"What are you doing in a hurry? The boss is bothered by you. "

"I have something important to report." The servant girl looked at the man in a hurry. The man said that he was in a hurry, so she took him to see Liu Ruyan.

At this time, Liu Ruyan saw his fellow coming, and asked, "come on, it's nothing?"

"There's a woman ahead?"

Liu Ruyan didn't think it was Xu Wanrou, so he asked,

"What kind of woman?" Liu Ruyan at this time in the heart has been in doubt, in the end is who.

"She said her name was Xu Wanrou."

"Xu Wanrou?" Liu Ruyan repeated this sentence.

Liu Ruyan knows that Yanzi has been captured by Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi. It is said that Yanzi has arched out the ultimate mastermind. Xu Wanrou has escaped. Liu Ruyan doesn't want to receive Xu Wanrou, but she and herself are members of the same organization. Besides, Xu Wanrou can't have an accident now, or she can't explain to the above.

"Let her in!"

Xu Wanrou is waiting downstairs at this time, looking around, afraid that Zhong Lijin will send her to watch her. At this time, Xu Wanrou was complaining about Liu Ruyan. She thought that she was angry at the thought of waiting downstairs.

Xu Wanrou wants to go upstairs directly to find Liu Ruyan. Suddenly, she sees the man who went to announce coming back.

"Miss Xu, this way, please." Then the man took Xu Wanrou upstairs.

Soon came to the place where Liu Ruyan lived. Xu Wanrou observes what Liu Ruyan is doing at this time? Liu Ruyan was making up on her dressing table. Seeing this scene, Xu Wanrou was very angry. In my heart, I want to wait outside, but I'm here to make up.

"Liu Ruyan is in a good mood!"

Liu Ruyan heard the voice from outside and knew it was Xu Wanrou, so she stood up to meet Xu Wanrou.

"Oh, isn't this sister Wanrou? What brings you to me

At this time, Xu Wanrou saw that Liu Ruyan was deliberately mocking herself. Xu Wanrou was angry in her heart, but she had to bear it. After all, she was under the eaves.

"Sister Ruyan, you know better than me why I came here."

Liu Ruyan looks back at Xu Wanrou and knows that Xu Wanrou is willful and arrogant. In the past, there was no lack of credit for bailiyi's side, so I wanted to take this opportunity to ridicule her.

"How can I know that my sister is so good. They all found the daughter of prime minister LAN to help you. "

Looking at Liu Ruyan, Xu Wanrou felt an impulse in her heart. She wanted to teach her a lesson.

"Sister Ruyan, that's not as good as you. So many men. " Xu Wanrou wants to scold Liu Ruyan, but she forgets that Liu Ruyan is a man of water, which doesn't work for her.

"Ha ha, sister, you are jealous. You don't get your own man, and in the end you're taken away by another woman. "

Liu Ruyan looked at Xu Wanrou and said. At this time, Liu Ruyan observes Xu Wanrou's reaction, and finds that Xu Wanrou's face is blackened by her own anger, and she still has a little pride in her heart.

"You... Liu Ruyan, you..."

At this time, Xu Wanrou's heart is more angry by Liu Ruyan, so she goes up and catches Liu Ruyan's clothes.

"I tell you Liu Ruyan, if I didn't have to come to this place, you'd better be careful for me."

"Sister Wanrou, don't be angry. I didn't mean to. I'm just telling the truth. "

Xu Wanrou doesn't want to endure Liu Ruyan's sarcasm here any more, but when Xu Wanrou is ready to leave, Liu Ruyan says,

"Sister, do you have any place to go now? For your safety, I advise you to stay here. " Liu Ruyan said, just as Liu Ruyan was about to go out, he turned around and said, "you'd better stay here tonight. You'd better not cause me any trouble."

As soon as Liu Ruyan went out, Xu Wanrou threw all her things on the bed. Xu Wanrou was thinking about when she had been wronged. Liu Ruyan, you wait for me, sooner or later I will let you beg me.

Xu Wanrou couldn't stay in the guest room. The more she stayed, the more she thought of what Liu Ruyan said to herself, so she wanted to go out for a walk.

"Marquis Wu Mu, go slowly!" At this time, Lin Zhaofeng was drunk with him and walked three times. It is estimated that Lin Zhaofeng doesn't even know where his home is now.

Xu Wanrou is walking when she suddenly finds a drunk person. At this time, she disdains such a person. Involuntarily, she went to one side, but when Xu Wanrou came to the side of Lin Zhaofeng, she found that it was Lin Zhaofeng.

When Xu Wanrou saw Lin Zhaofeng, she was still very afraid. She was afraid that she was sent to catch her. But when you think about it, it's not. At this time, a plan appeared in Xu Wanrou's mind.

Since you want to find me, I won't let you find me. Zhong Lijin, I'll hide under your eyes. I see what you can do with me.

Xu Wanrou changed a more beautiful young girl with the technique of transfiguration and came to Lin Zhaofeng.

"Marquis Wu Mu, why are you so drunk?"

At this time, Lin Zhaofeng heard a sweet voice in his mind, and looked up to see that it was a beautiful woman.

"Which girl are you from?"

Lin Zhaofeng was drunk and unconscious at this time, and he didn't know who he was talking to. Seeing that Lin Zhaofeng was drunk, Xu Wanrou didn't know anything, so she helped Lin Zhaofeng to the inn.

Looking at Lin Zhaofeng lying on the bed, Xu Wanrou looks at her. I'm thinking, Lin Zhaofeng, but our fate has arrived, so don't blame me for using you. Then she removed all Lin Zhaofeng's clothes, and Xu Wanrou slowly took off her clothes

Lin Zhaofeng and his friends drank too much yesterday. When he got up in the morning, he felt thirsty, so he stood up to look for water. But let Lin Zhaofeng suddenly feel his side how there is a person, after a look is actually a woman. Lin Zhaofeng didn't know what happened yesterday, so he felt his head and thought, but after thinking for a long time, he still didn't think of anything.

Xu Wanrou woke up long ago, and when she saw Lin Zhaofeng, she burst into tears. When Lin Zhaofeng saw Xu Wanrou crying, he thought he raped a good woman after getting drunk yesterday. So he said quickly,

"Don't cry, miss." Lin Zhaofeng looks at Xu Wanrou crying very sad, but Lin Zhaofeng does not know how to coax her“ Don't cry. I'll take care of it. "

Xu Wanrou looks at Lin Zhaofeng pitifully. She hears Lin Zhaofeng's words and knows that her plan has been achieved. Because no one would think of hiding in houye's house.

"Hou ye, how dare I ask you to be responsible?"

When Lin Zhaofeng saw that Xu Wanrou had not spoken yet, he began to cry again, so he quickly persuaded her.

"How can I be such a man? You and I will marry you in two days."

Xu Wanrou looks at Lin Zhaofeng pitifully. At this time, Lin Zhaofeng has no idea that she is used by Xu Wanrou.


"You think this is your home. I'll go and prepare our wedding." Lin Zhaofeng said.

"Thank you, Mr. Hou."

Looking at Lin Zhaofeng's back, Xu Wanrou's mouth showed a proud smile. Xu Wanrou found that Lin Zhaofeng had just come back from the border and had not married yet. At this time, Xu Wanrou thought in her heart that after that, here would be her own world.

Xu Wanrou knew that she had more capital to retaliate against those who hurt her by relying on Lin Zhaofeng. At this time, Xu Wanrou's anger was burning again.

"Zhong Lijin, I won't let you go."

Just when Lin jiyanzi came to find Xu Wanrou at the gate of yuzhenlou, Xu Wanrou just came back from the house of marquis Wu Mu. After hearing that someone came to find her, Xu Wanrou, who just came out of her room, saw that it was Lin jiyanzi standing at the door. Her anger came out. This villain dared to betray me, I must make him look good.

As soon as Lin jiyanzi sees Xu Wanrou coming out, she can't help but walk toward Xu Wanrou's place. However, Xu Wanrou sees that Lin jiyanzi has come to her. Although Xu Wanrou just wants to revenge Lin jiyanzi, Xu Wanrou doesn't want to communicate with Lin jiyanzi at the moment, so she hides Lin jiyanzi.

Although Lin jiyanzi can see that Xu Wanrou is deliberately hiding himself, Lin jiyanzi still walks towards Xu Wanrou without saying a word. Lin jiyanzi sees that Xu Wanrou is still hiding himself, and finds that the more she leans towards her, the more Xu Wanrou is hiding behind him.

Lin Ji Yanzi frowns and stands for a while, suddenly thinking of why Xu Wanrou has been hiding himself. Although Lin Ji Yanzi doesn't want to believe it, he can't help thinking, is it because of the rumors in recent days? Don't even Xu Wanrou believe me. At that time, Lin jiyanzi felt a sudden pain in his heart, and suddenly felt that the world was a lot darker.

Thinking of this, Lin jiyanzi stopped thinking about Xu Wanmai's steps, not forcing Xu Wanrou.

At first, Xu Wanrou wanted to avoid Lin jiyanzi, but Lin jiyanzi repeatedly forced Xu Wanrou, which made her anxious. Although Xu Wanrou wanted to get rid of Lin jiyanzi at first, Lin jiyanzi's repeatedly forced Xu Wanrou to get angry, and even thought of the rumors she had heard before, which made her angry, Xu Wanrou said with a sneer“ He doesn't look for him, this Lin extremely extends son to block oneself repeatedly instead

In anger, Xu Wanrou strides to Lin jiyanzi's side and angrily goes to Lin jiyanzi's side. She scolds him: "you, you dare to come back. I'm so good to you. You don't care about your old love, but you dare to betray me. You are such a ungrateful villain. If you just forget my kindness to save your life, it's OK, But why did you betray me! "

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