Looking at in front of two Lang have feeling, concubine intentional one scene, dark Wei very conscious of oneself backed down, casually returned to them to close the door.

Zhong Lijin and bailiyi have planned their journey and time, and then they begin to prepare.

Zhong Lijin didn't want to take Xu Wanrou with her this time, so she had a thought and didn't tell her, but Xu Wanrou still knew.

When Xu Wanrou learns that Zhong Lijin and bailiyi are going to the East desert, she is anxious and angry. What's urgent is that they go to the East desert to find Qingge. If they find her, what will happen? What's angry is that Zhong Lijin doesn't tell her that they want to go to the world with bailiyi.

Her eyes are full of malice and jealousy, sneer: "Zhong Lijin, you don't have to be proud now, one day, Baili chess will be mine." Then he went to find Zhong Lijin.

When the servant came to report Xu Wanrou's arrival, Zhong Lijin was still in a pile with Bai Liyi. Hearing the report from the servant, Zhong Lijin's tea drinking hand stopped for a moment, but said, "it seems that she still knows."

Bai Li Yi's eyes flashed a trace of ice cold and said, "if you know, you'll know. Don't be afraid of her. Let her come in."

Xu Wanrou knew that bailiyi was also in it, so she arranged her clothes at the door and swayed in.

After she went in, her voice was sweet and she saluted with Zhong Lijin and bailiyi, and then her eyes were fixed on bailiyi's face.

Bailiyi noticed the obsession in Xu Wanrou's eyes. Disgust flashed in her eyes. She turned her head and didn't want to see her.

Zhong Lijin secretly looks at these things and suddenly smiles. The mountain is clear and the water is clean, but the smile can't reach her eyes. Zhong Lijin says, "Wanrou, what's the matter?"

"Miss." Xu Wanrou took a resentful look at Zhong Lijin and asked, "Miss, why don't you take me? Why don't you keep it from me?" Said, actually fell tears, a pear with tears look, very poor.

Zhong Lijin sneered in her heart, but her face was still silent. Looking at Xu Wanrou, she asked, "why do you want to go?"

Xu Wanrou was shocked in her heart. No matter what she said before, Zhong Lijin always promised unconditionally. How could she ask today. So Xu Wanrou put away her tears and said, "maidservant can serve miss."

Zhong Lijin looks at the Baili chess beside her. Baili chess shakes her hand placidly. So Zhong Lijin nodded and said, "come with us."

Xu Wanrou, seeing that she had achieved her goal, didn't wait much. After watching a hundred Li chess, she withdrew.

Zhong Lijin takes Guo'er to her mother.

Lin Qianru's heart melted when she saw the soft glutinous fruit. She held the fruit in one hand and slowly shook it. She asked, "what's the matter? Suddenly she sent the fruit to me."

Zhong Lijin smiles and says, "chess and I have to go to the East desert country. I can rest assured that the fruit is with you."

Lin Qianru could only nod and agreed.

After giving Guo'er to her mother, Zhong Lijin goes back to find bailiyi and writes a letter to Nangong Liuyun, saying that she is going to the East desert country and hopes that he will make the best of his friendship.

On the Dragon chair of the imperial palace of the eastern desert, Nangong looked at the letter in his hand, laughed, looked at the eunuch next to him, and said, "you have to send someone down to prepare to say that after you don't let go, you have to meet two distinguished guests."

Although the eunuch was puzzled, he didn't ask any more questions. When he got down, he went to give orders.

In the evening, Zhong Lijin leans on Bai Liyi and says faintly, with a melancholy tone: "I have never thought about it, Xu Wan

Rou will also betray me. Do you think I should be good to you? "

Bailiyi touched his nose and looked at Zhong Lijin innocently.

Zhong Lijin turned her head and didn't look at Baili chess. Baili chess was not angry either. Holding Zhong Lijin, she said in a low voice: "no, you still have me."

It seems that Zhong Lijin still refuses to forgive bailiyi. She doesn't even look at him. It's warm inside. For a long time, she says viciously, "bailiyi, I hate you. It brings so many rotten peach blossoms."

Bai Liyi didn't want to talk to anyone. He held his daughter-in-law and didn't speak. His eyes were full of tenderness.

The next day, Zhong Lijin and bailiyi are ready to leave. Xu Wanrou has been waiting at the door for a long time.

Zhong Lijin looks at Xu Wanrou and finds that Xu Wanrou is very beautiful today. When Xu Wanrou sees Zhong Lijin and bailiyi come out, she looks at bailiyi and blushes. I don't want to see Zhong Lijin at all.

Zhong Lijin secretly scolds herself as a pig brain. It's so obvious that she didn't see it before.

Bai Liyi also ignores Xu Wanrou completely, thinking of her little wife wholeheartedly.

Zhong Lijin came to Xu Wanrou and said with a faint smile, "Wanrou, I don't have a big carriage with Yi. I've wronged you." Then he picked up his skirt and got into the carriage, and bailiyi followed him.

Xu Wanrou's face was as black as the bottom of a pot. She almost broke a mouthful of silver teeth. She used to sit with the two of them. She thought that she could communicate with Baili chess this time.

As a result, Zhong Lijin asked her to sit with some servants. She scolded secretly in her heart, and didn't realize that she was also a servant.

Xu Wanrou stares at Zhong Lijin and bailiyi's carriage, unwilling to sit in another carriage.

Zhong Lijin did it on purpose today, because she didn't like the way Xu Wanrou looked at his man.

All the way, it was calm and calm. Xu Wanrou was a lot of good, but sometimes she would secretly watch Baili chess. Zhong Lijin didn't really let down her heart when she saw it. She felt that Xu Wanrou must be planning something, so she had to be more careful.

After a long journey, Zhong Lijin gave Xu Wanrou food and clothing in strict accordance with the rules of her servants. Although she was angry, she had to accept it with a smile when she saw Baili chess beside her.

Gradually, it was about to reach the border of the eastern desert. Zhong Lijin played chess with Baili. She said, "chess, Xu Wanrou has stopped a lot recently."

When Baili thought about it, he nodded and said, "it seems so."

Zhong Lijin's mouth curved with a sneer. She left a chess piece in her hand and said, "I don't think she's good at learning. She must still be thinking about something."

Bai Liyi raised his head and looked at Zhong Lijin seriously. He said, "I'm not afraid. There's me."

Zhong Lijin shakes her head and answers, "no, let me solve this problem by myself. It's because I don't know people, that I will leave behind a disaster outside." Zhong Lijin also doubts this matter. She suspects that Guo'er and Xu Wanrou must have something to do with each other. But she didn't say it. If she said it, bailiyi might go out and chop Xu Wanrou, but Xu Wanrou still has to keep it.

Zhong Lijin looked at the situation and found that she was going to lose again. She angrily threw the pieces aside and said, "no, no, I don't know what to do."

Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin's angry appearance and began to laugh. He put his wife in his arms and said, "good, good, no more."

At this time, Xu Wanrou didn't know the interaction between them. She was worried that if Qingge was found by Zhong Lijin, she would play. So Xu Wanrou hated Zhong Lijin more and more, thinking that if she died, it would be better. In this way, Baili chess would be her.

The next day, they arrived in the eastern desert. Nangong Liuyun came out to meet them and set up a banquet.

There's a lot of noise in the street.

Xu Wanrou was stunned. Seeing that Nangong Liuyun was happy today, the eunuch said to Xu Wanrou, "Blessed are you. With such a master, your young lady is your Majesty's life-saving benefactor."

Xu Wanrou listen, nail pinch into the meat inside all don't know, her heart is very unbalanced, why, the best is Zhong Lijin.

What abilities does she have and why everyone is so good to her.

Sooner or later, all this is my Xu Wanrou's! Xu Wanrou swore to herself.

Xu Wanrou looks at Zhong Lijin with jealous eyes.

On the other hand, Zhong Lijin and Nangong Liuyun had a good talk, just like old friends meeting again.

Nangong Liuyun said with his special smile: "what can I do for Princess Ding?"

Zhong Lijin laughed and said, "king, don't be unfamiliar. Just call me Lijin. This time I venture to come to the monarch to ask for his help. I don't know if the monarch will appreciate it. "

Nangong Liuyun was very curious and asked“ Oh, I'd like to know who can make the Grand Marquis of Dingguo ask for help from me? "

Zhong Lijin put away her smile and said, "monarch, I want you to help me find someone."

Nangong Liuyun sees Zhong Lijin's serious face and knows that this person is very important to Zhong Lijin.

Nangong Liuyun said without hesitation: "good! I'll find it for you, but who's this guy? It's easy for me to talk about it. "

Zhong Lijin said: "sorry, I don't know her name, even if I know, I can't say. However, she used to be the number one in yihongyuan and always liked to wear white clothes. I can only tell you so much. I wonder if the monarch is willing to help me? "

Zhong Lijin looks at Nangong Liuyun and indicates that Nangong Liuyun is careful of Xu Wanrou. Nangong Liuyun nods knowingly.

Nangong Liuyun pretended to be hesitant for a while, and then he said, "I've helped you about Lijin."

Zhong Lijin said happily: "Xie Guojun!"

Nangong Liuyun saw that Zhong Lijin was so happy, and he was gradually infected. His smile went straight to the bottom of his eyes and said, "ah, Li Jin said don't let me be unfamiliar. How can he become unfamiliar? You don't have to call me king, just call me Liuyun. At that time, I still wanted to thank you and Marquis Ding. If it wasn't for your help, I might not be the king of East desert now. "

Zhong Lijin said with a smile: "no, it's Liuyun who has the ability. Our husband and wife are just a little help."

They two talk and laugh, and the side of Xu Wanrou but listen to the confused, also don't know who Zhong Lijin is looking for.

When Zhong Lijin and Nangong Liuyun were chatting and laughing, and when Xu Wanrou was confused, a graceful woman came to the banquet.

I saw her gorgeous dress, beautiful face, this Fengyi world move.

At this time, Nangong Liuyun said with a strong smile: "mu'er, you're here. Come and sit next to me."

The woman went to Nangong Liuyun and sat down.

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