Lin jiyanzi, who hears Xu Wanrou's words, looks depressed instantly. He doesn't care about other people's opinions, but he can't help looking at Xu Wanrou's views on himself. Looking at the angry woman in front of him, Lin jiyanzi's heart is full of bitterness. He thinks that since she has seen herself in this way, she doesn't have to defend herself, and then she will leave.

Just when Lin jiyanzi wants to leave, he looks up at Xu Wanrou. I can't go. I want to explain to her clearly. I can't let her misunderstand me like this. Even if I can't help Wanrou to assassinate Zhong Lijin now, I also want to explain to her clearly, so that she can know that I didn't betray her.

With this in mind, Lin jiyanzi and Xu Wanrou said: "Miss, I didn't betray you. It was all the wind that Nangong Liuyun deliberately let out. People don't know. Don't you know, miss? I'm loyal to you. What did you ask me to do that I didn't do? Miss, if you don't believe me, then I have no nostalgia for the world. I will disappear from you, so that you will never see me again. "

After listening to Lin jiyanzi's words, Xu Wanrou thinks that he has no disobedience to what he said. He has done more about what he asked him to do. It should be impossible to betray himself, so she lets Lin jiyanzi into her room.

After Xu Wanrou let Lin jiyanzi into the room, she thought that he still had some use value, so she said to him in a good voice: "forget it, you'd better stay with me and help me do things, don't go to other places."

After listening to Xu Wanrou's words, Lin jiyanzi thought for a while and said to Xu Wanrou, "Wanrou, my martial arts have been abandoned by Nangong Liuyun. I can't help you to do some assassination in the future. I'll stay with you and be a servant for you."

Xu Wanrou, who had been kind to Lin jiyanzi, immediately turned pale after Lin jiyanzi said that his martial arts had been abandoned by Nangong Liuyun: "what are you talking about? Your martial arts have been abandoned by Nangong Liuyun? "

Lin jiyanzi looked at Xu Wanrou's uncertain face and said, "yes, the skill of villain has been abandoned by Nangong Liuyun. I'm afraid I can't go through life and death for you as before."

As soon as Xu Wanrou heard that Lin jiyanzi had admitted the fact that her skill had been abandoned, she immediately changed her just pleasant face. As soon as her face turned black, she said to Lin jiyanzi, "now that you have no skill, go away. I don't need any useless people. Now, get out of my sight and don't let me see you again."

As soon as Lin jiyanzi saw that her attitude became so fast, it was faster than turning a book. But Lin jiyanzi wanted to help her again and said, "do you really want to be so heartless? Have you forgotten all I've done to you before? "

As soon as Xu Wanrou heard that he was still insisting, she was angry and yelled to Lin jiyanzi: "don't you understand? I don't need waste around me, and you are a waste now. What's the use of you if I keep you? Get out of here, and you'll pollute Miss Ben's eyes. "

As soon as Lin jiyanzi listens to Xu Wanrou's words, she already knows the result, but Lin jiyanzi still wants to fight for it. After fighting for it, Lin jiyanzi is still disappointed. Xu Wanrou doesn't regard herself as a person at all, just as a person for her

The thing that works hard is just, think of here Lin extremely extend son also didn't insist again, get up to walk toward the door.

It's just raining outside at this time. Lin jiyanzi still wants to fight for it and know what position he is in Xu Wanrou's heart. When he gets to the door, Lin jiyanzi asks Xu Wanrou: "Xu Wanrou, we've been together for such a long time, haven't you been attracted to me? Don't you love me? "

When Xu Wanrou heard what Lin jiyanzi said, she laughed and said, "what do you say? Love you? What qualifications do you have to make me fall in love with you? Do you deserve it? "

After hearing Xu Wanrou's words, Lin jiyanzi smiles foolishly. His mood is as dark as the rainy weather. Lin jiyanzi is very disappointed with Xu Wanrou. He says to Xu Wanrou without expression: "don't you have any heart for me? In vain, I'm infatuated with you. Ha ha, I'm wrong. I'm really short-sighted. " With that, Lin jiyanzi roared. After saying these words, Lin jiyanzi wanted to stand there as if he had exhausted all his strength.

After listening to Lin Ji Yanzi's words, Xu Wanrou laughs sarcastically: "are you finished? Go away. Do you think I will fall in love with you? Don't you think it's funny? I, Xu Wanrou, have only loved power since I was a child. There are no people I love at all. Are you? It's just a tool for me to pull down Zhong Lijin. Do you still think I'll be interested in you? It's ridiculous. I've never seen you as a person. How can I be attracted to you? Everything is just your own wishful thinking. "

After listening to Xu Wanrou's words, Lin jiyanzi felt as if his heart had been torn apart by something. Suddenly, all that was revealed was pain. Suddenly, Lin jiyanzi suddenly got angry again and cried to Xu Wanrou: "OK, Xu Wanrou, I'm Lin jiyanzi. I didn't know you were my leader before. I'm short sighted, I don't think Lin jiyanzi has ever done anything to murder other people's lives in his whole life. I didn't expect that after I followed you, I did all the things that I should do and shouldn't do, and finally I fell into this field. Retribution, retribution. "

Lin jiyanzi suddenly remembers some of the past events, and the process of meeting Xu Wanrou. She goes through them in her mind like a movie. She remembers the scene when she first saw Xu Wanrou. She was seriously injured and was rescued by Xu Wanrou. When she woke up, Lin jiyanzi vowed to be loyal to Xu Wanrou, and then she did a lot of hurtful things for Xu Wanrou, Lin jiyanzi can't help but feel that he is ridiculous. He also remembers that when he was in the palace, Zhong Lijin didn't hurt him again and again. Instead, he reminds himself that Xu Wanrou is a woman with a heart like snakes and scorpions. What's ridiculous is that he didn't believe Zhong Lijin yet. Instead, he refutes her and remembers all these things,

Lin jiyanzi then felt his shortsightedness. He not only hurt others, but also made himself fall into such a field. Everything was his own fault. No wonder others, ha ha.

After thinking about these things, Lin jiyanzi finally faints in the rain. Before he faints, Lin jiyanzi sees a smile of irony in Xu Wanrou's mouth. Lin jiyanzi thought that no one in the world would care about him, no one would care about his life and death, but how could he know, just after he was released, Zhong Lijin ordered people to find him back, but he walked too fast and missed it.

However, when Lin jiyanzi faints, the person who comes to Lin jiyanzi according to Zhong Lijin's orders finally finds him after Lin jiyanzi faints. At the moment, he is fainting on the path full of rain.

Zhong Lijin's followers finally find Lin jiyanzi. When the leader sees that Lin jiyanzi faints on the road, he goes to confirm that this is Lin jiyanzi. After confirming that this is Lin jiyanzi, the leader orders the two pawns behind him: "you two, take this man back to Hou Fei."


For Lin jiyanzi, Zhong Lijin is more sympathetic. She sympathizes with Xu Wanrou for using him. She sympathizes with Xu Wanrou for betraying the organization because he is a killer. Now she is chased by the organization and will die at any time. For this love, she has paid all her life. For this love, she will not spare her life. But what about Zhong Wanrou? She just used these good people to help her save the brilliant road she wanted, but did she ever think about the life and death of these people and whether she was wrong. Do you know how many people she has killed? It's pathetic.

"Is madam going to see Lin jiyanzi? The bodyguard asked with some worry.

"Go, why not." Zhong Lijin is a little surprised. It seems that nothing is wrong. She wants him to know what Xu Wanrou is like. Xu Wanrou, you count me, can't I count you? Xu Wanrou, you provoked me first. I will make you pay me back.

She calmly got up, some from the instability, secretly smile, it seems that these days by Xu Wanrou gas is not light.

In front of the dark dungeon, Lin jiyanzi sits on the ground calmly. Her good-looking eyes have lost their expression. Like an eagle with broken wings, she has no power to fly. He didn't expect that Xu Wanrou is such a person. Before, she thought Zhong Lijin was a shameless villain. It's not like this. Xu Wanrou is the shameless one.

For Lin jiyanzi, Xu Wanrou used to be her only hope. For him who grew up in the dark, the person who gave tenderness to him for the first time was the only light she wanted to follow in her life. Even if it's wrong to get the light, he wants to follow.

"Lin jiyanzi, why do you want to help Xu Wanrou?" Zhong Lijin opens her mouth, her eyes are pale, but she doesn't feel happy or sad.

"It's nothing. It's up to you to kill or cut." Lin jiyanzi opened his mouth, but there was no sadness in his eyes. For him, there was nothing in the world worth remembering.

"Kill you, why kill you." Zhong Lijin smiles and looks indifferent, looking at Lin jiyanzi's speechless sadness. Lin jiyanzi, you are the first killer of Wuji Pavilion. Is it worth it for a woman who doesn't care about her life?

"Do you know that you are doing this not to help her, but to harm her and your former companion?" In fact, Zhong Lijin is not sure what she said, because Lin jiyanzi is a killer, and the killer is doomed to be ruthless, without sadness and happiness. However, Lin jiyanzi is a counterexample. She has a record of saving her companions many times when performing tasks. If she takes Xu Wanrou and Wuji Pavilion as threats, will there be a turning point? It turns out that Zhong Lijin won, really.

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