well. Since she said it was a small matter, it's not a big deal“ Let's eat quickly. You must be hungry after such a long time. " Zhong Lijin said and called the maid to pass on the meal.

When the dishes are ready, they begin to have dinner. During this time, Baili chess brings several dishes to Zhong Lijin.

The servant girl was waiting on her side. Seeing this, she was very envious. The relationship between Hou ye and Hou Fei was very good. In the big families in the capital, there were few Hou ye and Hou Fei who were so affectionate.

Soon after they finished their meal, it was getting dark. They return to the bedroom and start to take a bath. When Zhong Lijin washes well, they come back to the room and see that bailiyi has been washed and is sitting on the bed waiting for her.

"Jin'er, come here quickly." Bailiyi sees Zhong Lijin calling.

Zhong Lijin came to the bed, took off her shoes and climbed to bed. As soon as Zhong Lijin went to bed, Bai Liyi put her in her arms, stroked her black hair, and gently asked, "now you can say it, the little things you said, eh?"

Zhong Lijin is lying in Bai Liyi's arms, enjoying his gentle touch. Suddenly, when he mentions this, he is interested.

She quickly got up and said to him, "well, don't I look a little free? I'm ready to open a jewelry shop after I've thought about it. Do you think my idea is feasible? "

Bailiyi looks at her funny and holds her in his arms again.

"That's what you're talking about? But you look like you're very interested! " A hundred Li chess picks eyebrows.

"Yes, I've thought about it. First I'll find a shop, then I'll find a shopkeeper, then I'll find the source of goods, and then..."

Bailiyi patiently listens to Zhong Lijin's endless talk about the idea of the shop she is going to open. However, when she hears that she is looking for a shop, she turns her mind. How about the shop? Do you still need to look? There are many shops in his hands.

Bai Liyi waited patiently for her to finish, and then said, "do you need to spend time looking for a shop? Is your husband just driving

Shop, as many as you want. " Bai Li's appearance of being rich makes Zhong Lijin smile.

"Well, what my husband said is that I was thoughtless."

Bailiyi thought again and said, "if you want to open a jewelry store, I'll give you the treasure Pavilion. You can do whatever you want."

Zhong Lijin looked up at his chin and said, "you are not afraid of losing money. You are so confident to me. If I don't make any money, I feel sorry for your kindness to me."

With a wave of his hand, Baili chess said, "even if you lose money, your husband has plenty of money. If it's too big to earn back, we'll play."

"Well, it's up to you. I'll go to treasure Pavilion tomorrow." Zhong Lijin agrees to come down.

After talking about business, Zhong Lijin is also sleepy, and they begin to go to bed.

The next morning, Zhong Lijin took her maid to the treasure pavilion to have a look.

The so-called treasure Pavilion is selling jewelry, ready-made clothes and so on. Most of the dignitaries in the capital want to buy things here, because it is not only large, but also has a wide variety.

As soon as Zhong Lijin went in, she found that there were a lot of things in it. As soon as she went in, it was dazzling.

Zhong Lijin looked left and right, and found that there was a dress that was very eye-catching. As soon as she was ready to take it down to have a look, she heard a arrogant and domineering voice: "shopkeeper, that dress is wanted by Miss Ben. Go and take it." She pointed to the one Zhong Lijin liked.

The treasurer of treasure pavilion has already found Hou Fei, but she doesn't want to show her identity, so she doesn't come forward to salute. At this moment, I saw a young lady of the official family trying to grab the clothes that the imperial concubine of Hou liked. I was so upset that I couldn't see anything that didn't grow eyes. I didn't listen to her.

Seeing that the shopkeeper ignored her, the official lady became angry and threw her anger on Zhong Lijin.

Because Zhong Lijin hasn't appeared in the capital for more than a year, the official lady doesn't know her.

"Well, that's you." When she saw Zhong Lijin looking at her, she raised her chin and said in a sharp voice, "I want that dress, miss. You can choose another one."

Zhong Lijin smiles, but she is not in a hurry to open her own identity. She says, "this lady, you have to tell me the rules for everything, and you have to tell me the first come, the second come for business. Even if you like the clothes I choose, you have to discuss with me, don't you?"

Since Zhong Lijin has decided to be a boss, she must first learn to deal with all kinds of customers. It is reasonable to say that the boss should satisfy the customers, but the bossy manner of the official lady in front of her makes Zhong Lijin dissatisfied.

The customer is certainly the financial source of the shop, but today, now, he also comes as a customer, OK?! If you have a few unruly guests like you every day, you can't drive away a lot of buyers?!

In this way, how can the shop be opened? Therefore, Zhong Lijin decided that she should not follow the rules of the official lady today. She should let her know the rules of trading. As soon as she heard Zhong Lijin's words, the official lady was so surprised that her mouth became O-shaped and her eyes turned and glared.

In the capital, few people dare to say that to themselves

Then, Miss Guan can't help but look at Zhong Lijin again. Seeing that she doesn't know Zhong Lijin well, she also wears a simple dress with only a few beautiful lotus flowers. At a glance, Miss Guan concludes that Zhong Lijin will never come from a famous family.

In fact, what she didn't know was that although the clothes Zhong Lijin wore were not colorful, they were made of natural silk. They were warm in winter and cool in summer, which were handed down from the western regions“ rules? Ha ha ha ha The official lady pretended to smile as if she heard a joke, then suddenly her eyes glared and said, "do you know what trading rules are? Let Miss Bennet teach you. The rule is that whoever has money has to choose first! You know what? "

When Zhong Lijin heard this, she was really annoyed by this official lady. There is still an official lady with boudoir etiquette. She is just a bandit!

The shopkeeper on one side was not angry at this. This unintelligent thing dared to talk to our Houfei like this. What is she that can be compared with our Houfei. In addition, she didn't pay attention to me, but Hou Fei didn't speak. As a slave, he couldn't export without permission.

Seeing that Zhong Lijin didn't retort, Miss Guan was more and more proud. She pointed to Zhong Lijin's clothes and said, "look at your clothes again. They are simple and plain. They don't even have a few embroidered flowers. What are you doing in this treasure pavilion?"?! The goods here are very expensive. Can you afford money? "


Zhong Lijin's heart can't help rising a burst of disdain, speechless for a moment. It's beneath her dignity to argue with such a person.

One side of the shopkeeper heard almost did not fall to the ground, Hou Fei's clothes will be simple? Although he can't see the specific origin and value of Zhong Lijin's clothes at a glance, with his many years of business experience, he can definitely see that Zhong Lijin's clothes can never be bought casually with money.

Seeing that Zhong Lijin didn't reply, the official lady was more sure that she was guilty, and her words became more arrogant and arrogant: "hum, I don't know where the cat and dog came from. They are just poor and poor, and dare to come to the treasure Pavilion. Where is the treasure Pavilion? It's a place where we ladies can come, and the bumpkins from the countryside also deserve to come here, I don't know. "

The shopkeeper of treasure Pavilion bowed his head and rolled his eyes. It's funny. We Hou Fei are the boss and don't deserve to come here. Who's going to be you? Really... Ha ha.

Just as the official lady kept laughing at Zhong Lijin, Bai Liyi finished other things and went to find Zhong Lijin outside the gate of Zhenbao Pavilion. When he heard these words, he was very angry. He opened the shop for the public. He never set the rule that the poor can't enter. Moreover, Zhong Lijin is going to take over the business of Zhenbao Pavilion as the boss, Isn't this man saying these words to break the dirty water in the treasure pavilion?!

He wants to see which one doesn't have long eyes and dares to run wild in his territory. He really eats the gall of a leopard.

Bai Liyi strode into the pavilion from the door and asked in a loud voice, "who is so bold and dares to run wild in the treasure pavilion?" The official lady was just beginning to speak. She was suddenly interrupted. She was not happy. She looked up and was about to get angry. However, she saw that it was not someone else who was speaking, but the boss of the treasure Pavilion, the Marquis of the current Dynasty, bailiyi.

All of a sudden, her anger turned to joy, and her heart leaped. Originally, she just came to buy clothes, but she didn't expect to meet Hou ye by chance. Bai Liyi, she heard from her parents.

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