Since people are not asking, they have to find it by themselves.

Xu Wanrou chose to go to the room first, because according to her understanding, Bai Liyi often stayed in the room to write some playing essays or correct playing books, which should be put in the room according to the principle.

Xu Wanrou opened the door carefully, looked around to make sure no one saw her, and then closed the door. He turned and looked at the dark room in front of him. He liked Bai Liyi more and more

"Where will it be..." looking around the room, Xu Wanrou locked the most eye-catching bookshelf in the study and went forward to read it. According to her imagination, one of the books is either a secret room mechanism or mixed with clues.

But after reading about one incense stick, she still got nothing, which made Xu Wanrou a little angry. She threw the book on the ground to vent her anger, but soon thought that she was sneaking in, so she picked it up and put it back in place.

She put the realization in the bed of the cabinet. When she thought of the man she had loved for such a long time sleeping in this bed, she felt a little shy. She dawdled and walked to the bed as if she were shy, and the image of Bai Liyi sleeping in this bed came to mind.

I can't help reaching out and touching the bed, as if there was a body temperature left by Bai Li Yi on it. I lay on it and imagined that Bai Li Yi was looking at me and smiling at me.

Just a little fantasy promoted her to be Hou Fei. She thought that only Bai Li Yi could match her! Only a resourceful person like Bai Liyi is worthy of her eyes.

She rolled up the mattress a little and looked for it, but after searching for it for a while, it was still fruitless, which made her a little confused. Is the clue to the treasure map on him? Or... But she felt that this possibility did not exist, so she shook her head, got out of bed and almost restored the bed to its original shape.

In this room, Xu Wanrou felt that there was no need to investigate, so she was ready to sneak out. To make sure that no one on both sides quickly closed the door, pretending that nothing happened.

But the more Xu Wanrou thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong. Was this clue not a small map, but something, or did Bai Liyi hide it! I think that's the past.

She decided to wait for bailiyi to come back and spy on clues. When she passed by the backyard, she met two servant girls who were chewing their tongue. She didn't have the heart to eavesdrop on her. But she seemed to hear the name of Shangguan mu'er, so she stopped and eavesdropped on one side.

"I heard that Miss Moore is pregnant."

"Yes, yes!"

Hearing Xu Wanrou, she was shocked. Shangguan Mur is pregnant! Does Nangong Liuyun know? If you don't know... A great idea comes to mind. So he would listen to the conversation of the two servant girls more seriously.

"Does the emperor know about it?"

"The emperor doesn't know. I'd like to hear that he's going to tell her in person when the emperor comes back.

This time, Xu Wanrou was happy. She went back to her room quietly. When she arrived at the room, the room almost recovered, and she was so happy.

"Somebody Xu Wanrou took a sip of tea and moistened the mulberry. Soon a servant girl came to take orders and knelt down on the ground“

What do you want from the master? " With that, he carefully raised his head and looked at Xu Wanrou's face with the remaining corner.

Xu Wanrou didn't reply. She wanted to order her own people to buy abortion drugs such as safflower. When Zhong Lijin died and didn't admit that she was herself, I'm afraid the first sign of the emperor's investigation was her!

At that time, I'm afraid no one will try to protect her. After all, it's a matter of murdering the prince and provoking the monarchy. If it's light, it's a big crime to destroy the nine nationalities!

Xu Wanrou doesn't want to take this risk, but she wants to save her life. How can the people waiting for the imperial concubine die so easily... As time goes by, the servant girl kneeling on the ground feels suffocated more and more, and she already realizes that her feet are numb!

Xu Wan's Judo "send a mute to buy me some red flowers. Remember not to be caught by others, and don't tell the mute who he bought them for. Do you hear me?" Finish saying that servant girl then submissively answer a voice to quickly retreat to handle a business.

After almost an hour, the servant girl gave the medicine to Xu Wanrou in a hurry“ What are you doing to eat? It's so slow to get it. " Finish saying to kick that servant girl to the ground.

The servant girl was kicked on the ground and didn't dare to say anything. She quickly restored her original posture. A willing expression. This makes Xu Wanrou feel better. Then he left with high spirit.

Xu Wanrou hides the medicine in her sleeve and goes to Zhong Lijin's room. She thinks about how to deceive the doorman. When she gets there, she finds that there is no one. Maybe they all went out and rushed into the room very quickly.

Looking at the cabinet, the room is more luxurious than hers, the furniture is more or less sandalwood, and the fire in my heart is more and more exuberant. Xu Wanrou took a look and decided to put the abortion medicine under the bed.

This place is not easy for Zhong Lijin to find, but also can be found. If Shangguan mu'er accidentally gets infected with these drugs when she comes to Zhong Lijin, then most likely she will have a miscarriage. At that time, the accusation will be blamed on Zhong Lijin.

Don't say it's the time to settle the country. I'm afraid the emperor is biased and can't keep it! After all, this is not only a statement for himself, but also a statement for Shangguan mu'er.

Thinking of Xu Wanrou, it seems that Zhong Lijin has been ordered to take her to the dungeon to be beheaded. Inadvertently laugh out a voice. Looking at the bed, Xu Wanrou's toes were humming and laughing, turning around and ready to go. But looking at the safflower under the bed, I think it's too far away.

Xu Wanrou was afraid that the red flower would not work at that time, so she pulled out its position. I was very satisfied with the dust on my body. Now I see who can protect you! With good luck, I'm afraid you'll be caught

"Zhong Lijin, you can wait to go to jail!"

Xu Wanrou left Zhong Lijin's room to avoid being found.

On the other side, bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun are looking for Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er everywhere. Bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun find many places, but they don't find any trace of the two women. Thinking that they don't know where they are, bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun look at each other, and they can't help smiling bitterly.

Both of them are busy

Master, this is to find people to eat, drink and play together. Zhong Lijin is not in collusion with Shangguan mu'er. These two little women think that it's time to have a good time. They don't think that their two men are looking for themselves in the scorching sun.

At this time, looking for some tired two people are looking for a cool place, sit down to rest, two people idle boring, can't help but talk about their own little women who don't let people worry, when they say this, they hit it off, found that their two women are basically the same temperament, it's no wonder that the two women will be at first sight.

Thinking of this, bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun can't help but form an alliance directly. At this moment, they have established a firm relationship directly through the two women. At this time, the two men are thinking about something. They are waiting to find their own little woman. They must teach them a lesson. At least, if they don't come to bed for one day, it should be three days.

So the two men have a tacit understanding of the formation of a consensus, and began a long way to find a wife.

When they finally found Zhong Lijin and Shangguan Mur, the two women were tired of playing. They were making sugar figurines on the street and studying them carefully. The sugar Figurine vendor had never seen such two beautiful girls. Of course, he would not think that one of them was the queen of their eastern desert.

After watching for a while, Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er finally get greedy and let the peddler take them as the prototype to make two sugar figures. The peddler is really a folk artist. Although they don't look like two people, they still have some imagination in their expressions and actions, so Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er continue to stroll happily.

Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi finally find Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er. They are just too tired. When the two men see that Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er are safe, they are also relieved. So they take the two little women to the biggest and most luxurious restaurant for dinner.

The two little women had a good time today, and now they are really hungry. They did not keep a low profile. They ordered a large table of delicious food and were waiting to serve. While serving, the two women showed the two men all kinds of gadgets they had picked up from the market, which made bailiyi and Nangong Liuyun laugh.

When all the dishes are served, Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er can't wait to move their chopsticks, regardless of their men.

Shangguan mu'er picks up a piece of fish. She looks at the fish and has a good appetite. Just as she puts it in the bowl and is ready to move her mouth, she suddenly smells the fishy smell from the fish and vomits like this. Shangguan mu'er immediately puts down her chopsticks and rushes out of the private room. Nangong Liuyun sees Shangguan mu'er's discomfort and goes out to check Shangguan mu'er's condition.

"What's the matter with you, Moore? Are you tired today? " Nangong Liuyun said to Shangguan mu'er with concern.

"I don't know, maybe." Shangguan Mur's face doesn't look good.

When Shangguan mu'er and Nangong Liuyun come into the private room again, they find that Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi's eyes are subtle. Nangong Liuyun can't help but be stunned. What's the matter?

"How are you, Moore?" Zhong Lijin looks at Shangguan mu'er with a funny face.

"It's OK. Maybe I'm a little tired today." Shangguan mu'er sees Zhong Lijin's eyes and replies strangely to Zhong Lijin.

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