"Don't worry, sir. We'll help you find your daughter-in-law. We'll see what else we can find."

Zhong Li bowed slightly to the old man.

Then, Zhong Lijin took Bai Liyi to move on without looking back at him.

"I seem to understand!" Bai Liyi slowly spat out word by word, "I think it's like this problem again."

Zhong Lijin interrupts Bai Liyi's thought, scratching his head with his hand and frowning on his face.

"We can't come to a conclusion so soon. Why don't we take another look at the other missing women's houses?"

Zhong Lijin goes to other people's home again.

Another man stood at the door with a cigarette in his mouth, and he was still so ugly. At first, they thought he was the father of the missing woman, but

"Sir, may I ask if there are any women missing in your family?" Zhong Li bowed slightly to the old man.

"Hello, my daughter-in-law. I don't know how she disappeared."

Zhong Lijin's eyes are wide open. This man is the husband of the missing woman. His eyes have swept the portrait of his family. This is totally impossible.

"Sir, is the portrait on the wall your daughter-in-law?"

My uncle was very puzzled. Why did she ask this question?

"She's not my daughter-in-law, and who would it be?"

Zhong Lijin's feet softened. He stepped back and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Bai Liyi helped him.

Best of all, he turned his head to bailiyi and said to him gently, "is it possible that they all fled voluntarily?"

They all have two things in common.

One is young and beautiful. This man is as old as a flower.

Second, the marriage is unsatisfactory. The husband is either ugly or over 50 years old.

"What do you think of it?" Bai Liyi inquires Zhong Lijin's opinion.

"This matter is very strange. Why do they just have these two things in common? It's more characteristic than common." Zhong Lijin analyzes it carefully.

"That's right, but it's not a very good feature, and it can't be of any use, can it?"

After thinking about it, they can't think of anything. Now they haven't found enough.

When Bai Liyi heard Zhong Lijin's idea, he felt a little strange, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that what Zhong Lijin said was not unreasonable. Thinking along Zhong Lijin's idea, he immediately felt that the whole thing was normal and reasonable. Bai Liyi could not help but wonder that if they were running away collectively, there should be an action leader, So who gave them the chance?

Bailiyi thought about it and thought that although Zhong Lijin's idea was shocking, it was the only one that could connect the whole thing without any flaws. Even though Zhong Lijin's idea was not likely, he still didn't refute Zhong Lijin's idea.

When the two returned from the investigation, they were sitting in the hall and resting. Zhong Lijin looks at Bai Liyi's contemplation. He can't help laughing. Even when he comes back to have a rest, he is still thinking about why the women are missing. Zhong Lijin goes forward and gives Bai Liyi a cup of tea in his hand. Then Bai Liyi comes back to himself.

Looking at Zhong Lijin looking at himself, Bai Liyi also felt that he was fascinated by some thoughts. He could not help sipping the tea Zhong Lijin had put in his hand, and then he had a serious rest.

When they were resting, because Zhong Lijin didn't like the feeling of servants piling up beside them, they didn't have this person around them. At this time, only Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi stayed together quietly, enjoying the rare leisure.

At this time, Zhong Lijin suddenly heard the voice of two servant girls, Zhong Lijin could not help but frown, but still did not speak. Only heard two servant girls you a word I a language, chat of very happy, didn't notice at all still in the hall of Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi, speak of the propriety also difference a lot.

"Have you heard? We have a brothel and brothel in the capital. In fact, in the most prosperous area, it's luxurious. " A maid in green pretends to be surprised and says to another maid in pink.

"So what? Isn't it a place for a bunch of coquettish foxes? " The maid in pink said hatefully, and obviously despised the women in those romantic places.

"You don't know. It's said that the girls in the jade pillow building are very beautiful, and they have never been seen in the capital. As soon as they opened, they robbed all the businesses in other brothels! How much do you think the boss can make? " The maid in Green said longingly.

"Why are you greedy? At that time, I'll tell you to send you there, ha ha! " The maid in powder clothes laughed narrowly, obviously looking for fun.

"You! Don't talk nonsense! But do you think our master will go to such a place? It's always good for your wife. "

"Well, I can't say for sure. How can a man not cheat?" The maid in pink is obviously laughing. Suddenly I saw Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi sitting on the chair. For a moment, they were very embarrassed. They knelt down and pleaded with each other: "I'll die, I'll die, I'll never stop." Then he knocked his head heavily on the ground.

Another servant girl, when she saw the situation, knelt down and kowtowed. She usually saw the master and his wife in the room. How did she come out today. Thinking of this, the two servant girls all wanted to sew their own mouths, hoping that the master and his wife could take it lightly.

Zhong Lijin looked at the two servant girls kneeling on the ground and buttoning their heads. She didn't say anything. She just glanced at Bai Liyi and motioned him to go back to the room.

Bai Liyi naturally knew what Zhong Lijin meant. He got up and came to Zhong Lijin's side. He went back to his room with Zhong Lijin. When he got back to his room, Zhong Lijin said excitedly to Bai Liyi: "do you think the woman who disappeared in the countryside will pick up guests in the jade pillow building? It's also close to the capital. In my opinion, it's very possible. "

As soon as Bai Li Yi came back to his room, he heard Zhong Li Jin analyzing himself. For a moment, he didn't react. He thought Zhong Li Jin would talk about these problems of servant girl's mouth, but listening to Zhong Li Jin's words,

Bai Liyi also felt that, but it was very likely that he planned to go to the jade pillow building in the evening to have a look.

"Well, I'll see it in the evening." Bai Liyi thought for a while and said.

"Are you going alone? No, I can't. I'm going with you. " With that, Zhong Lijin directly sat on Bai Liyi's legs. Bai Liyi looked at Zhong Lijin in his arms and knew that if she didn't agree to Zhong Lijin, she would not give up. So he agreed to Zhong Lijin and went to check with her.

In the evening, there were only two figures in the back door of bailiyi's house. When I came closer, I saw two teenagers, one with dark skin and cold face, but it made people feel more masculine and attracted; Looking at the other person, his teeth are white, his lips are red, his skin is white, and he is a child boy. The fan in his hand adds a romantic charm.

After they got out of the alley, they walked straight towards the jade pillow building. When the pedestrians along the street saw their beauty and demeanor, they both felt very meaningful. Looking at the direction they were going, they could not help shaking their heads. They thought they were two upright people, but they didn't expect they were just two rich CHILDES. They left them with a sigh.

Of course, these two people are Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi. After they finished their make-up in the mansion, they went straight out of the mansion and came for the jade pillow building.

Just arrived at the door of the jade pillow building, Zhong Lijin was shocked by the magnificent decoration. She went up and hugged the pillar of the jade pillow building: "wow? The jade pillow building is so luxurious. The little girl really said it well. How much money can the boss make a day? "

Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin like this, can't help but have some helplessness, he looked at Zhong Lijin or holding the pillar, unwilling to let go, just light said: "when this jade pillow building is found out and abducting women have relations, these luxury does not exist."

Zhong Lijin listened to Bai Liyi's words and immediately let go of the pillar in her hand: sooner or later, it will be incorporated into the official residence. According to their relationship with Nangong Liuyun, she will come when she wants.

Bailiyi followed Zhong Lijin into the jade pillow building. As soon as he entered the building, Zhong Lijin saw a beautiful woman walking in front of him. Looking at the woman's face, Zhong Lijin felt very familiar with it. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately remembered that the woman was one of the missing women when he went to investigate today!

Zhong Lijin immediately took Bai Liyi's arm and nuzui to the woman. Bai Liyi understood immediately after seeing it. It seems that the problem of jade pillow building is really not small.

When Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi want to catch up with the woman, Liu Ruyan comes out. When she sees Bai Lijin and Zhong Lijin, her eyes flash. She immediately recognizes the portrait in her room, which is the person in front of her.

Well, it seems that this is bailiyi. From the appearance, bailiyi is much more handsome than the person in the portrait. Liu Ruyan looks at bailiyi in front of him, and is even more elated. He is planning to go forward to say hello and win up his feelings. At this time, he sees bailiyi and a man beside him looking at a woman beside him.

Liu Ruyan didn't pay attention to that man. He thought that Bai Liyi was coming with his colleagues. But when Liu Ruyan saw Bai Liyi's eyes following her, she understood the purpose of Bai Liyi's visit.

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