"Xu Wanrou, I wrote down the hatred. She bullied you at the beginning, but now she comes to harm our children. Fortunately, our children have nothing to do. If our children have any accidents, I will make her regret what she did all her life." Bai Liyi said.

"Yi, don't you think it's very strange? Why does Xu Wanrou work so smoothly every time? " Zhong Lijin said.

"Yes, strange to say." Bai Liyi replied.

"Take the case of my son. You say that Guo'er has been missing for so many days. We have searched many places but we haven't found it." Zhong Lijin said.

"Yes, our influence should be OK. Someone must have hidden their clues, so the people behind him should be very strong." Bai Liyi said.

"Well, it's a problem for us to deal with her." Zhong Lijin said.

"It's difficult, but as long as we use the right method, it's not so difficult." Bai Liyi said. Xu Wanrou's influence is certainly not small, and they spent a lot of trouble.

"I know. Now let's take our attention away from Xu Wanrou. Let's slowly investigate who Xu Wanrou has contacted recently, so that we can find some people who support Xu Wanrou, and then we can shovel them off at one stroke." Zhong Lijin analyzed.

"You're right." Bai Liyi said.

Noon sun, lazy all over the earth, Zhong Lijin looked up at the sun, Mimi eyes, said to the next person: "I go back to the room to change clothes, send someone to inform the houye time, let's go."

The servant respectfully agreed: "no!" Although I didn't know why, I still did it and retreated without saying a word.

The crowd gathered around Zhong Lijin and went to the gate. When they saw Zhong Lijin coming, Bai Liyi pulled out a smile and went forward affectionately, saying, "madam, please!" Then he took Zhong Lijin's hand and helped her into the carriage.

"Mr. Hou, is Xu Wanrou really what we guessed?" Zhong Lijin slightly frowned, slightly puzzled, constantly stirring her fingers. Bai Li Yi touched Zhong Li Jin's hair, rubbed it, and then said, "I'm afraid Xu Wanrou's mind is not as simple as it seems. This matter still needs to be discussed. You'll go to find out the tone of Shangguan mu'er later."

Zhong Lijin is a little uneasy, knocking on the coffee table, leaning on the carriage with her head tilted. Without saying a word, her brain is thinking fast. She always thought that yesterday's guess was wrong, but she could not tell what was wrong.

The carriage clattered along, hearing the noise and Hawker's cry. The two people in the carriage are all keeping their eyes closed, waiting for the next development.

Gradually, there was less and less sound in his ears. Bai Liyi opened his eyes, pinched his brows, shook his head to wake up, and then said, "I'm afraid it's going to be somewhere. Wake up and don't sleep."

"No, I'm thinking about Xu Wanrou." Zhong Lijin opened her eyes, and her eyes were clear. She patted Bai Liyi's hand placidly, indicating that he could deal with me.

At the gate of the palace, they had to get off and walk. Zhong Lijin is walking slowly with Bai Liyi's arm.

"You said, if I could accompany you all the time, how good it would be to be white headed

I hope there is no end to this road and there is no obstacle between us. " Finish saying nose some pan acid, low head, hang eyes, staring at the foot of the broken goose soft stone road, step by step friction.

Fiercely, the foot of a crooked, the whole person was parabolic general throw forward, and Baili Yi eyes quickly will Zhong Lijin fished up, holding the waist, let Zhong Lijin stand firm, feigned anger said: "take a good look at the road, such a flat road, you can also fall, that road if you don't repair flat, you are not all the way in the sprain."

"I... I know." Zhong Lijin is more and more aggrieved. Bai Liyi doesn't answer her question, which makes her lose her mind and makes her almost fall down. Now she still falls down.

From analysis to analysis, I feel that Xu Wanrou likes Bai Liyi, but this one who is uneasy is just making trouble.

With a puff of breath, he separated from bailiyi without saying a word and went to the palace of Shangguan ronger. In front of the palace, Zhong Lijin was stopped by the palace maid.

A palace maid looked at Zhong Lijin carefully for a while, looking at the gorgeous satins on her body. She must be rich or expensive. She must be the official wife of some family. But now the queen, who is willing to give thanks, is not allowed to enter.

The maid of honor saluted and said respectfully, "madam, our empress is already taking a nap. I'm afraid she can't see the guests. As you know, the empress has a royal heir and can't bear it. I'm afraid she can't help her."

Zhong Lijin doesn't like it. The current situation is reasonable, and she doesn't think that Zhong Lijin takes off a bracelet from her hand and puts it on the maid of honor. She flatters a little and says, "please go to pass on the whole body again. I'm Mrs. Marquis of Dingguo. If you want to see me, I was posted by the imperial gate before."

The palace maid looked at the good quality Lanzhi jade on her hand. She rubbed her fingers on her wrist for a while, and then she was blessed. She answered, "No." He turned and left.

"Lady, there's a lady outside the door asking to see you." The palace maid carefully said, while looking at Guan mu'er's face, Shangguan mu'er impatiently waved his hand and said: "if you don't see anyone, don't bother me to sleep."

Seeing that the Queen's face was like this, the palace maid decided to fight bravely for the face of the lanzhiyu. After all, she took people's money to relieve the disaster. Looking around, she saw that no one in the palace noticed this direction. She leaned over the ear of Shangguan mu'er and whispered, "empress, madam Ding, please see me."

"Madame Marquis Ding? Is it really in the Duke's mansion? Come in, please Shangguan mu'er stands up excitedly, but he looks forward to Zhong Lijin.

Without waiting for the palace maid to invite them in, Shangguan mu'er saw that he was anxious and walked out quickly, leaving the palace maid behind anxiously and loudly.

"Niang Niang, it's not polite. Please come back quickly and let them come to see you. Niang Niang, run slowly and don't fall. Niang Niang, wait for me."

Just hope to see Zhong Lijin Shangguan mu'er just don't have time to listen to the palace maid nonsense, a slip of smoke son to Zhong Lijin body.

"Madam Marquis of the state of Ding, our palace has been waiting here for a long time. Please come in and let's discuss why Xu Wanrou became the Marquis of Wu Mu."

Then he walked in and waved to the maid of honor, indicating that he would quickly invite Mrs. Ding guohou in.

"Mrs. Ding, please take a seat. Please don't be lazy when you give Mrs. ding a cup of tea

Slow down, madam marquis. Otherwise, others don't know what to say. We're not educated! "

"It's... It's a slave. I'll go now." The maid in waiting hurriedly ran to pour tea for the Marquis, but she had great admiration for the superior mu'er.

"Well, you all go down. I'll have a chat with Mrs. Hou of the state of Jin alone. Guard the door outside for me. Remember to report anyone who comes in." Shangguan mu'er casually said to the palace maid.

"Yes, Madame." The woman didn't dare to say anything. She took her out in a hurry. By the way, she found several people to guard at the door. Everyone didn't dare to say anything, but went out with the maid in waiting.

"Mrs. Marquis of Dingguo, what trick did you say Xu Wanrou used to become the present Wu Mu Marquis? It's too strange. What should we do with the rest of the things?" Shangguan Wan'er is puzzled and asks Mrs. Ding guohou.

"I don't know about this matter, but it's not a good thing for us. We must work hard to solve it!" Mrs. Ding guohou tightened her fingers, and her voice was a little fierce.

"Well, if this matter is not solved, Xu Wanrou may not know how to be arrogant, so what should we do?" Shangguan Wan'er's voice also reveals her worry about Xu Wanrou.

"I haven't thought about it yet. What can you do? It came so suddenly that everyone was not ready. " Although Mrs. Hou of the state of Ning was worried, there was no way.

At the same time, Bai Liyi also found Nangong Liuyun. He was not worried in his tone. He just asked casually while tidying up his sleeves.

"Nangong Liuyun, do you know who is behind Wanrou? Why can so quickly sit to Wu Mu Hou imperial concubine this position, really let a person puzzling

"I don't know much about it, but after I do it, I'm sure I'll show my feet. Xu Wanrou's skill is obviously not enough, but the people behind her still send her out, which shows that there's a certain truth. There's something fishy about it. We have to be careful."

Nangong Liuyun wanted to alert bailiyi and paced around him.

"I feel dizzy when you stop turning like this. How can I think about these things? If I say that I can't worry about these things." Bailiyi let Nangong Liuyun stop worrying.

"Well, I'll send my staff to find out what to do. The most important thing now is to keep vigilant and not to take it lightly. Let those people have an opportunity. "

"I know if you don't say that. I'm not stupid. At the moment, my biggest worry is whether Xu Wanrou will pose any threat to us." Bai Liyi half squinted at the distance and said faintly.

They got together and talked about all kinds of possible ideas until they thought all the way back. Bailiyi looked at the sky outside and said.

"Well, it's not too early. Let's talk about it today."

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi look at each other at the gate of the palace, and then walk into the car. Zhong Lijin lowers her eyes and looks at the carpet all the time. After a long time, she says, "I heard from the empress that Xu Wanrou didn't do these things alone. There is an organization behind her?"

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