The warm current in Lin Ji Yan Zi's heart stops there, looking at Xu Wanrou nervously. He felt more and more uneasy. He didn't know why he felt this way, but maybe it was his own illusion.

So Lin jiyanzi didn't care about this uneasy mood. Xu Wanrou decided to enlarge the move and said to Lin Ji: "if only I knew you earlier, I was slandered and killed by Zhong Lijin a few days ago!"

Finish saying to wipe tears with the handkerchief, don't move the facial expression of remaining Cape to steal to aim at Lin Ji to extend son, see his one face sympathy and anger. Now he cried more and more ruthlessly.

"I escaped for evidence. That Zhong Lijin is afraid that I will reunite with my fiance, and intends to completely kill me! " With that, Xu Wanrou was already a tearful person.

This made Lin jiyanzi sympathize for a while and unconsciously wanted to comfort Xu Wanrou, who was crying in tears. She sighed and grinned at Xu Wan judo with a stiff grin: "don't cry. Now I'm here. I'll help you when I'm well hurt."

Xu Wanrou was surprised and said, "really! Then I must find a way to prepare some injuries for you, so that you can get better earlier and help me kill Zhong Lijin. "

Lin jiyanzi looks at Xu Wanrou firmly. He doesn't know how to express his present mood. He can feel his special concern for Xu Wanrou. He doesn't know why his heart is always caught by her small expression and story.

He sighed from the bottom of his heart, pursed his mouth, and looked at Xu Wanrou firmly. He wanted to show his feelings, but preface Wan Yu finally brewed out a sentence: "I will help you!"

Lin jiyanzi looks at Xu Wanrou very seriously.

With the intention of repaying her kindness and endless sympathy for Xu Wanrou. There was some tenderness and affection in her eyes.

Xu Wanrou pretended to be innocent and pitiful. With tears in her eyes, she cried to Lin jiyanzi: "thank you, Yanzi."

Lin jiyanzi thought that Xu Wanrou was a kind and weak woman. Because she saved herself, she had some turbulent feelings in her heart. He refused to see Xu Wanrou wronged at all, but under Xu Wanrou's complaint, Zhong Lijin became an unforgivable and cruel woman.

"No, Wanrou, I will help you out of this evil spirit!" Lin jiyanzi bit the firm syllable and said fiercely.

When Xu Wanrou saw that he had been cheated, she completely believed in herself, and felt proud in her heart. And disguise the appearance of false compassion, so that Lin jiyanzi more believe her.

"Yanzi, you don't want to hurt her life, otherwise my conscience will not pass, some things I want to solve with her face to face." Xu Wanrou wiped her tears.

When Lin jiyanzi saw her like this, he felt pity for her: "Wan Rou, you are so kind. I will bring Zhong Lijin to you."

Xu Wanrou bit her lip and said gratefully, "well..."

Lin Ji Yan Zi also nodded, "you tell me where Zhong Li Jin is now, I'll go."

Xu Wanrou bowed her head to think about her elbow, and immediately said: "she is... In the temple on the mountain, with the queen of the East desert country. You must not be wrong." Xu Wanrou thought that if Lin jiyanzi had brought someone wrong, he would have been looking forward to it in vain, and Nangong Liuyun, the emperor of the eastern desert kingdom, had always had a good relationship with Shangguan mu'er. If he had captured Shangguan mu'er, it would have been difficult. Nangong Liuyun will surely launch all over the city to pursue her troops. At that time, the pursuing troops will be dense and her Xu Wanrou will die even if she has the skill of separation.

Lin jiyanzi is arrested, but she doesn't care about Xu Wanrou. In her eyes, Lin jiyanzi is just a fool she picked up after her bad luck

Collapse, but she used to revenge tools.

Lin jiyanzi looked at Xu Wanrou and said, "I understand."

Seeing that he was not suspicious, Xu Wanrou said, "don't hurt her life."

Every word Xu Wanrou said had a plot, and Lin jiyanzi felt that every word she said was a manifestation of conscience and kindness. When Xu Wanrou saw him like this, she felt at ease for a long time.

"Take me with you, so that I can show you the way." Xu Wanrou wants to go to meet Zhong Lijin in person. Fortunately, she is secretly killed in no one's land.

Lin jiyanzi nodded and said, "good."

Xu Wanrou was even more happy. They came to the temple on the mountain together.

Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er are praying piously in the main hall of the temple.

Shangguan mu'er couldn't bear to kneel with Zhong Li Jin for so long, so she said in a soft voice: "sister jin'er, go back to your room and have a rest. I'll ask for my own wish."

I saw Zhong Li's gentle smile and shook his head: "the little prince in your stomach is very delicate. My aunt can't neglect him." Zhong Lijin teases Shangguan mu'er, just to let her down the heart of thinking for her and let herself and her pray together.

Shangguan mu'er had already fallen in love with Zhong Lijin. After this time together, she could see the good and bad, and understood that Zhong Lijin was kind to her. Naturally, her sisters were deeply in love. Now, seeing Zhong Lijin accompany her to beg for Bodhisattva's wishes day and night, her heart was even warmer, and her good feeling for Zhong Lijin increased.

Seeing that they were very sincere, an old abbot pointed out to them, "you two benefactors are so kind-hearted that I Buddha is merciful and will surely let this little life come to this world safely."

After hearing what the abbot said, Shangguan mu'er was very happy.

"Really!" The upper official Mu son can't bear to say a mouth, happy of dynasty side of clock leave sincerely smile way.

Zhong Lijin is also very happy, looking at Shangguan mu'er gently: "it will." Then he bowed to the huge Bodhisattva in front of him, closed his eyes and said, "my Buddha is merciful. Please bless mu'er to be a loving mother."

Hearing this, Shangguan mu'er warmed his heart and bowed to pray: "my Buddha is merciful and bless my child to be born smoothly."

This worship is late at night again. Zhong Li helps Shangguan mu'er back to his room: "mu'er, go back to your room and have a rest. You are pregnant. Although you are praying, you should also think about your children."

After hearing this, Shangguan mu'er wanted to say that he could continue to pray, but Zhong Li's words were reasonable and no longer rejected.

"Well, sister jin'er is going to have a rest." Shangguan mu'er said with a smile.

Zhong Lijin said softly, "OK, I know." Then he sent Shangguan mu'er to her room, and they looked at each other and laughed.

Shangguan mu'er closed the door and went to rest. Zhong Lijin also turns around and leaves. He stealthily goes back to the temple hall and begins to pray again.

"Blessed by Buddha, don't let any more accidents happen to mu'er." With that, Zhong Li kowtowed three times.

Suddenly I think of Bai Li Yi again. I haven't seen him for two days. I miss him in my heart.

Zhong Li thought of Bai Li Yi, but he didn't find it. He accidentally hooked his lips and showed a smile.

When Zhong Li was in a trance, he realized how much he wanted Bai Li Yi.

I immediately thought of asking for a blessing for him.

"My Buddha is merciful,

It's not easy for Yi and I to come together. We've gone through many tests. I just wish Buddha could keep us as good as ever. I also wish him all the best, safe and healthy. "

With that, Zhong Li kowtowed three more times.

When it was over, he meditated in the main hall and sincerely asked for his wish. Unconsciously, he fell asleep in the room.

Xu Wanrou and Lin jiyanzi also arrived at the temple that night.

Xu Wanrou can't wait to see that she is about to achieve her wish. "Yanzi, here we are. Let's go in and find Zhong Lijin."

Lin jiyanzi nodded and agreed: "OK."

Because the gate of the temple is closed at night, the only benefactor in the temple is Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er, and Xu Wanrou is inconvenient to knock on the door, so she says to Lin jiyanzi, "this is closed. Let's go to the back door."

Lin jiyanzi agreed: "good."

Xu Wanrou and Lin jiyanzi came to the back door of the temple and pushed it, but it was closed. Xu Wanrou's heart can't help but lose heart. Lin jiyanzi told her to say: "I'll just go in. You wait for me outside."

When Xu Wanrou heard this, she was happy that someone had taken her place and made use of it.

"Good." Xu Wanrou said gently.

Then Lin jiyanzi jumps over the wall and goes in. Lin jiyanzi doesn't know the terrain inside the temple. After several rounds, I didn't find Zhong Lijin's room. I didn't see Zhong Lijin's shadow. I was very puzzled.

Lin jiyanzi turns around a few times and finally finds two high-end rooms. He thinks that one of the two rooms must be Zhong Lijin's residence.

He broke the window paper with his hand and looked inside, only to find that there was someone in one room and no one in the other. Lin jiyanzi can't figure it out. It's late at night. It's reasonable that Zhong Lijin and Shangguan mu'er should go to bed, but now there is only one person. Lin jiyanzi can only pray that someone's room is Zhong Lijin instead of Shangguan mu'er.

Lin jiyanzi pushed open the door and saw that the owner of the room put his belongings on the table. It was very luxurious. He took it up and looked at it. He found that every kind of jewelry had the word "south".

Lin extremely extended son in the heart ash a disheartened heart, clear this room is not Zhong Li Jin, but go up official Mu er.

Thinking about Xu Wanrou again, he couldn't bear to let her down. He felt even worse in his heart. He decided to come up with a plan to lead Zhong Lijin out and catch her again.

Shangguan mu'er is not used to the bed and atmosphere in the temple. His sleep is very shallow. He hears something vaguely. He gently opens his eyes and sees a man in black standing in front of him.

In the heart a startle, is very frightened, sleepiness also immediately dispersed, just voice: "who?"

When Lin jiyanzi was thinking, he heard Shangguan mu'er's voice. Knowing that he had been exposed, he knocked Shangguan mu'er unconscious with his hand.

Lin Ji Yan Zi thought about it, then had an idea, and carried Shangguan mu'er to a side room.

Back to the room just now, grinding began to write on the white paper: "sister jin'er, come to the nearby bamboo forest to find me, I found a fun place."

Lin jiyanzi put the paper in a conspicuous place, and then faintly smile: "Zhong Li, please come quickly, those who are not so gentle will be changed back."

The next day, Zhong Lijin wakes up and prays piously for a while. Seeing that Shangguan mu'er hasn't come yet, he thinks that mu'er may be too tired to let her have more rest. But when it comes to lunch, mu'er hasn't seen the figure yet. Zhong Li feels that it's not right, thinking that mu'er will never sleep so long. He went to the room to look for her.

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