Bailiyi's love she can receive, but she doesn't want bailiyi to express his love by not thinking about himself but doing everything for her.

Even if one day he would die for her. Zhong Lijin did not dare to imagine, nor did she want to imagine.

Bai Liyi hugs Zhong Lijin tightly in his arms and sniffs the fragrance on her body. There seems to be a spring in my heart. The warm spring flows gently and slowly, softening his heart and warming his heart.

"It's all according to jin'er."

Bai Li Yi's words, like a sigh, soothed Zhong Li Jin's confused heart.

Bailiyi and Zhong Lijin's trick is not to deceive their own people.

Bai Li Yi sent someone to see Zhong Li Jin in the imperial palace. The news that Zhong Li Jin had awakened came from the upper official mu'er.

At that time, Shangguan mu'er was playing with birds in his bedroom. When he saw the familiar messenger dove, he gently raised his delicate eyebrows.

It seems that Li Jin's younger sister woke up. The incident a few days ago made a lot of noise. How could she not know.

Shangguan mu'er carefully took out the letter paper, quickly read the content, then got up and left.

"Changing clothes." Shangguan mu'er was dressed by the maids, and then went straight to the imperial study.

When Shangguan mu'er arrived, Nangong Liuyun was correcting the memorial. He twisted his brow slightly and read it carefully one by one.

Looking at Nangong Liuyun's painstaking appearance, Shangguan mu'er felt deeply for him.

The world only thinks that the emperor is supreme, with 3000 beauties in the harem and countless beauties. But who really knows how many hardships and difficulties lie behind the dazzling light.

"Why is mu'er here?"

Nangong Liuyun did not put down the memorial in his hand, but continued to read it.

Shangguan mu'er couldn't see it anymore. He boldly took out the memorial in Nangong Liuyun's hand and threw it aside.

Pacing to the back of Nangong Liuyun, he raised his slender jade fingers and pinched his shoulders for Nangong Liuyun to relieve his fatigue.

The behavior of Shangguan mu'er didn't make Nangong Liuyun angry, on the contrary, he laughed happily twice.

Only Shangguan mu'er dared to do whatever he wanted in front of him.

Nangong Liuyun raised his hand, pinched his nose and closed his eyes for a rest. As Shangguan mu'er held his shoulder for him, when he opened his eyes again, he felt refreshed.

"What's the matter with mu'er coming here, but it's OK to say so."

Nangong Liuyun has always been very fond of her queen.

"It's said that Li Jin's sister wakes up. Mu'er wants to visit her."

"Well, it's time to visit. It happens that I have a thorny matter. I don't know what to do. I want to discuss it with bailiyi."

"Then mu'er will prepare some nutritional supplements and send them together."

Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er have a very good relationship. In private, their mutual names are very natural, and they are not serious.

Shangguan mu'er and Nangong Liuyun are bored for a while. When it's dark, they set out.

As the king of a country and the partner of the king of a country, they are still a little self-conscious. They can't go out of the palace aboveboard. Some things are better to do secretly.

The night is getting darker, the streets are filled with thin white fog, and all kinds of insects in the forest are natural chorus, competing with each other.

A carriage drove fast and smoothly along the path.

Bai Liyi expected that Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er would come tonight, and they were ready to receive guests early in the morning.

But Zhong Lijin's body has just improved. Where can Bai Liyi be willing to let her move? I hope Zhong Lijin can't rest in bed all the time.

In the bedroom, Zhong Lijin nests in her husband's arms. If she wants to be more comfortable, she will be more comfortable.

The picture must be very eye-catching.

Bai Liyi had a soft and fragrant jade body in his heart, and he was also a man of his heart.

At this time, Zhong Lijin was telling Bai Liyi something, but Bai Liyi didn't listen to a word.

Eyes have been staring at Zhong Lijin that small full lips, a blink does not blink, eyesight.


Finally, Bai Liyi roared, lowered his head, and the four lips met as scheduled.

Soft and greasy, with a touch of wet and warm, Bai Liyi fell and went crazy. But at the thought that Zhong Lijin is still pregnant and afraid of hurting her, she lightens her movements.

It seems that Zhong Lijin is an exquisite and beautiful porcelain doll. She kisses her and touches her carefully and gently.

"You... Um..."

At the beginning, Zhong Lijin wanted to resist. She had already made her consciousness as a mother to be.

She can't indulge herself and hurt the baby in her stomach because of her selfish desire.

However, under the fierce attack of bailiyi, the wall that he thought was strong finally collapsed.

In front of Bai Liyi, he is always vulnerable.

In Bai Li Yi's eyes, mind and heart, he was full of the little woman in front of him.

Beautiful as she, generous as she, wisdom as she, smart as she, lovely as she, proud as she, fragile as she

Many Zhong Lijin in Bai Liyi's eyes one by one, it is her - Zhong Lijin.

After Zhong Lijin was killed, Bai Liyi realized that he had not protected her. If she protects herself well, she will not be murdered by evil men.

Their children have just taken shape. How can he be so careless.

When Bai Liyi thought of what happened that day, he was very remorseful.

Fortunately, the medicine did not endanger the fetus. If it did harm their children, bailiyi could not imagine.

In fact, Bai Liyi could figure out who did it with his fingers, except for Xu Wanrou, the shameless woman.

But Xu Wanrou is not such a brainy person. In the end, there must be a person hidden.

When Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er arrived at the house, bailiyi still held Zhong Lijin in his arms. Because Zhong Lijin was pregnant, he had to give up halfway.

Zhong Lijin was relieved. Seeing his fierce posture, she was afraid that he would do something he shouldn't do.

The estimated time was almost up. Bailiyi got up and helped Zhong Lijin up, and put her clothes in order. Then an arm rings Zhong Lijin's waist, half embraces her and drags her to lighten her burden.

Zhong Lijin is very satisfied with Bai Liyi's action. It's a lot easier for him to walk on his own. He just relies on him and adheres to him.

Feeling a heavy body, Bai Liyi couldn't help laughing.

Zhong Lijin felt the vibration of the people's chest beside her. She couldn't help cracking the corners of her mouth and smiling silently.

"Brother Baili is so happy. It's really enviable. My wife is pregnant, and her feelings are so good. "

The sudden sound of ridicule startled Zhong Lijin. When did he come?

Bailiyi looked at it earlier than he expected

To the Nangong Liuyun, ignore his ridicule.

But Zhong Lijin is a woman after all. She is thin skinned and blushed by Nangong Liuyun. As soon as she turns around, she lies in Bai Liyi's arms.

Zhong Lijin is so ashamed now that she doesn't know when Nangong Liuyun came. I don't know if she heard all of them. She just... Ah... Didn't want to.

It's all the fault of bailiyi, the big villain, the big luster.

"When did brother Nangong arrive? It's really a shame Bai Liyi should be with him.

"Why be so outspoken? We just arrived and didn't hear anything."


"Li Jin, how are you, but how are you?" As soon as I arrived, a familiar voice sounded from the other side of the hall.

As soon as Zhong Lijin turns around, she sees Shangguan mu'er coming towards her from there.

So he politely said goodbye to Nangong Liuyun and took the lead with Shangguan mu'er.

"Thanks to my sister, Li Jin is much better."

"That's good."

After that, they talked about pregnancy. Shangguan mu'er was very attentive to Zhong Lijin and said a lot of precautions.

"Actually, I have other purposes for this visit. It is said that there are always some women who have disappeared strangely recently. What do you think? "

"It's a little strange. I don't know for the moment."

"Don't worry, Nangong. My husband and I will help you find out this." Zhong Lijin after hearing generous offer to help.

I don't know how long later, Shangguan mu'er and Nangong should have left.

Shangguan mu'er took Zhong Lijin and said a lot of things that pregnant women should pay attention to, especially about the indescribable aspect.

Shangguan mu'er said that Zhong Lijin was red in the face and ears, just wanted to find a hole to drill down.

When they left, Zhong Li scratched his head as if he thought of something.

"Yes! The disappearance of women may have something to do with their families! Now let's go to their house. "

Bai Liyi, who was standing on one side, also felt that he had found something wrong and immediately wanted to pull up Zhong Lijin.

"OK, now let's go to their house and have a look!"

Li Jin shakes off his robe and comes out of the chair. He slowly comes to Bai Li Yi and pats him with his hand.

"Let's go!"

Bailiyi followed Zhong Lijin to the missing woman's home, which was almost rich, and these people looked a little old.

Zhong Lijin stepped into the missing woman's home, his eyes swept everything here, and a man who was ugly and a little tall came to their direction.

This may be the husband of one of the missing women, and his eyes keep looking at Zhong Lijin. His eyes seem to show the slightest lust.

Zhong Lijin went up to greet the man who was similar to uncle.

"Hello, I want to ask if this is the home of a missing woman."

This person pretends to be very polite, but his eyes are still on Zhong Lijin.

"Hello, my Lord. Our daughter-in-law doesn't know why she disappeared. Has she been abducted?"

Zhong Lijin is very puzzled, how such an old man still has a daughter-in-law, and there are big scars on his face. It's more than that, anyway, it's ugly that can't be expressed.

Zhong Lijin smiles at the old man, and the corners of his mouth curl up. He looks at the old man with a smile, because they really have the feeling that Zhong can't tell.

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