Liu Ruyan looks at Zhong Lijin. She has to say that she admires this woman's mind. Sure enough, Zhong Lijin's chess is right in her heart. Yes, Zhong Lijin is right. Even if it's just for freedom, Liu Ruyan will take over the business.

"OK, I'll help you."


Liu Ruyan also hates Xu Wanrou very much in her heart. Liu Ruyan thinks that Xu Wanrou once used the organization to coerce herself. At this time, Liu Ruyan knew that if he got rid of the organization, he would no longer be threatened with Xu Wanrou and could take revenge. Liu Ruyan thought of this and couldn't help laughing.

Liu Ruyan looks at Zhong Lijin. Although she is happy that Zhong Lijin can help her to remove the poison, she is still very afraid that Zhong Lijin will not fulfill her promise.

"How do I know if you will keep your promise?"

Zhong Lijin looks at Liu Ruyan and is not surprised to hear Liu Ruyan's words. After all, this is a matter of human nature, Zhong Lijin thought that if he would think of it.

"Of course I know your concerns, but I'm not Xu Wanrou. He would not have done such a dishonest thing. "

Liu Ruyan heard Zhong Lijin's answer. Of course, in Liu Ruyan's heart, Zhong Lijin is more reliable than Xu Wanrou, but Liu Ruyan knows that this is the world, and many promises may not be fulfilled.

Liu Ruyan looks at Zhong Lijin and sits down. Then signal Zhong Lijin to sit down and don't worry.

"Miss Zhong, you'd better sit down first. Xu Wanrou's goal is that you are not Guo'er. For the time being, your child's life is not in danger."

Zhong Lijin of course knows that Xu Wanrou's kidnapping of Guo'er is just to revenge herself and to kill herself. But Zhong Lijin thought that her child was taken away by Xu Wanrou, and there was a sense of disgust in her heart.

"Liu Ruyan, let's not be so circuitous. Just tell me what you want to do?"

Zhong Lijin is still thinking about Guo'er at this time, although there will be no danger. But his own children have never left him. Thinking about what Xu Wanrou will do to Guo'er, it is estimated that even Xu Wanrou can't think of it.

Liu Ruyan looks at the anxious appearance of Zhong Lijin and knows that Guo'er is a big weakness of Zhong Lijin. I thought that Xu Wanrou was really vicious, but although she was vicious, she was still a good strategy.,

"What do I think you should know?"

Zhong Lijin looks at Liu Ruyan and knows the meaning of her words. Liu Ruyan now wants to get the antidote, but Zhong Lijin is also worried about whether Liu Ruyan will blindly help Xu Wanrou after getting the antidote. If so, Zhong Lijin will not even have the last chips.

Liu Ruyan seems to see Zhong Lijin's mind at this time, although Liu Ruyan usually contacts men. But in Liu Ruyan's heart, men and women have the same idea. As long as you grasp the weakness, you can make a person submit.

"I know what you're thinking. Do you think I'll help Xu Wanrou instead of helping you after I get the antidote? "

Zhong Lijin heard Liu Ruyan's words and saw that Liu Ruyan had already guessed her worry. She was thinking that she had a little look at this woman.

"Of course, you have concerns, and so will I. After all, you and Xu Wanrou have dealt with me together. "

Liu Ruyan looks at Zhong Lijin and smiles. Zhong Lijin seems to see the disdain for Xu Wanrou in Liu Ruyan's eyes.

"Xu Wanrou? I never thought of her as a girl

West. "

Liu Ruyan stands up. At this time, Zhong Lijin looks at Liu Ruyan's tone, as if she really hates Xu Wanrou.

"Since we have a common goal, why don't you choose to believe me?"

Zhong Lijin gradually becomes calm from the impulse just now, because Zhong Lijin understands that only when she calms down can she have more bargaining chips and save her fruit earlier.

Liu Ruyan looked back at Zhong Lijin.

"Xu Wanrou is really a unlucky person. She will meet an opponent like you. It is estimated that Xu Wanrou will lose in the end."

Zhong Lijin hears Liu Ruyan flattering herself, but at this time Zhong Lijin is not interested in this. She just wants to know the news of her fruit.

"Liu Ruyan, what are you thinking about? I hope you can make the right decision."

Liu Ruyan doesn't know what happened, but he looks at Zhong Lijin and smiles. And this smile actually confused Zhong Lijin, thinking that Liu Ruyan would come up with some tricks.

Liu Ruyan thought in her heart that this woman is not simple. Maybe she will use her in the future. It's better to compromise first this time.

"Well, Zhong Lijin, do what you say first. I believe you are a man who keeps your promise."

Zhong Lijin heard Liu Ruyan's words, and the stone hanging in her heart finally fell.

"I will keep my promise."

Liu Ruyan takes a look at Zhong Lijin, and then analyzes Xu Wanrou.

"I've been with Xu Wanrou for a long time, and I know her very well." At this time, Liu Ruyan took a sip of tea, "so now Xu Wanrou won't put her children in the house, because after all, this is where Lin Zhaofeng lives."

"What do you mean?"

Zhong Lijin heard Liu Ruyan's analysis, but at this time, although she had a rough estimate of where Xu Wanrou would put her child, she still wanted to get Liu Ruyan's confirmation. After all, Liu Ruyan was very clear about Xu Wanrou.

"Dongguo Muyi."

Zhong Lijin heard the name of Dongguo Muyi. Of course, Zhong Lijin knew the name of Dongguo Muyi.

"You mean that Xu Wanrou will put her children in the care of Dongguo Muyi."

Liu Ruyan looked up at Zhong Lijin. He knew that Zhong Lijin had already guessed it. He just confirmed his guess in his own conclusion.

"Yes. Dongguo Muyi is now in the east of the suburb. Because now Xu Wanrou thinks that only Dongguo Muyi is the most reliable. After all, people who like money can solve it with money. "

Zhong Lijin knew Xu Wanrou's general plan, left the jade pillow building and returned to her own mansion. At this time, Bai Liyi is anxiously waiting for Zhong Lijin in the mansion. He is worried about what happened to Zhong Lijin. When the assassin saw Zhong Lijin coming back, he quickly welcomed him,

"Jin'er, are you ok?"

Bailiyi said and looked up and down Zhong Lijin. At this time, Zhong Lijin saw that bailiyi was worried about himself. I feel sorry for bailiyi in my heart, but I don't have time to explain these things.

"Master Hou, I already know where Xu Wanrou has imprisoned Guo'er?"

Bai Liyi was very happy to hear the news.

"What are you going to do next?"

Bailiyi looked at Zhong Lijin and asked. Because at this time, Bai Liyi knew that since Zhong Lijin had made clear all the things, Zhong Lijin definitely had countermeasures at this time. After all, he knew Zhong Lijin very well.

"Now you go to find Guo'er in the broken temple in the suburb. I'll go where Xu Wanrou told me to go."

Bai Liyi didn't expect that Zhong Lijin actually took himself as bait, which made Bai Liyi very worried.

"How can you do that? You're betting on your own life."

Zhong Lijin knew that Bai Liyi was worried about himself at this time, but now Shangguan mu'er couldn't see him. This is the only way to solve the problem.

"Don't worry. Xu Wanrou can't do anything to me. You'll save Guo'er and remember to save me. I'll give you as much time as I can

Bai Liyi looks at Zhong Lijin in front of him at this time. Although he is worried, Bai Liyi knows that Zhong Lijin's decision can't be changed. Moreover, it's the only strategy now.

At this time, Xu Wanrou has been waiting for Zhong Lijin at the appointed place. Today, Xu Wanrou is very happy. After all, I can finally kill the people I always want to kill.

"Zhong Lijin, I said I would make you pay the price."

In the side of the East Guo Mu meaning see at this time of Xu Wanrou appearance, also don't go to ask. After all, they just took money to do such things, and their grudges have nothing to do with themselves. Dongguo Muyi found a place to do it.

Zhong Lijin at this time a person came to the place Xu Wanrou agreed, looking at Xu Wanrou not far away, the heart is very sorry, but more hatred. Zhong Lijin didn't expect that Xu Wanrou would become a person who lived for hatred and threatened herself with the life of her favorite child.

Xu Wanrou saw the arrival of Zhong Lijin, and her mood was even better. After all, today is the death time of Zhong Lijin, and she can rest assured.

"I'm here, Xu Wanrou. Let my child go."

Xu Wanrou slowly walked to the side of Zhong Lijin, looking up and down at Zhong Lijin.

"Zhong Lijin, didn't you think you still have today?"

Zhong Lijin looks at Xu Wanrou's arrogance at this time and wants to teach her a lesson. But at this time, her own fruit has not been saved. She has to delay as much as possible to get more time for Bai Liyi.

"Xu Wanrou, I don't know how you became such a person."

Xu Wanrou heard Zhong Lijin's words, and the hatred in her heart surged up at this time.

"Why? Zhong Lijin, it's all because of you that I'm what I am today. "

Xu Wanrou said and pointed to Zhong Lijin with her finger. Zhong Lijin looked at Xu Wanrou contemptuously.

"Ha ha, Xu Wanrou, you are so shameless that you spilled dirty water on me."

Xu Wanrou heard that Zhong Lijin was scolding herself. She wanted to get angry, but she thought that Zhong Lijin's time was running out and gave up.

"Xu Wanrou, do you know what you are? You are ungrateful and you will take revenge. "

Zhong Lijin has been looking for a topic to ridicule Xu Wanrou. She wants to provoke Xu Wanrou to delay as much as possible. At this time, Xu Wanrou feels that Zhong Lijin's work is not the same as usual. She feels that something is wrong.

"Dongguo Muyi, go and see if Guo'er is still here. I feel something is wrong!"

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