Zhong Lijin was a little worried about her. Now when she heard her answer, she became even more suspicious. Then she thought that her husband was at least a little more powerful than herself. Then she didn't care. She went out of the palace with Shangguan mu'er. Before she left, she told a maid in waiting to tell Ding guohou and Shangguan Liuyun. We went out to relax, So that they would not be anxious to find out that we are missing, and then they would not forget to say to Xu Wanrou, "Wanrou, pay more attention to your body." although no one is suspicious of the news in their heart, they still want to pass away in face. After all, they are from the same place.

Just as they were going out, bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun were talking about things in the room. After talking about the recently spread treasure house of kanzhan ancient country, he asked, "Dingguo Hou, have you heard about the treasure house of kanzhan ancient country recently?"

After Nangong Liuyun mentioned it, Baili Yi remembered that the recent events around him seemed to have something to do with the treasure of this ancient country. He asked him, "I'm a little ignorant. I really haven't heard anything about the treasure of this ancient country. I'd like to ask Nangong Liuyun to solve my doubts.".

After hearing Bai Liyi's words, Nangong Liuyun slowed down for a while and said slowly and cautiously, "since Marquis Ding wants to hear, I'll tell brother Bai Li something about this treasure house. It's said that this treasure house is the most mysterious treasure house in the whole continent. It's said that as long as you get this treasure house, the people who get this treasure house can change the dynasty of this continent, Enter a new era, and be able to rule this continent.! Some people say that this treasure house is a batch of treasure left by the king of the ancient kamchates for his descendants to overthrow the rule of the contemporary rulers. Because the old king of kamchates was old and sometimes sober, he left this batch of treasure for his later generations to overthrow the rulers and rebuild the ancient kamchates, It is said that every artifact in the treasure can be taken out to frighten the world. If you can get all the treasures in the treasure, it is said that you can change the dynasty! Speaking of this, we have to talk about the ancient kamzhan country. It was a prosperous country in those years. All kinds of things they produced, such as carvings, jade, jewelry and so on, were very expensive. The swords produced in kamzhan country were extremely sharp. It is said that some people used the swords made in kamzhan country, He fixed it on the ground and pressed the tip of his sword with a huge stone weighing 1000 kg. Although he bent the sword, as soon as he removed the stone, the sword would crack and stretch straight. Moreover, the blade was still as cold as snow, with short hair and no curling edge. "

At that time, the technology was at its peak and perfect. I really can't imagine that the powerful ancient country of kanzhan at that time would be defeated by other countries. I don't know if the king at that time had a brain drain. "

Bai Liyi was also lost in thought after hearing this. What he said was right. How could such a powerful ancient kanzhan country suddenly perish? There must be something unknown. Suddenly, Bai Liyi's mind flashed. Just now Nangong Liuyun said that kanzhan treasure house is the most mysterious treasure house in the whole continent. It is said that as long as you get this treasure house, you can change dynasties, Bai Liyi thought of the person who kidnapped Zhong Lijin before, and also said that he wanted him to exchange the clues that could occupy the treasure house. Then I thought that I had never heard of the treasure house. Why did everyone think he knew it? Thinking of Baili Yi, Zhong Lijin can't help worrying. Although he was kidnapped last time, he came here in a panic, but after all, the enemy was in the dark, and I was in the light. Thinking of this, Baili Yi's brow could not help frowning, and his thoughts were also in disorder

And bailiyi at this time the most concerned about people, Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er at this time in the street around unbridled, suddenly, Shangguan mu'er

Seeing another group of artists performing on the street in the distance, not only monkey performers, but also musical instrument performers, acrobatics performers, painting artists and so on, Shangguan mu'er said to Zhong Lijin, "sister, sister, let's go to see the street show together. It's a scenic spot in our eastern desert country. There are no other countries. Sister, you can't miss it. Go, go, Let's go and have a look. " As she said this, she pulled Zhong Lijin to the other side. Zhong Lijin didn't want to be kidnapped, but she was embarrassed to blow Shangguan mu'er's face, so she had to go with Shangguan mu'er. After standing nearby for a while, she felt that there was no danger, so she went to the painter with Shangguan mu'er's encouragement, As soon as the painter saw that there was a business coming, he asked, "does the lady paint a portrait or a whole body?"?

Before Zhong Lijin could speak, Shangguan mu'er made a decision for her. My sister's portrait should be well done in detail. As soon as the portrait painter heard that she was going to paint the details well, he looked at Zhong Lijin carefully. Then he found that her Diancui hairpin was inserted in her bun. He was surprised that she was an official family. He had to serve her well, but he couldn't make her angry, The painting is also more cautious. I'm afraid that if there's a little flaw, I'll bury my life.

At this time, Bai Liyi was more and more unable to sit down. He always felt that Zhong Lijin was in danger now. Just when he wanted to get up and discuss with Nangong Liuyun about going out to find Zhong Lijin, Nangong Liuyun said something again, which made Bai Liyi unable to sit down. He looked at the sun outside and felt that it had been half a day, According to the previous clock from Jin has already come back, can't help but more worried about her.

Nangong Liuyun saw that bailiyi's brows kept frowning and his pupil's focus was a little lax. He felt that he wanted to occupy the treasure. He quickly said, "this treasure only exists in the legendary treasure house. No one knows its real location, but he doesn't know why it has started to spread recently, It is said that it has spread to the ears of the alien people in the border areas. It is also said that people who are destined to find treasure can occupy it. " Nangong Liuyun said with a smile: "I'm afraid it's just a conspiracy against whom so many people come from."

When Bai Liyi heard the words of Nangong Liuyun, he remembered that Zhong Lijin had been suffering constantly because of occupying the treasure recently. After hearing the reminder of Nangong Liuyun, Bai Liyi could not help thinking that Zhong Lijin was in a bad situation., How can he know that Zhong Lijin is not only free, but also happy. She is infatuated with all kinds of scenery in the East desert country. Moreover, as a Marquis of Dingguo, she is so worried that she is confused. How can Zhong Lijin be in danger when she is with Shangguan mu'er, the mother of the East desert country.

But bailiyi couldn't sit still. He got up and said to Nangong Liuyun, "brother Nangong, I'm going to find Jiner. Let's talk about it some other day."

"What's the matter?" Nangong Liuyun doubts. Zhong Lijin shakes her head and smiles at him.

On the other hand, Xu Wanrou is still angry. All she thinks about is the scene of harmony between Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er, which makes her angry and helpless.

She didn't expect that Zhong Lijin didn't compete with Shangguan mu'er, and they were jealous of each other. She became a picture of sister harmony, which completely deviated from her imagination! Originally, she planned to plunder the fishermen at the right time. If it goes on like this, those two people will probably stand on the same front to fight against her

yes! At that time, the organization may not be able to help her become Hou Fei

Thinking of this, Xu Wanrou puts the teacup on the table in front of a servant girl. The servant girl's head was lowered in fear that Xu Wanrou would vent her nameless anger on her.

"Why!, What the hell is going on! " Xu Wanrou asked, she now needs a person to help enlighten her! Think clearly for her what to do with the current situation‘ Bang

Xu Wanrou feels that she is still angry. She seems to have imagined that Zhong Lijin is looking at herself sarcastically. She seems to be laughing at her incompetence and her insensitivity! It made her very angry. Take a deep breath to calm down your emotions and encourage yourself to tell yourself that you can't be angry, or you will be in the way of that bitch.

Soon after her recovery, she thought that as long as she quickly got the clue of protection, then... She could ask the organization to take her as Hou Fei. As long as the organization was quick, then Zhong Lijin would not pose a threat to her.

Thinking of that, he Wanrou was in a better mood. She quickly stood up and let the servant girl kneeling on one side shiver, almost fell to the ground without holding her hand. They were often taken out by he Wanrou.

So in 365 days, there are not many good days for them to live. When life is good, it is also when Dingguo is waiting. Xu Wanrou will treat them very gently. But only then.

"What are you doing here! Don't you see the room is very messy! Do you forget what you should do after a few good days As soon as Xu Wanrou finished, the servant girl on the ground began to clean the room.

But there are still some grievances in her heart. As long as she is angry, Xu Wanrou will smash the things in the room. As soon as her anger disappears, she will blame them for their bad cleaning, and then she will be punished.

Xu Wanrou looked at them with high spirits and rushed to bailiyi's mansion after they started to act. Her mood now can't wait. In her mind, she had already come up with herself who was the Marquis of Shangding state after completing the task and finding the treasure clues.

Think of this foot with the wind, more and more quickly. When he came to the gate of Bai Li Yi's house, he called impatiently: "brother Yi! Brother Yi! Wanrou has come to you Happily jump up the stairs, three steps and two steps. But he was soon intercepted by the gatekeeper.

The porter was a little afraid. He knew he Wanrou's fame was really hot and unreasonable. But thinking of Bai Li Yi's order, he came down to he Wanrou and said, "miss Wanrou, the Marquis is not going out now."

Xu Wanrou raised the alarm in her heart: "who did you go out with and what did you go out for?" The guard boy was a little scared when he was asked, "the Marquis went out with the emperor to find Miss zhonglijin."

Xu Wanrou felt that a string of her brain seemed to break, her face gradually turned white, and her expression began to be ferocious. Seeing that Xu Wanrou's face was pale, and her expression was ferocious, the boy immediately ran away.

Xu Wanrou felt more and more angry. Why did Zhong Lijin make Bai Liyi so unforgettable? Didn't she realize that she was not worthy of Bai Liyi!

After waiting for almost a cup of tea, he Wanrou came back to find that the boy was missing, so she quickly inquired around to make sure that there was no one around, and then she braved herself into the room.

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