Shangguan mu'er looked at the blue lotus and said, "so, what's your sister's plan?"

Blue lotus pretended to think carefully for a while, and said to Shangguan mu'er, "I still suggest to go outside to relax. First, during the pregnancy, we need more exercise. Second, we also want to ease our heavy heart."

As soon as Shangguan mu'er heard this, he was very excited.

"That's right. It's a good idea to go out and relax. But where can we go?"

Shangguan mu'er is still a little excited. She has been worried for so many days.

And Nangong Liuyun is a little over caring for her. She always feels that her movements will hurt her fetus.

Now, there is a person who dares to go out with him to relax, which is naturally the best for Shangguan mu'er.

At this time, the blue lotus said: "sister, if we go to the royal garden to enjoy the flowers, you see, the weather is getting warmer, many flowers are blooming, and it's very beautiful. Go to have a look, enjoy the flowers, but it's quite good for raising the fetus."

On hearing this, Shangguan mu'er immediately nodded.

"Well, well, I just heard the maids say recently that there are a lot of flowers in the Royal Garden, and there are a lot of butterflies and birds, which sounds very good. Today, my sister is not afraid of trouble, so let's go and have a look together."

Blue lotus nods and says that the two girls are about to leave.

However, the Nangong Liuyun on one side felt something was wrong and quickly came forward to stop Shangguan mu'er.

"Moore, you'd better not go."

Shangguan mu'er looked at Nangong Liuyun and said, "what's the matter? I'm just going out to relax. Why are you so nervous? "

Nangong Liuyun knows that the blue lotus has been coveting the Queen's position for a long time. She must have a deep hatred for Shangguan mu'er. In addition, she is indifferent to her. I'm afraid she has been resenting her for a long time.

If LAN Lianhua wants to take advantage of this opportunity to harm Shangguan mu'er, not only the children in her belly will suffer, but also Shangguan mu'er's life will be endangered. At this time, Nangong Liuyun doesn't want to see anything.

However, Shangguan mu'er was born brilliant and innocent, but he was very simple. Naturally, he didn't know this.

The so-called most poisonous woman's heart, Shangguan mu'er does not know this truth, thinks that all the people in the world are good people.

But Nangong Liuyun knew this truth well, and he had one more heart.

However, he didn't want to tell Shangguan mu'er all these things. He just wanted to give her a naive world. Moreover, if he told Shangguan mu'er now, I'm afraid her mood would be worse.

Nangong Liuyun said to Shangguan mu'er with a smile: "I said that you'd better stay in the palace to have a baby. After all, there are maids to take care of here. Even if you have any news, I can know it for the first time."

Shangguan mu'er sighed and said, "you still don't want me to go out. In fact, I was scared that day. I'm almost fine now. I still want to go out and enjoy the flowers and breathe the fresh air."

To tell you the truth, Shangguan mu'er is more than happy about Nangong Liuyun's excessive concern.

However, no matter how she says it, she is also a person, and she is still pregnant with a child. If she stays in the room all the time, even if the child is born, she should be depressed.

So, for this blue lotus proposal, Shangguan Mur has some expectations.

Nangong Liuyun thought about it and said, "since you want to enjoy the flowers, I'll plant all the flowers in the imperial garden in a pot and put them in your palace for you to enjoy. How about that?"

Although this method is too overbearing, Nangong Liuyun is also good for Shangguan mu'er. In a word, as long as he is under his own eyes.

Shangguan mu'er said: "forget it. The flowers should have been opened outside for everyone to enjoy. If you have ruined them all, you can't enjoy them all. I still want to go out to see them. I mainly want to go out for a breath of fresh air."


Nangong Liuyun wanted to say something, but he was stopped by bailiyi.

"Emperor, I know that you are concerned about queen mu'er, but after all, pregnant women are pregnant women, so they need to go out for a walk. Moreover, jin'er is no longer in trouble. This is the ward, so we can't let pregnant women stay in the ward all the time."

Listening to bailiyi's advice, Nangong Liuyun hesitated.

Looking at the Nangong Liuyun who is so sad for Shangguan mu'er, the blue lotus who has been standing beside Shangguan mu'er suddenly feels sad.

Nangong Liuyun, Nangong Liuyun, I'm so infatuated with you. I'm no better than Shangguan Mur. Why don't you even look at me? Am I so out of your eyes?

I only want to love you in my life. Don't I want to satisfy such a little wish?

With this in mind, blue lotus's eyes quietly moved to the side of Shangguan Mur, who was still planning to go to the imperial garden to enjoy the flowers.

Goblin, it's you who confused my Nangong Liuyun. It's you who robbed my queen's place. Wait, goblin, sooner or later I will make you die.

Although this idea is only instantaneous, it is deeply rooted in the heart of blue lotus.

The cold eyes flashed away from the eyes of the blue lotus.

As for Shangguan mu'er, seeing that Nangong Liuyun hesitated, he became impatient.

"Emperor, I'm just going out to enjoy flowers. As for the trouble, I know you are worried about me and the children. Since you are so worried, you'd better go with me."

Blue lotus lake a listen to, in order to show the nature, also with voice to persuade to say: "yes, emperor, if you really don't worry, you can go with us, I think Miss Zhong Lijin has no big problem, presumably bailiyi adults can also take care of it."

Bailiyi even worried about Nangong Liuyun, looking at the blue lotus more or less wary.

"No, you're right. Jin'er is OK now. As long as there's a doctor to take care of her, I'll go with the emperor, so we can take care of each other."

Nangong Liuyun looks at bailiyi gratefully.

Bai Liyi nodded to Liuyun and said, "OK, emperor, let's go together."

Then he made a gesture to the blue lotus.

Blue lotus is secretly happy in her heart. After all, these important figures are successfully supported by herself.

Even if you doubt me, my purpose is very simple. If you doubt me first, don't blame me for taking sister Wanrou away.

With this in mind, the blue lotus naturally swaggered out of the palace, waiting for everyone outside.

After a little preparation, the four went to the royal garden together.

On the other hand, Xu Wanrou quietly left the blue lotus alone and went deep into the palace.

Needless to say, the Imperial Palace was heavily guarded, and there were no less than a few hundred defenders back and forth.

It's more difficult for ordinary people to get through these guards than to go to heaven.

However, Xu Wanrou could not be overcome by such a little difficulty.

Skillfully avoided all the bodyguards, Xu Wanrou came to the Nangong Liuyun's bedroom.

What the organization asked her to look for before should be hidden in the bedroom of Nangong Liuyun.

Therefore, Xu Wanrou expected that this thing must have been hidden in a very strict place by Nangong Liuyun.

Up and down toss, Xu Wanrou began to look for the task, but, can turn the place she has turned, a little shadow of things she did not see.

Even, in order to find this thing, Xu Wanrou specially moved all the utensils to see if there was any secret road hidden in it.

However, the fact is that there was no response at all.

"Where does this Nangong Liuyun hide his things?" Xu Wanrou said to herself.

In vain, Xu Wanrou plans to leave immediately.

However, at this time, outside the door came the voice of a small team of bodyguards passing by.

Seeing this, Xu Wanrou quickly found a hidden place to hide.

At this time, two girls who looked like maids in waiting passed by the window.

"Hey, did you hear that the emperor accompanied the empress to the royal garden to enjoy the flowers again?"

"Well, I've heard about it. I didn't expect that our emperor dotes on the empress."

"Yes, in this way, I'm afraid the emperor won't take concubines, and the harem can live in peace."

"Yes, I'm tired of that kind of intrigue. Now, it's much more convenient for us to have the queen alone."

Listening to the voices of the two ladies in waiting, Xu Wanrou was surprised.

In fact, Xu Wanrou knew that the idea of going to the back garden must have come from blue lotus, and the purpose was to cover her escape.

At the moment, Xu Wanrou thought in her heart that this blue lotus is really simple enough. She didn't expect that her little move would bribe such a prime minister's daughter. In this way, she won't get a good tool.

However, surprise belongs to surprise and happiness belongs to happiness. After accepting the help of blue lotus, we always have to do something to gain the deep trust of blue lotus. In this way, we can make the blue lotus believe in ourselves more deeply.

Between the turns of her mind, Xu Wanrou could not help but have a plan in her mind.

Since there is such a good opportunity, I'll start with Shangguan mu'er.

This is such a good opportunity. Why don't I take advantage of this opportunity to give blue lotus some sweetness.

Xu Wanrou quickly left Nangong Liuyun's bedroom.

All the way out carefully, avoiding all the guards around, began to keep walking towards the direction of the royal garden.

Walking carefully on the road, Xu Wanrou felt nervous.

After all, his dress is too conspicuous, and it's not easy to get into the tour of royal garden.

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