Lin Ji Yanzi's eyes moved. Although there was no big wave, there was still a wave, which proved that Lin Ji Yanzi was right.

After verifying that his idea was right, he said, "you think that when you die, the emperor will let Xu Wanrou go. You think that the whole Dingguo Marquis's house will let Xu Wanrou go." Lowering his head, his voice was like a ghost: "do you think the whole court will let go of Wuji pavilion? So you're wrong. You're completely wrong. "

Lin Ji Yanzi's eyes moved, and his eyes were struggling. Yes, he was wrong. He just knew that he was wrong. He was completely wrong. He was not helping Xu Wanrou, but harming her: "how can I save her?" Lin jiyanzi gives up all his dignity. Yes, he wants to save her, Xu Wanrou and Wuji Pavilion.

"For my use." Zhong Lijin says word by word, yes, she knows that Lin jiyanzi will promise herself, because he has no choice at all.

After a long time, Lin jiyanzi said, "good." Yes, he had no choice, from the moment he was arrested.

"Good." Zhong Lijin's pretty eyebrows are raised high, just like an's goblin at night. As long as she wants to do something, she can never do it, can't she?

He gave a wink to the dark Wei, and his good-looking eyebrows and eyes gave a light hint. The dark Wei immediately understood, and gave a rest to Lin jiyanzi's acupoints.

"Don't worry, it's just to unseal your acupoints." Zhong Lijin said indifferently, as if nothing different, in fact, there is a big mystery.

Lin jiyanzi was a little bit unnatural, and then his bright eyes suddenly came to look. Yes, it was martial arts. His martial arts came back, really came back.

In fact, Zhong Lijin didn't seal his martial arts from the beginning. It's just a seal made by Bai Liyi for Lin jiyanzi not to hurt Zhong Lijin. The purpose is to confuse Lin Wanrou into thinking that Lin jiyanzi is useless and force Xu Wanrou to give up Lin jiyanzi. In this way, she can really control Lin jiyanzi for her own use, Zhong Lijin's move is right, and he guessed Lin jiyanzi's heart correctly. This gamble won very well.

"Thank you, madam." In the face of his martial arts recovery, Lin jiyanzi is ecstatic, but more admiration. She is not as afraid of betrayal and poison as Wuji Pavilion, nor does she confuse herself with the mask she wears like Xu Wanrou. She is aboveboard and does not have any tricks. She does not want to harm anyone in the mind that people do not offend me and I do not offend. But someone wants to harm her.

It may be good to marry Xu Wanrou as his wife. Looking at Xu Wanrou's back, Lin Zhaofeng secretly thinks that Xu Wanrou is sincere, not greedy for power. With this in mind, Lin Zhaofeng gradually has a trace of affection for Xu Wanrou, like a spring bamboo shoot after a rain.

At this time, Lin jiyanzi, devastated by Xu Wanrou and disheartened, recognizes Xu Wanrou's character and faints on the road on the day of parting with Xu Wanrou, and is saved by Zhong Lijin.

Lin jiyanzi, who is frustrated with Xu Wanrou, wakes up. Zhong Lijin stretches out an olive branch to him. Lin jiyanzi thinks about it for a while and thinks about it

Now he doesn't even have a place to stay, so he is loyal to Zhong Lijin. Lin jiyanzi, who has changed his ways, is under the supervision of Xu Wanrou

Lin jiyanzi, who is ordered to supervise Xu Wanrou, is lying on the roof of a house of marquis Wu Mu. After searching the whole yard with his eyes, he finally finds Xu Wanrou who is with Lin Zhaofeng. Lin jiyanzi can't help but look at Xu Wanrou who is in close contact with Lin Zhaofeng in the distance.

Although Lin jiyanzi recognized Xu Wanrou's ugly face, after all, she lived together day and night. Although Xu Wanrou was not very good to Lin jiyanzi, even a little harsh, Lin jiyanzi still had a faint feeling for Xu Wanrou. Although Xu Wanrou was very clear that day, Show and oneself have been cut off, will not have any relationship in the future. However, Lin jiyanzi's faint emotion has not disappeared, and has been surrounded by her heart. Although Xu Wanrou has no meaning to Lin jiyanzi, Lin jiyanzi is still eager for this relationship to happen.

Ideal is always plump, but reality is always bony. Looking at Xu Wanrou lingering in the distance around Lin Zhaofeng, Lin jiyanzi's heart has been turned upside down.

Although Lin jiyanzi was born as a killer and had a good control over his own emotions, it was just what other people seemed to be. After all, Lin jiyanzi was still a vigorous man. Looking at her beloved woman and other men lingering in front of her eyes, she couldn't stop it. Lin jiyanzi got angry at that time, Then came the disgust and contempt for Xu Wanrou.

This woman is really a powerful woman. She just separated from herself and found a man. Lin jiyanzi thought that sooner or later, I will make you regret your choice today.

Thinking of revenge Xu Wanrou's Lin jiyanzi, he didn't stay in this place for a while, so he went back to find Zhong Lijin and told her what happened here.

When Lin jiyanzi goes back, Zhong Lijin just wakes up from her lunch break. She just comes out of the door and stretches. Then she sees Lin jiyanzi, who is sent out to supervise Xu Wanrou, turning over from outside the wall. Zhong Lijin stands at the door foolishly and forgets half of her stretching.

Until Lin jiyanzi was about to get to his side, Zhong Lijin came back and said, "come back?" Zhong Lijin greets Lin jiyanzi with a smile.

Lin jiyanzi looks at Zhong Lijin who greets him in the distance. She is slightly absent-minded. When she was loyal to Xu Wanrou before, Xu Wanrou never smiles so gently. For a moment, Lin jiyanzi forgets to return to Zhong Lijin. Until Zhong Lijin walks up to him and waves to her, Lin jiyanzi returns to her mind: "well, I'm back, I found Xu Wanrou's whereabouts. "

Zhong Lijin looked at the man in front of her and blinked. How could the killer be so stupid? He just started to stay in front of him. After laughing for a while, Zhong Lijin felt a little discordant with the current atmosphere and said to Lin jiyanzi solemnly, "Oh, yes, you don't have to turn over the wall to come in. You can come in directly from the door, Why do you come in over the wall? Do you have an occupational disease? "

Listen to Zhong Lijin,

Lin jiyanzi also felt a little embarrassed. No wonder Zhong Lijin just laughed at him. He thought it was because he was in a daze just now. After thinking about it, Lin jiyanzi thought of the reason why he was still climbing over the wall. He said to Zhong Lijin: "well, I'm used to it. I used to tie you up. I'm used to climbing over the wall. Now I'm loyal to you, But there are still some roles that haven't changed. They still keep the habit of being loyal to Xu Wanrou. By the way, I know Xu Wanrou's trace. "

Zhong Lijin now finally thought of the business: "Oh, so soon to find the trace of Xu Wanrou? Then tell me. "

Lin jiyanzi stood in the same place, stunned, his face trembled, and then said: "I just told you that I found Xu Wanrou's trace, and now you just react? You're a little slow. "

Zhong Lijin embarrassed smile: "don't care about the details, you quickly tell me, you just said to find the trace of Xu Wanrou?"

Lin jiyanzi: "well, yes, I just found her in Marquis Wu Mu's house. Now she seems to have boarded Marquis Wu Mu's ship Lin Zhaofeng, and she seems to want to marry Lin Zhaofeng. After all, they live together now."

On hearing Lin jiyanzi's words, Zhong Lijin frowned and asked, "Oh? Is Xu Wanrou mixed up with Lin Zhaofeng now? Yes, it's possible. After all, Lin Zhaofeng just came back from your Eastern desert country, right? "

Lin jiyanzi thought about it, frowning, and some questions suddenly appeared in his heart. Lin Zhaofeng just came back from the frontier, how could he contact Xu Wanrou? Although he thought about it in his heart, he didn't forget to answer Zhong Lijin's words: "yes, miss, Lin Zhaofeng is really a military general guarding the frontier. He just came back from the frontier a few days ago, I have a question. I don't know if I should ask

Zhong Lijin heard Lin jiyanzi's words and replied, "you ask."

Lin jiyanzi thought for a moment and said slowly, "Miss, you said that Lin Zhaofeng just came back from the frontier. How can Xu Wanrou get involved with Lin Zhaofeng?"

Listen to Lin Ji Yan son's problem, Zhong Li Jin is also a Zheng, right ah, how did he not think of this thing? Frowning and thinking for a while, he said, "I don't understand how Xu Wanrou got on the big ship Lin Zhaofeng. Forget it. If you don't understand, you don't want to. Go step by step. You'll understand sooner or later. By the way, you've been with Xu Wanrou all the time. Don't you know anything else about her?"

Listening to Zhong Lijin's words, Lin jiyanzi thought for a while and said, "I just wanted to talk to you, but you asked first. When Xu Wanrou and I were together, she often went to yuzhenlou to find a person named Liu Ruyan. Sometimes their relationship was good, sometimes not good, but they were in the same camp."

Listening to Lin jiyanzi's words, Zhong Lijin almost frowned and thought that before, she felt that there was something wrong with Liu Ruyan, but she couldn't find any doubt. Now when she heard Lin jiyanzi's words, she thought that Liu Ruyan had something wrong with Xu Wanrou, No wonder for the first time, I went to yuzhenlou with bailiyi to find the clues of those missing women. Liu Ruyan was always against herself. It must be Xu Wanrou who ordered her. Thinking of this, Zhong Lijin stopped thinking about it.

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