When Xu Wanrou quietly followed the carriage to the middle of the road, she suddenly heard a few faint voices. Xu Wanrou couldn't help but have some strange sounds. It seemed that they came from the grass on the side of the road. Xu Wanrou thought, can't help running to check the situation in the grass.

I saw a man in black lying in the grass. His whole face was hidden by the black mask. I couldn't see the man in black at all. But this dress is obviously a killer's dress.

Xu Wanrou just took a look and planned to leave. She didn't intend to meddle in her business, but she had more important things to do. Thinking about this, Xu Wanrou got up and prepared to leave this land of right and wrong.

At this time, the man in black suddenly grasped Xu Wanrou tightly. Xu Wanrou was startled and the whole person jumped up. However, seeing that the man in black didn't open his eyes, he was relieved.

Xu Wanrou seized the time and snatched her dress from the man in black, but although the man in black was in a coma, her strength was so strong that she couldn't get away from him. Seeing Shangguan mu'er and Zhong Jin's carriage getting farther and farther away, Xu Wanrou could not help stamping her feet.

Until she can't see the carriage of Shangguan mu'er and Zhong Lijin, Xu Wanrou squats down and helplessly helps the man in black to treat the injured.

When the man in black wakes up, his eyes scan the surrounding environment sharply. When he sees Xu Wanrou, he can't help but pause. Then he hears the man in black's uncertain voice: "did you save me?"

The sudden voice of the man in black startled Xu Wanrou. Xu Wanrou was just thinking about how to eliminate Zhong Lijin. When she heard the voice of the man in black, she was really startled.

"Yes, or else?" Xu Wanrou just answered the words of the man in black, and then she didn't have any meaning to explain. These things fall into the eyes of the man in black, and become saving but don't return. The eyes of the man in black can't help but soften a little, and the eyes looking at Xu Wanrou are no longer cold.

"In that case, I will repay you. What do you need me to do? I can help you as much as I can

Looking at the man in black, Xu Wanrou sighed: "I don't know who you are. How can I trust you to do something?"

"You must believe me." Lin jiyanzi looks at Xu Wanrou, wants to explain and asks her to believe him. He doesn't know why. Maybe that's how he feels.

Xu Wanrou can't believe it. She can clearly feel the evil spirit from him, but she can't judge whether this man is authentic or not! So she won't believe this man!

At least until you're sure it's true! Thinking about this, Xu Wanrou stepped back two steps and looked warily at the injured man in front of her. Lin jiyanzi is a little worried, dragging his injured foot close to Xu Wanrou.

"Don't come here! Just lie in bed But it's too late. Lin jiyanzi has got up and dragged his injured leg to the bedside

When Xu Wanrou saw that he was close, she stepped back two steps to escape. Lin jiyanzi felt that the man in front of her must be a trustworthy and kind man. During the time when he was injured, he needed her protection“ You must believe me Finish saying then hastily trip on the ground.

Xu Wanrou has just taken a few steps and thinks that this person has a lot of evil spirit. She should be a powerful character. Maybe her martial arts are also very good! You can use it to kill Zhong Lijin! At that time, bailiyi will be her! She can also be a concubine in a proper way!

This thought suddenly stopped

Next step to Lin jiyanzi, brain cells began to crazy movement, she now see Lin jiyanzi as if to see the future, but more or less afraid.

Lin jiyanzi thought that she was afraid of herself, so she grabbed the edge of the bed and stood up. Maybe she pulled the wound, and the blood on her leg began to flow out.

But he seemed to be used to tearing a piece of cloth off his clothes and making a simple bandage for himself. The movement is very skillful and quick.

Xu Wanrou completely felt that this man was either a swordsman in the Jianghu, but was chased by his enemies and exiled in the mountains. Another possibility is that this person is the killer of an organization!

But according to what she knows, there are always people in the killer organization to deal with the aftermath, which means there will be a specific rescue point, which is usually hidden in a secret place in the city.

So Xu Wanrou thinks that this man must be a vagrant in the world! So she had to save him! The money of walk to him in front, endure disgust will Lin extremely extend son to help up.

Lin jiyanzi felt a warm current in his heart. He liked the life-saving benefactor more and more. If you put it in the past when it was stopped! He has been robbing for a long time without saying a word.

But now the situation is different, he... Seems to really like the girl in front of him, so his eyes unconsciously show a little bit of tenderness and attachment.

But these all let Xu Wanrou feel a burst of disgust, just touched his skin, can't help but have goose bumps! But she still put up with a smile, "my name is Xu Wanrou, Xu from the breeze."

"Are you a swordsman or..." Xu Wanrou didn't finish, as if she had something to say. Lin jiyanzi thinks it's time to introduce himself. He wants to speak gently to Xu Wanrou. But it seems that he has experienced too much wind and rain to forget what is called tenderness.

So he said abruptly, "I'm a killer, Lin jiyanzi, from Wuji Pavilion. He left the organization because of some private affairs. " With that, he took a look at Xu Wanrou's face.

Seeing that she didn't show any resistance, she was relieved and felt much better. After all, Wuji Pavilion is a killer organization that does not blink an eye.

As long as you have money, if you give more, you will help you finish the assassination task. Some people can even kill their own wives and children, so the Wuji Pavilion sometimes bears a reputation in the Jianghu.

But Xu Wanrou was very happy. Although she was not clear about the organization of Wuji Pavilion, she had heard about it more or less. She picked up the people of this organization! And he's his Savior!

Then she has a way to order Lin jiyanzi to assassinate Zhong Lijin! I'm afraid there's no way to protect her even if there are more guards! When she died, Bai Liyi couldn't marry a dead man.

At that time, she went to bailiyi to comfort lulu. She said that she would live with each passing day! Then bailiyi may marry her to the Marquis's house of Dingguo instead of Zhong Lijin! Just thinking about it, I think it's an infinite possibility.

Lin jiyanzi seems to want to say something, but it seems that some can't say, so he looks at Xu Wanrou dryly. It was like a wolf staring at its prey. This makes Xu Wanrou feel very uncomfortable.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Wenrou said, carefully looking at Lin Ji Yanzi. This expression made him feel a wave of mind, and he didn't know what to say.

So she covered her mouth and hemmed and hawed for a long time. At last, Xu Wanrou was a little impatient and frowned slightly. She didn't have a good airway: "is there anything else,

I've been hemming and hawing for a long time, just like a woman. I really hate it. "

With that, Lin jiyanzi's face turned red. She felt that Xu Wanrou was right and faltered: "I'm out of the organization now, and I have nothing to repay you." He was a little embarrassed.

As a big man, he can't be said to agree with each other. It's a real shame. Xu Wanrou was disgusted by his sudden shyness.

If this man said that he would give his life to each other, then she would try to persuade him to become her subordinate and work for her. But as for how to put her off, she hasn't figured out yet.

"I have nothing to repay you, so I'm willing to follow the girl!" Then he raised his hand in bed as if he had made up his mind.

There was a sense of loyalty to the country, but Xu Wanrou only heard the sentence that she was willing to follow the girl. She felt a burst of joy, quickly nodded and said: "OK, I will send someone to wait on you, change your dressing, wait on you to take a bath and so on."

In the heart of a burst of satisfaction, she felt that this Lin extremely Yan son is very discerning, know oneself don't deserve her, so don't say so, otherwise refuse to get up at that time, the other people don't agree.

At that time, she lost a great general. After all, the task of assassinating Zhong Lijin is very important, but she needs a very loyal and outspoken servant. Not to mention how difficult it is to train.

Even such soldiers are hard to find. But today she met her! And she's a veteran killer, which makes her happy.

But she doesn't know how to think about letting Lin jiyanzi assassinate Zhong Lijin. Does she want to cry or... Direct order? After thinking about it, Xu Wanrou still felt that she could not be too proud, so she hid her face and sobbed.

Lin jiyanzi saw that she was weeping. She was distressed. She was at a loss and said, "what's the matter?" Aware of the concern in his tone, Xu Wanrou choked and said, "do you know Zhong Lijin?"

Lin Ji Yan Zi pondered for a while, and began to search for the existence of Zhong Li Jin's name in his mind. But it seemed that there was no such impression, so he shook his head in frustration.

Xu Wanrou was happy. If she didn't know Zhong Lijin, then she would listen to all the men she said! So... She must make good use of this killing tool!

"Zhong Lijin, she took my fiance!" Finish saying acting skill more and more exquisite, three points choking, two points crying cavity master very in place, will Lin extremely yanzixin tightly grasp!

However, she was somewhat disappointed to hear that she had a fiance, but she soon treated herself. He felt that his hands were covered with blood.

So why not use a foot of blood sword, a body of blood to protect her life happiness, but as long as the thought of Xu Wanrou holding another man smile intimacy, or even marriage and birth!

At the thought of this, I still felt some infarction in my heart, but I soon figured it out. Xu Wanrou saw that this move was effective, so she continued to play her acting skills to the extreme.

She squeezed out two tears across her face, which made Lin jiyanzi feel distressed for a while. She unconsciously wanted to get out of bed and wipe her tears for Xu Wanrou.

But just moved a little bit, it pulled the wound, blood flow out quickly, but he still small range of movement, want to rub in front of her.

"Don't move. Don't break the wound." Although Xu Wanrou expressed her concern, she felt a burst of complacency in her heart. She thought it was all due to her charm! Can make a cold-blooded killer care so much about her.

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