The meaning of the warning in the last sentence is undisguised.

With Xu Wanrou's style of work, she can do such a thing.

Human life is just like an ant to her, and she never cares.

"The little one will tell her right away." The servant took the order and stepped back. Xu Wanrou looked at the hundred mile fruit in her arms and pulled out a sly smile from the corner of her mouth.

"Child! You've done your sister a big favor this time. I don't know what your mother Li Jin looks like now. Ah ha ha Xu Wanrou looked at the lovely doll and thought of Zhong Lijin's appearance, she laughed more recklessly. All of a sudden, she suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the sky fiercely. Zhong Lijin! What are you going to do with me this time?

The servant hurried to bailiyi's house. The servant went into the house after he heard the news. The housekeeper led the servant to bailiyi directly. At this time, Zhong Lijin is holding a teacup to drink tea, while Bai Liyi does not dare to stare at Zhong Lijin for a moment, for fear that she will do something to hurt herself for the sake of Guo'er. When they saw a footman in coarse cloth come in, they moved their eyes to the man.

"What can I do for you?" Bai Liyi asked.

"Back, back Lord, I've come to the palace to send a message on my master's order." The servant kneeling on the ground trembled slightly. The air pressure in the room was so low that it made people shiver.

But after the servant's words were spoken, before Baili Yi could continue to speak, she saw Zhong Lijin holding the tea cup. Then she said slowly, "I ask you, is your master Xu Wanrou?"

"Back, princess's words... My master is Xu Wanrou in Wu Mu Marquis's house."

"Oh? I didn't expect her people to come. " Zhong Lijin suddenly swept the servant with a cold look, which shocked the servant's body.

"What did she say?" Without waiting for Zhong Lijin to ask again, Bai Liyi spoke first. Bailiyi has obviously noticed the ups and downs of Zhong Lijin's look now. He just calmed her down. Now... Alas!

"Back to the Lord, my master said that she invited the prince's son to the Marquis's house today. I'm really sorry. My master also said... "The servant suddenly said something and became a bit hesitant.

"Tell me, what else did she say?" Zhong Lijin suddenly raised her voice. She could see that she was about to get angry. Just now she heard the name of Guo'er.

"My master, she said... That she really liked this young master Guo er. She wanted to keep him in Wu Mu Hou's house so that she could take care of him. Say... Princess, if you don't want to give up, you'll have to pay some price to get back the young master Guo'er. " The servant was just drunk by Zhong Lijin's voice, and his voice became more and more weak. He whispered these words.

"At what cost!" Bai Liyi was obviously flustered when he heard this. Xu Wanrou obviously wanted to threaten him and Zhong Lijin with fruit.

"She said... She said that she wanted to change one life for another, and the life had to be the life of the princess..." the servant whispered more and more, but he didn't want to offend any of the two Buddhas above, and he couldn't be provoked by such a humble person. Why is he so good today

It's really bad luck to be the one who serves the service.

"Hum!" As soon as the servant's voice fell, bailiyi made a sound in a hurry, and then there was a sound of broken teacup. Bailiyi crushed the teacup in his hand directly, and the blood donation flowed down the hot tea in the cup, which was very red. This time Bai Liyi was really angry! Xu Wanrou wanted jin'er's life. She really lived a long time.

"Come on! Tie this slave up for me and throw it in front of Wu Mu Hou's house. " Bai Liyi immediately ordered his servants to take the messenger out.

This side of the clock from Jin after hearing a life for a life has not made a sound, quiet some terrible.

Bai Li Yi sees Zhong Li Jin who doesn't say a word. His secret is not good. Is Jin Er really going to change her life? But he would never allow her to.

"Jin'er, don't listen to that man. And you don't want to take your life to get the fruit back. No matter what you are for, I will never allow it! " Bailiyi anxiously looks at Zhong Lijin. All of a sudden, two lines of tears rolled down from Zhong Lijin. As she said, Zhong Lijin has collapsed now. She just heard the name of Guo'er. The woman named Xu Wanrou threatened her with Guo'er! Xu Wanrou, you are really vicious. In order to take her Zhong Lijin's life, you don't hesitate to attack a child!

"No, no, Yi, we'll give her what she wants. We'll give her everything. Even my life of Zhong Lijin doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. As long as she is willing to return Guo'er, Yi, I really can't watch her hurt Guo'er. I can't lose Guo'er! Give it to her, give it to her, will you? " As soon as Zhong Lijin's legs soften, he shrinks to the ground. Bai Liyi immediately gets up to support her and hugs her in his arms. The woman in her arms didn't look like crying. She didn't look like Zhong Lijin at all.

"Jin'er, I absolutely don't agree with you to do stupid things. You don't want to lose Guo'er, but you know Guo'er is also my child, but the last thing I want is to lose you. You know what? " Bai Liyi said in a warm voice.

Zhong Lijin, who was held in his arms, was shocked. What Bai Liyi said just now really moved her.

"Jin'er, you must cheer up. You don't look like Zhong Lijin I know. We can think of a way together, at least now Xu Wanrou won't easily hurt Guo'er before getting your reply. You have to cheer up. Are you sure? " Bai Li Yi had a whisper, but these words also deeply touched Zhong Li Jin's heart. Bai Liyi felt that the woman in his arms stopped crying, gradually calmed down, and let her go.

Zhong Lijin looked at Bai Liyi, and her two beautiful eyes were still full of tears.

"Yi, you're right. I should cheer up. I'm Zhong Lijin! Don't worry. Even if it's just for you, I will live well. People like Xu Wanrou will let them all come. I won't be afraid. "

When he heard Zhong Lijin's words, Bai Liyi was relieved. He believed Zhong Lijin's words just as she trusted her.

"Well, I have to go to yuzhenlou now. I'm going to find Liu Ruyan. She can help me." Zhong Lijin thinks that now Nangong Liuyun and Shangguan mu'er are gone. She has to do everything by herself.

"Well, go ahead." Bai Liyi immediately understood.

Zhong Lijin saw that bailiyi did not hesitate to believe in himself, and immediately felt a warm current in her heart. So he went out of the house and asked the next man to prepare a car. He left alone and went to the jade pillow building.

When I came to yuzhenlou, Liu Ruyan happened to be there, but it was obvious that Liu Ruyan didn't welcome Zhong Lijin. That is, they didn't ask people to bring tea, and they didn't ask Zhong Lijin to sit down, so that since Zhong Lijin came in, Liu Ruyan just took a look at the visitor.

"Why don't you welcome me so much, eh?" Zhong Lijin doesn't let her say hello, so she sits down and looks at Liu Ruyan.

"Yes, I really don't welcome you. Tell me, why did you come here to find me?" Liu Ruyan saw that Zhong Lijin was as free as the master in her place, and he was dissatisfied with Zhong Lijin.

"I came to you, of course, to ask you a favor." Zhong Lijin picked up an idle tea cup on the table and took a sip of the tea.

"Do you a favor? Do you think I'll be willing to help you? Besides, since you know that I am a killer, you should understand that we will never lose money in business. But I don't need the money now, so I don't want to help you Liu Ruyan glanced at Zhong Lijin and agreed to drink with her teacup.

"Are you sure you don't want to help me? I naturally know that you are not a killer who can make you serve me with money, so ah! Liu Ruyan, I specially brought you something that you will be interested in this time. " Zhong Lijin looks at Liu Ruyan with an air of complacency and takes out a mahogany box from her sleeve to play with.

Liu Ruyan couldn't help laughing when she saw the small box. How could she possibly take out what she wanted?

"I think you'd better think about it. After all! This is the elixir that can help you detoxify! It's a pity to miss it! " Zhong Lijin naturally also saw the disdain in Liu Ruyan's eyes, so she might as well point out something and tell her to see what reaction Liu Ruyan would make.

"What? You mean, what you're holding in your hand is a pill that can relieve me? How did you get this thing? " When Liu Ruyan heard what Zhong Lijin had just said about the small box, he suddenly shook the water out of the cup and stared at the box in amazement.

"Well, you don't have to know. Just understand that if you help me, you can be free from the shackles of your killer organization. What? Are you going to reconsider now? " Zhong Lijin smiles. Sure enough, what Liu Ruyan needs most is this. After all, who wants to live under the control of others all his life?

Last time she sent someone to investigate the mysterious killer organization, she unexpectedly learned that Liu Ruyan was also the killer of the mysterious killer organization. So she went through a lot of inquiry, and finally let the people to develop an antidote. Alas! It's really useful today.

"Xu Wanrou robbed Guo'er from my royal residence today. I need you to sneak into Wu Mu Hou's residence and help me bring Guo'er back. Besides, it's better to be in danger forever. I'm sure you will help me. What about? Do you think it's a good deal? " Zhong Lijin didn't wait for Liu Ruyan to open her mouth and directly explained the matter. Because now she can be sure that Liu Ruyan will agree. After all, if Zhong Lijin is her, she will be moved.

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