Bailiyi looked at Yanzhong Lijin, his hand slightly clenched into a fist, knocked a few times on the table, looked at Yanzhong Lijin, hesitated to speak, opened and closed several times, then squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "I read my love with her since childhood, I can't imagine that there is organization behind her, but she wants to do that thing of collusion and treason!"

The more he said, the more angry he was. Even the maids around him shivered. After all, the cold air released by bailiyi was really creepy.

Zhong Lijin reached out to rub her arm, trying to bring her some warmth, and then went to comfort Bai Liyi: "we are not sure about this. If there is any misunderstanding, it's not good. It's better to find out. If there is no organization, Xu Wanrou's usual collusion and make some small stumbling blocks."

With that, he opened his eyes carefully. Seeing that Bai Li Yi's face had eased down, he took a long breath and reached for his breath.

Inadvertently lifted the curtain of the carriage window, looking out at the darkening sky, and the passers-by in a hurry, can not help but want to sigh a quiet years.

In fact, it's good to sit in this way. Two people don't do anything and don't want to sit quietly like that. With the sunset, they can see all kinds of life.

But the thought of Xu Wanrou is boring. I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark. What a disadvantage. Zhong Lijin, who had been leaning on the carriage, thought for a long time, and then slowly said: "master Hou, is it a plan? Xu Wanrou was also framed, and the enemy country used this advantage to break into us. "

Bai Liyi's face was calm, the corner of his eyes and eyebrows were all written mourning. He lifted up the roe deer and put it down. He was quite unhappy and said, "no, I never thought that the little girl who had lived under her own eyes for more than ten years had such courage. All in all, let's wait and see what happens! "

Soon, the wedding of Wu muhou and Xu Wanrou came as scheduled.

Earlier that day, bailiyi and Zhong Lijin had finished their work. They had some big tasks this time. Their fruit is now back to her. So Zhong Lijin didn't want to go to Wu Mu Marquis's house to watch Xu Wanrou's wedding, because Wu Mu Marquis Lin Zhaofeng had prejudice against them because of Xu Wanrou, This time, the reason why we send the invitation is just to show our face, not to invite Zhong Lijin and Xu Wanrou.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi also want to understand that they originally decided to conform to Xu Wanrou's face, and they didn't want to see Xu Wanrou get married. What's more, Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi's little son Guo'er have been hidden by Xu Wanrou for so long, and now they find them back. Zhong Lijin's hatred can't be offset. Now she just wants to kill Zhong Lijin herself, To comfort Lin Qianru's sin of trusting her so much.

However, Zhong Lijin thinks that from today on, Xu Wanrou will become the wife of Wu Mu Hou Ming matchmaker. From then on, her status will never be the same as before. If Xu Wanrou continues to fight against them at this time, Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi will be together

They don't know much about Wu Mu Hou Lin Zhaofeng. In order to prevent them from being too passive, Zhong Lijin decides to go to Lin Zhaofeng and Xu Wanrou's wedding. Even if there is nothing wrong, they also go to the grand wedding to make Xu Wanrou unhappy.

Zhong Lijin's pink bingdilian clothes set off the whole person's temperament, especially noble. The slightly raised swan neck makes Zhong Lijin look more dignified and beautiful. Zhong Lijin is the princess originally, so her bearing and deterrent power are extraordinary. In the past, Zhong Lijin disliked too much trouble and didn't dress up carefully. At this time, such a slight dress adds a touch of beauty to her extraordinary appearance.

In order to match Zhong Lijin's dress, Bai Liyi is also dressed in white and pink. Bai Liyi always wears dark clothes, which makes people feel too calm and resolute. But now he is dressed in white and pink, which makes the whole person more white. What's more, it adds to the bearing of a young boy, just like a young man, At a glance, Jinghong can make countless girls blush. Even if their looks are still so far away, they still attract people's attention.

The two people's clothes are so matched, but also let people some can't move their eyes, and Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi have some dignity, now the pink clothes make up for the two people's cold look, let people some want to be close to the impulse. They used to hold their hands like a couple of beauties, but now they are dressed the same again, which makes people feel more like seeing a couple of gods and fairies. When the maid and the wife see them like this, they all have some signs.

Zhong Lijin and Bai Liyi are ready to go out of the house after they have cleaned up. Zhong Lijin has decided to give Xu Wanrou face today. And today, Wu muhou is getting married. Nangong Liuyun, as the emperor, is sure to come. She hasn't seen Shangguan mu'er for a long time. Zhong Lijin is a little excited when she thinks about it. Today, she brings Guo'er with her, just to let Shangguan mu'er have a look at her children.

After two people got into the carriage, Zhong Lijin nestled in Bai Liyi's arms and quietly felt Bai Liyi's heart beat and temperature. They finally got together. Zhong Lijin was very happy to think of this, because after their child Guo'er disappeared, Bai Liyi's already cold face was even colder. On weekdays, in addition to seeing her with a smile, Bai Liyi never laughed at anyone else.

Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin's nest in his arms and refused to come out. He didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, he hugged Zhong Lijin's body directly in his arms. Zhong Lijin was held by bailiyi and could only sit on bailiyi's leg with fruit beside him. Bailiyi looked at the two most important people in his life and narrowed his eyes, Gently in the clock from Jin's forehead down a kiss: "thank you, jin'er, our fruit finally came back."

It's not easy for Zhong Lijin to see such a side of Bai Liyi. Bai Liyi always hides his emotions in his heart, so when Bai Liyi says this, Zhong Lijin can feel his heart beating violently and uncontrollably. She had never heard Bai Liyi say such emotional words, Zhong Lijin only felt that this sentence was the most touching love words in the world.

Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan Mur in the Imperial Palace are also changing into the emperor's and Queen's formal clothes at this time, because they must go to celebrate the wedding of Wu muhou. After all, Wu muhou has made great contributions to the court. If they don't wear formal clothes, they will be a little bit indifferent to Wu muhou. After they are all changed, Shangguan mu'er has been pregnant for eight months now, so she is a little fat. Originally, she was a little skinny. Now she is wearing the empress's Palace Dress, which makes her look more radiant. She fully supports the empress's dress, and her whole body shines with the light of motherhood.

Nangong Liuyun carefully protects Shangguan mu'er. He is very worried about Shangguan mu'er's safety now. No matter where he goes, he has to let Shangguan mu'er stay with him, because Shangguan mu'er is naughty. Nangong Liuyun is always afraid that when he is away, other servants will not be able to stop Shangguan mu'er from playing, So I can only take Shangguan mu'er with me.

At this time, Xu Wanrou has already put on her make-up in Wu Mu Hou's mansion. She is not beautiful, but her face is very beautiful. After the matchmaker in today's palace dressed up skillfully, her beauty has improved a lot. However, at this time, Xu Wanrou was not in the mood to see her beauty. She was more worried about whether LAN Lianhua could come out today. She sent a post to LAN Lianhua to Prime Minister LAN Cheng's house.

Just as Xu Wanrou was impatient, a maid finally came in and reported to him: "I'm telling you, LAN Lianhua, the daughter of prime minister LAN, is outside the door now. She said that she has something important to discuss with our wife. Madam, do you think you are?" The maid looks respectful, but there is a deep irony in her eyes. She can be the wife of the waiting house by virtue of Xu Wanrou's beauty. This maid is Lin Zhaofeng who has changed to serve Xu Wanrou personally. She has already understood Xu Wanrou's mind.

"OK, let's go." Xu Wanrou's voice was a little worried. She really had something important to discuss with LAN Lianhua, because the wedding of Wu Mu Marquis, Zhong Lijin, Bai Liyi, Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er all came back to attend. This is a great opportunity. If you miss it, you can't do it. The wedding banquet is full of wine, Anything can happen, can't it?

When LAN Lianhua came in, she saw that Xu Wanrou had been waiting impatiently: "sister Xu, I want to congratulate you on your wedding today. Looking at Wu Mu Hou's obedience to you, sister Xu's life is much better." Blue lotus is really congratulating Xu Wanrou. After all, it's easier for Mrs. Wu muhou to help her ascend the Queen's throne, isn't it? She was finally one step closer to what she wanted.

"Sister Lotus, come here quickly. Let's discuss how to use alcohol?" When Xu Wanrou's voice came into blue lotus's ear, blue lotus had a slight sign. It was Xu Wanrou's own wedding. Xu Wanrou dared to make trouble for herself. Although blue lotus was a little surprised, it was still very satisfied. After all, what happened had nothing to do with blue lotus.

"Sister Xu, what do you think we should do?"

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