The so-called invincible creature.

It's the perfect species.

There is no comparable group. Without any natural enemies, the world's biological chain is doomed to collapse.

Because the world is like a circle, one ring after another, so that it can go on better. But when there is an existence that is too strong to resist, then the world's food chain is doomed to collapse.

And just as Xu Wanrou enters Nangong Liuyun's bedroom, Nangong Liuyun is walking towards the temple!

At this time, he was going to see Zhong Lijin, who was unconscious because of serious injury some time ago, to see what he was like now. After all, it was Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi who helped him successfully ascend the throne.

Several people are also good friends, so at this time he will visit. Otherwise, how can he visit a person with the prestige of an emperor? But he didn't care about the etiquette. He was a very open-minded person. What's the use of caring about these things? Isn't that the only thing that people live in the world? Why care so much? Just be happy and free. If something happened to his friend, I would go to have a look. That's what he thought.

It can be said that Nangong Liuyun's idea is very simple, but at the same time, it is also the most realistic person of this kind. Only this kind of person is really worthy of being friends. In fact, Nangong Liuyun is very easygoing. Take things as they please. Unlike the ordinary emperor, his face is always moody, pretending to be very tall and serious.

He didn't need so much, but he still had awesome power when he had prestige. It gives people a feeling that the king is in the courtiers. He has the prestige and momentum of being an emperor of a country.

It can be said that he is a very suitable person to be an emperor, but he is also a good choice to be a friend. It can even be said that if such people were emperors, then the throne would be very stable. Because of his character, not many people will betray him, so his throne will not be overthrown.

However, it is precisely because of his easygoing appearance that he can give people a kind feeling. Only in this way can those officials dare to speak up, even if some people dare to despise him because of his easygoing character. So the end is doomed to be very miserable. Although Nangong Liuyun is very easygoing, it doesn't mean that he is a soft persimmon that can be manipulated at will. He is the emperor of a country, even if he is very easygoing.

But it still has the style of an emperor of a country. When it's time to kill, there will be absolutely no mercy. At the same time, this is the foundation for him to be a good emperor, and this is what every dynasty emperor must have.

We must be resolute in killing and cutting without hesitation. Otherwise, you are doomed to retire from the throne. This is also the cruelty of this court. How many people dream of that dragon chair! But that kind of dragon chair is high, basically no one can touch him. So this requires people to step on the bones of other people and sit on it

A king's throne is a great achievement. This sentence is about the cruelty of the court, but also about the cruelty of the world. Only people kill, you are more cruel than others, you are stronger than others, you can live well. Otherwise, even if you live, you are doomed to live humble. Wolfberry can only survive under the protection of others. However, even if people are like this, there must be some comfort in their hearts, so they think. Those who protect themselves, even if they are strong, are willing to submit to the strong, because the weak in this world are dependent on the strong. In fact, it's just a feeling of self deception, which makes people feel more comfortable in this world.

Moreover, there is no so-called fairness in the world. The so-called fairness is only made by the strong. At the same time, it is just because of this fairness that the weak feel a little bit of balance in their hearts. This is just that the strong sympathize with the weak. In order to satisfy the little hope in the hearts of the weak, so that they can continue to survive in despair. But those who really understand the word fairness know that there is no so-called fairness in this world. Yes, but you are not strong enough, if you are not strong enough, you are destined to become a prisoner or live in obscurity. Don't be watched by the strong, dare not to provoke the strong, blindly give in, what the strong want, you don't have the slightest dare to refuse, so you can continue to live.

However, the world will never lack those who dare to fight. Because they know that there is no fairness in the world, only their own efforts. They also deeply know that even if they survive under the sympathy of the strong, they are doomed to be the weak for a lifetime. Because once you submit to the strong, your heart will have a kind of submission, and the road of the strong in your life will come to an end.

Because the strong will not yield to anyone, including this world. Therefore, those who really dare to fight will never give in. They would rather die than choose to belong to the strong. Because they believe that one day they can become such strong people, even surpass them. What is there to be afraid of in order to drive on this road? They don't want to be a running dog under others' command. They just want to live freely in this world. The funny thing is that people always think they are free. They think that they are not subordinate to the strong, that is the real freedom, but they are wrong. The real freedom means that they can not be bound by anything in this world, but those people are doomed to be bound by the rules of the strong in this world. Even if they don't submit to the strong on the surface, they are afraid of the strong in their heart.

Just as Nangong Liuyun came to the temple, bailiyi came out to meet him. But there is no Zhong Lijin, in fact, if Bai Liyi is proud. If anyone had come here just now, he would not have gone out to meet him personally. He might not even have paid any attention to that person. No matter what his identity is, no matter how powerful his strength is, Bai Liyi would not have a look. In fact, this is not what Bai Liyi is proud of, but his indifference to all the people in the world. It can even be said that it is very important for the world

My indifference. But only for Zhong Lijin, he is very enthusiastic.

"Li Jin, isn't she awake yet?" Nangong Liuyun knew these things when he saw bailiyi alone. He also sighed, but he still asked. Although he already knew the answer, he still wanted to ask himself.

"No, she hasn't recovered yet." Bai Liyi's face was also a little haggard. Obviously, for so many days, the woman he loves has not awakened, which makes him very sad. Is also very anxious, but in this world, perhaps only Zhong Lijin this woman can let him so worried!

"Why don't you send it to the palace and ask the imperial doctor to treat her and see what's wrong. After all, the imperial doctors in the palace are also quite skilled. Maybe they can come up with some good solutions! " Nangong Liuyun also asked with some suggestions. He also wants Zhong Lijin to get better soon. After all, it's his friend.

After listening to Nangong Liuyun's words, bailiyi was silent. After a long time, it seems that I have come up with the answer. He just some helpless say.

"Well, try it."

When Nangong Liuyun heard this, he was also in a good mood. Obviously, he didn't expect that bailiyi really agreed. However, he is not talking nonsense at the moment, he said directly.

"In that case, go to the palace and have a look." Nangong Liuyun is also very crisp in doing things. He can do what he says, and there will be absolutely no procrastination.

"Well," Bai Liyi looked at the Nangong Liuyun in front of him, but he was also helpless. As for the urgency? But he also has some small touched in his heart. After all, he also hopes that Zhong Lijin can get better soon.

What about the blue lotus in the palace now? She is chatting happily with Shangguan mu'er. Two people talk and laugh, but also from time to time to send out that kind of silver bell like laughter.

But immediately the eunuch's voice came, saying that Nangong Liuyun and bailiyi had returned to the palace. At the moment, the expression of blue lotus is not so natural, because she knows that Xu Wanrou is still in the palace. After all, this time they came to calculate that Liuyun in Nangong went to the temple, so they got stuck and entered the palace. It has to be said that they pinch the point very well, if it's for the usual attack. Even if Nangong Liuyun was not in her bedroom, Xu Wanrou could not enter. Because it has been arranged tightly, but this time Nangong Liuyun went to the temple. He took a lot of bodyguards with him. After all, a palace doesn't matter. The most important thing is the emperor. Since all the emperor's people have gone, they will follow. Maybe there are many secrets in this situation, but it's not as good as the emperor. So this time, they really stepped on the spot very well, even a rare chance. All the opportunities that are impossible on weekdays.

But listen to eunuch's words, blue lotus heart immediately secretly says.

No, sister Wanrou is still in the palace.

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