Seeing Zhong Lijin's puzzled look, Nangong Liuyun also finds that he is negligent and says apologetically: "I forgot to introduce him. Li Jin, this is Shangguan mu'er, my wife and the queen of Eastern desert."

After Zhong Lijin understood, she said with a smile: "it's the queen. No wonder she has such a charming style and has a polite manner."

Shangguan mu'er saw that Zhong Lijin praised himself so much, and his favor for Zhong Lijin rose. He said with a smile: "I don't know who this elder sister is?"

Zhong Lijin said innocently, "look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm the wife and concubine of marquis Ding."

Shangguan mu'er heard Zhong Lijin say so, some excited said: "are you Zhong Lijin?"


Shangguan mu'er got Zhong Lijin's answer and said more excitedly: "my God, you are Li Jin's elder sister. You have heard the name of Princess Ding for a long time. Now you can see me. I'm very lucky."

Zhong Lijin said shyly, "I'm flattered. I'm lucky to see my mother."

Shangguan mu'er said to Zhong Lijin, "don't call me Niangniang. It's too strange. Just call me mu'er. Can I call you sister Lijin? "

Zhong Lijin saw Shangguan mu'er looking forward to him, but it was not easy to refuse, saying: "as long as mu'er is happy."


Shangguan mu'er gets Zhong Lijin's affirmation and happily pulls Nangong Liuyun's sleeve. Nangong Liuyun shakes his head with a smile, and his expression is helpless.

Shangguan mu'er suddenly seems to think of something. He pulls Nangong Liuyun's sleeve and looks forward to Nangong Liuyun saying, "yunyun, yunyun, I want to go to Li Jin's elder sister, OK?"

Nangong Liuyun looked at Shangguan mu'er, but in a reproachful tone, he said: "nonsense, as the queen, how can you be so rude? Now at the banquet, you openly abandon me and go to find your sister Lijin, which will embarrass them and make the ministers grasp the handle. It's time for another thing. Besides, you are not happy to leave sister Jin's sweetheart. "

Listening to what Nangong Liuyun said, Shangguan mu'er also felt that he was abrupt. He nodded in disappointment and said, "well, mu'er is negligent."

Zhong Lijin saw Shangguan mu'er's lost expression and said, "it's OK, mu'er. We'll have a good chat when the banquet is over, OK?"

Having said that, I saw that Shangguan mu'er changed from listless to smiling, and said to Zhong Lijin: "good! It's a deal! "

Zhong Lijin said with a smile, "it's a deal."

Shangguan mu'er hugs Nangong Liuyun's shoulder happily.

Seeing that Shangguan mu'er was so happy, Nangong Liuyun was also happy. Looking at Shangguan mu'er's appearance, he shook his head helplessly and looked at Shangguan mu'er's doting smile.

One side of Bai Li Yi has not opened his mouth to speak, he has been wholeheartedly looking at his family's Dingguo Hou Fei, while for her food, while looking at her appearance, doting smile.

Looking at Zhong Lijin's heartfelt smile, I am also very happy. Bailiyi suddenly thanks Shangguan mu'er for making his Lijin so happy.

Everyone was talking and laughing, but one of them didn't smile.

Xu Wanrou looks at Zhong Lijin with jealous eyes.

After the party broke up, Shangguan mu'er hurriedly took Zhong Lijin out, while Xu Wanrou looked at Zhong Lijin with resentful eyes and reluctantly followed her.

Shangguan mu'er pulls Zhong Lijin under a pavilion in the back garden

It stopped.

Shangguan mu'er said happily: "sister Lijin, I feel that your Dingguo Marquis likes you very much."

Zhong Lijin said shyly, "don't you and your Nangong Liuyun also love each other? I've never heard anyone call Nangong Liuyun so boldly. You are the first and the only one. "

Shangguan mu'er covered his face shyly and said, "where is it?"

Zhong Lijin said with a smile: "yes, I see that Nangong Liuyun's eyes are so soft that they are about to come out of the water, and I still don't admit it. He likes you so much. You should cherish it. After all, it's not easy for an emperor like him to fall in love with someone regardless. "

Zhong Lijin looked at the sky outside the pavilion disconsolately and sighed.

Shangguan mu'er took Zhong Lijin's hand and said, "yes, the emperor's love is not easy. Because he is an emperor, he has to face not only a variety of official documents, but also those cunning courtiers, but also try his best to protect me. He thought I didn't know, but the concubines came to break their mouths every day, and I knew one or two. "

Zhong Lijin also holds Shangguan mu'er's hand and says: "if a person can protect himself like this, his life will be worth it."

Shangguan mu'er looked at the dark sky with bright stars and said, "yes, I will cherish him. He has done his best for me and is worth everything."

After a moment's silence, Shangguan mu'er said, "I think my elder sister is also very happy to see that you are so spoiled by the Marquis of your country."

Zhong Lijin thought of Bai Liyi, and his face returned to a smile, saying: "yes, I also have a person who is worth trusting. Although his power is not the highest and his money is not the highest, I don't care about those. What I care about is him. He is enough. "

Shangguan mu'er looked at Zhong Lijin and said, "it's so good that we all have our destined partner."

Zhong Lijin also looked at Shangguan mu'er with a smile and said, "yes, it's good."

At this time, Xu Wanrou suddenly cut in and said, "mu'er, of course, the Marquis of our country is the best."

At this time, Shangguan mu'er noticed that Xu Wanrou frowned and said in disgust, "Why are you so unruly? Call me empress. The Marquis of Ding state belongs to sister Lijin. When did he become a member of your family? "

Xu Wanrou's smiling face broke down in an instant and said in embarrassment: "I saw Zhong Lijin call you that, so do I. Marquis Ding

Shangguan mu'er said impatiently: "sister Lijin is my husband's benefactor. I allowed her to call her that. What are you? I didn't allow you. This time, you are Li Jin's maid, and I won't pursue your guilt any more. "

Shangguan mu'er and Zhong Lijin turn around and ignore Xu Wanrou.

They looked at each other with a smile, and immediately felt that it was too late to meet.

After a while, they continued to talk about the trifles of their lives.

While Xu Wanrou, standing on one side, looks at Zhong Lijin jealously.

Why is she so popular? She can't beat herself!

Then they said Nalan Qingci, and suddenly Shangguan mu'er said, "I know Nalan Qingci."

Looking at Zhong Lijin's puzzled expression, Shangguan mu'er explained: "in fact, I'm an official woman from the northern Yan kingdom. I came to the eastern desert to make peace with her, not from the eastern desert."

Zhong Lijin said clearly: "I see, it's such a coincidence that we all know Nalan Qingci."

Shangguan mu'er said with a smile: "yes, what a coincidence."

At night, the cold wind blows, and the maid next to Shangguan mu'er puts on her cloak. Seeing that Xu Wanrou had nothing on her hand, Shangguan mu'er could not help saying with some reproach, "what's the matter with you? How come out also don't know to bring a cape to own master son, in case of infection wind cold how to do? Go back and get it

Xu Wanrou looked at Zhong Lijin with hatred and turned away.

Shangguan mu'er looked at Zhong Lijin and said, "sister Lijin, actually

Zhong Lijin was puzzled and said, "what's the matter?"

Shangguan mu'er looked at Zhong Lijin seriously and said, "I have admired my sister for a long time. Today, I finally got what I wanted."

Zhong Lijin heard Shangguan mu'er say: "Shangguan sister, why are you so polite? Since you are Nalan Qingci's good friend, you are also my sister's good friend. What's more, you are Nangong Liuyun's wife. However, Nangong Liuyun and I have a long history."

Hearing Zhong Lijin's words, Shangguan mu'er said: "sister mu'er is about to thank her sister. If she doesn't have her sister, mu'er will become a widow. She will be prosperous today. Sister jin'er, sister mu'er will give you a gift." Then he took out a delicate box from his sleeve. As soon as he opened it, Hao Ran was a valuable Diancui hairpin. Xu Wanrou's eyes were bursting with fire. "Why should anyone be nice to Zhong Lijin? Sooner or later, I will snatch all the things she has, Let her be a cheap maid beside me. "Although Xu Wanrou thought so in her heart, she didn't show it at all on the surface. She kept complimenting her. Cui's temperament was similar to that of Zhong Lijin. She was born to wear it on Zhong Lijin's head

When Shangguan mu'er heard Xu Wanrou's words, she directly put this green hairpin on Zhong Lijin's head and said: "sister jin'er, it's really beautiful with this green hairpin."

When Zhong Lijin heard her words, she wanted to take off the Diancui hairpin and said, "how can this be? How can such a valuable hairpin say that you can give it to me as soon as you send it to me?"

But Shangguan mu'er said: "sister, you can take it. It's nothing more than a hairpin. It's nothing compared with you saving my husband's life. It's just an ornament. Sister, you can take it." listening to Shangguan mu'er's words, Zhong Lijin's hand movement also stops. She thinks that if she is trying to shirk, she seems to have some outsider

Back to the Shangguan mu'er, he said: "in this case, I will not respect my sister."

Shangguan Muyun said: "well, elder sister, let's go out for a walk. I've really had enough time in this palace. Usually, the old man in Liuyun in Nangong doesn't let me go out for a walk. Today, I just want to go out and buy some gadgets under the guise of my elder sister, and then let my elder sister see our local customs."

After listening to this, Zhong Lijin felt that she was bored. If she went out for a walk, she replied, "well, I also have some boredom. Wanrou, let's go together. Otherwise, it's meaningless to leave you here alone."

When Xu Wanrou heard their conversation, she thought, "go away quickly. I've had enough of you, so I don't want to go out with you. Then she heard Zhong Lijin ask her to go out with them. How could Xu Wanrou, who was tired of Zhong Lijin, go out with them?" she immediately said, "sister jin'er, you can go with sister mu'er. My stomach is a little uncomfortable, I won't go with you. I'll go to you when I'm a little better. "

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