Blue lotus is worried about Xu Wanrou's safety. If Xu Wanrou happens to be in the palace of Nangong Liuyun at this moment and is caught by Nangong Liuyun on the spot, it's hard to say.

Blue lotus is very worried about Xu Wanrou. Who knows what the hell blue lotus is up to.

On the surface, it's to protect Xu Wanrou. In fact, she's worried about herself. If Xu Wanrou is caught by Nangong Liuyun and then tortured to extort a confession, who knows if the damned Xu Wanrou will drag herself into the water. In this way, she will not feel happy in front of Nangong Liuyun, let alone become a queen.

Blue lotus is really a scheming bitch. She thinks more than anyone else. When is the best interest for her? If it's really to achieve her own goal, she will do everything to accomplish it. Also wishful thinking can get Nangong Liuyun heart, wishful thinking to become the queen of the East desert country, this person is really.. However, it was only her own wishful thinking and self indulgence. Nangong Liuyun doesn't like such a cunning whore. What Nangong Liuyun likes is Shangguan mu'er. He'd better save his time for such a cruel person as LAN Lianhua.

LAN Lianhua thinks that for the sake of future events, she must now hold back Nangong Liuyun and fight for Xu Wanrou's time. Blue lotus is waiting for Nangong Liuyun in front of the palace gate. The sun is just right in the early morning, and the soft spring breeze is passing by from time to time. Blue lotus is wearing an orange dress.

People who don't know for sure think that blue lotus is a pure and lovely little girl, but in fact it is an old witch who eats people and doesn't spit up bones.

When Nangong Liuyun came back, he saw the blue lotus flower and frowned. My heart is full of disgust. Blue lotus naturally also see Nangong Liuyun come, Fengshen Junlang's appearance, not to mention the person she likes.

The blue lotus scratched her head and made a gesture that she thought was very good-looking. She even pulled out a smile,,

She thought that she was good-looking enough to charm all living beings, so Nangong Liuyun would like herself.

However, Nangong Liuyun felt disgusted. He had never seen such a pretentious woman. Besides, it looks so ugly. Really..

He didn't like the blue lotus. He was so pretentious and obscene that he didn't like it at all. Moreover, compared with Shangguan mu'er, the blue lotus was absolutely second killed. It was not as good as his mu'er at all, OK?

Nangong Liuyun hates the blue lotus in his heart. I really don't want to have any contact with the blue lotus. Looking at her, she will also have indigestion. It's just dirty his eyes.

Nangong Liuyun always knew that blue lotus had been coveting the Queen's position for a long time. For the sake of the Queen's position, I'm afraid she can do anything. Nangong Liuyun is so cruel to the blue lotus, but now is not the time to move her. Now, Nangong Liuyun can only bear it. Nangong Liuyun is afraid that the blue lotus will hurt Shangguan mu'er, so he ignores the blue lotus.

When Nangong Liuyun strides over the blue lotus.

Nangong Liuyun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the woman didn't come like a hungry wolf. Nangong Liuyun wanted to run as fast as the colorful auspicious clouds. Nangong Liuyun is lucky.

At this time, the blue lotus turned around and grasped the strong arm of Nangong Liuyun.

Nangong Liuyun felt the temperature from the woman and swallowed his saliva.

He wanted to cut this woman to pieces, go up the mountain, go down the frying pan, and destroy her nine families.

Nangong Liuyun is very disgusted. He accidentally shakes off the hand of the blue lotus.

Although the blue lotus is not so clever and resourceful as Xu Wanrou, it would not have been killed by Xu Wanrou

It's taken advantage of. But her blue lotus is not a fool, for Nangong Liuyun, he likes so many years of men's dislike. The blue lotus never felt it. She felt bitter in her heart.

Blue lotus is hurt by Nangong Liuyun's attitude. She hates Shangguan mu'er even more and is determined to cooperate with Xu Wanrou.

"Damned Shangguan mu'er, you cunt, fox spirit, once you come, you hook up with Nangong Liuyun and make Nangong Liuyun love her so much. Hum, Nangong Liuyun is mine. No one can get it. It seems that I have to cooperate with Xu Wanrou, hum."

Blue lotus secretly gnashes her teeth, and the handkerchief in her sleeve is almost out of shape.

However, the person in front of her is the man he likes. He can't lose his manners in front of her. Throw a handkerchief, it is a half bow body with the etiquette of the palace.

With her delicate voice, her father said, "little girl, blue lotus, please see the emperor. The emperor hasn't seen her for several days, and her skin is very dark."

Let alone Nangong Liuyun, even the palace people around Nangong Liuyun were also affected by the cold.

Had it not been for such a big master, they would have gone to the toilet and vomited.

Alas, Nangong Liuyun coughed.

"Well, er Er, you can go. I have something else to do."

Nangong Liuyun waved his hand to ask the blue lotus to leave his sight.

Blue Lotus can't miss the chance to be alone with Nangong Liuyun. Now that the damned Shangguan mu'er is not here, she has to hold Nangong Liuyun and fight for time for Xu Wanrou.

"Emperor, you've worked hard. I'm here specially to wait for the emperor. I've made snacks for the emperor. Don't you try?"

Nangong Liuyun said, "no, I'm not hungry. You have a heart."

With that, Nangong Liuyun turned and left.

Regardless of the rules of her daughter, LAN Lianhua grabs Nangong Liuyun's sleeve.

Nangong Liuyun was angry, and there was a cold air around him.

Blue lotus knew that he was angry, but also aware of his impolite behavior.

Quickly put down the collection, straight straight kneel down, "the emperor, the courtesan impolite, please forgive me."

Nangong Liuyun looks at the blue lotus coldly, but the blue lotus does not dare to look up at Nangong Liuyun. After all, I was disrespectful to the Emperor just now. It was a capital crime to kill my head.

Nangong's clouds are in the belly. "Now you know it's rude. When I saw you, I saw a wolf coming to me. How did you not know you were rude?" Hmm, now I know that it is late. I really do not teach you a lesson. I really think I am bullying in Nangong.

"Well, get up, I don't blame you." Nangong Liuyun took the box with cakes with a smile.

Big hand threw out, mercilessly, leaving a smart back to go, leaving a face muddled force blue lotus.

Blue lotus feels that her heart is very painful at this moment. She is so unbearable in front of the people she loves.

Is he destined to live so disgracefully at his feet? He is the only daughter of prime minister LAN of the eastern desert kingdom. His prime minister's father dotes on him like a baby. He has never been said a word.

Blue lotus is very angry about her unbearable appearance. Clenched fists, squeaking.

Bai Liyi settled Zhong Lijin,

Looking at Zhong Lijin's sleeping face, Bai Liyi was very distressed.

I want to protect a comprehensive woman, now in front of me bruised, my heart, but nothing for her to share a little pain, even a little bit.

Bai Liyi was very distressed.

Bailiyi came to find Liuyun in Nangong. It happened that Shangguan mu'er was also here.

Shangguan mu'er asks Zhong Lijin about her injury.

"Bai Liyi, what's the matter? Is she OK? Should she be ok?"

Shangguan mu'er asked anxiously, looking forward to Bai Liyi's reply.

Bai Liyi nodded slightly and said, "it's all right now. The imperial doctor said that we should take good rest in the future. There should be no more dangerous things. When I came, she was still sleeping."

Shangguan mu'er nodded happily, "that's good. Zhong Lijin is fine. You should take good care of her and let her get better as soon as possible."

Bailiyi knew that Shangguan mu'er was really worried about zhonglijin, and knew that she was sincere to zhonglijin. Bailiyi nodded to her lightly.

"Mu'er, you should be careful of the baby in your stomach. You are scared today, but you should take good care of yourself." Nangong Liuyun says in a timely manner. After all, Shangguan mu'er was also frightened. She still had a baby in her stomach.

"Well, I'll know. I'll pay attention myself. Don't worry about it," said Shangguan mu'er.

"Mu'er, do you need the imperial doctor sent by me to take good care of your body so that our baby can grow up healthily and have more tonics?"

Nangong Liuyun is worried.

"No, I don't need these. Don't I have enough tonic or something? I'm tired of it. Do you know how much tonic I swallow? You're not a woman. You don't understand. Anyway, I don't drink any more." Shangguan mu'er looks proud.

Nangong Liuyun is very distressed for the woman she dotes on,

"No, I have to drink it. I don't trust you. You should take good care of your body. Is that good for our baby?" Nangong Liuyun advised.

Shangguan mu'er is also a little shaken. After all, this is his first treasure. He can't shout. What happened in the end.

Bailiyi also envied that they could have two people's love. He echoed Nangong Liuyun's saying, "yes, Queen, you can't be careless. Children are the most important thing. As a mother, you should pay attention to your body and be responsible for the baby." bailiyi said with great care.

"Well, well, if it wasn't for today's shock, I wouldn't listen to you, just eat." Shangguan Mur reluctantly agreed.

The two men looked at each other and laughed.

Their conversation was heard by blue lotus. Before blue lotus found out, Xu Wanrou told her that Shangguan mu'er's surprise was true. I feel that Xu Wanrou is sincere to herself and that she can be trusted. I decide to protect Xu Wanrou from coming out of Liuyun's palace in Nangong“ I must help sister Wanrou.

Blue lotus made up her mind.

At this time, the blue lotus knows that if she wants to protect Xu Wanrou, she must first support all the people, so as to give Xu Wanrou a chance to escape.

At the moment, she said to Shangguan mu'er: "sister mu'er, you see, you've just been frightened. Although it's better, after all, the fetus is fragile."

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