"Li mochuan, get up, get up! You promised me to pick me up, but is that how you came to pick me up?"

"Don't die, please don't die, okay? You promised me that you would give me a perfect and grand wedding. You also said you wanted a second child. If you die like this, I'll marry someone else immediately!"

As Qiao Siyu spoke, he pounded Li mochuan's chest vigorously, trying to wake him up and shake him up

"Mochuan... Husband... Sweety and I are waiting for you. It's not easy for our family to be together. I think of things between us. Don't sleep and get up..."

Touching Li mochuan's cold body and cheek, Qiao Siyu's heart was like a knife. The most painful thing in the world was life and death.

Seeing that Li mochuan didn't respond at all, Qiao Siyu collapsed and knelt on the ground.

Heavy snow, she looked up at the sky, crying bitterly and desperately.

"God, why did you do this to me? I finally had my own happiness. Why did you take my lover's life so cruelly!"

"Xiaoyu, don't do this..."

Gu Jinyan and Gu Qingtian want to open Qiao Siyu, but Qiao Siyu suddenly lies on Li mochuan, "no, don't pull me, I don't want to separate from mochuan, I want to be with him..."


The kings on one side saw this and secretly wiped tears on the other side.

Jin Zitong happened to live in the hospital. After Jin Yuandong handed the small preserved egg to Zhai Lingfeng, he immediately rushed to the hospital. When he saw this scene at the door of the hospital, the whole person was shocked and knelt beside the stretcher.

"Mochuan, mochuan... My child... You..."

When Qiao Siyu saw Jin Yuandong, he angrily pushed him away. "Go away, you have no right to touch him... If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have worked so hard. If it wasn't for your daughter, he wouldn't be hurt or dead... Everything is your fault, you deserve it!"

Jin Yuandong looked at Qiao Siyu's angry and resentful cheek, and the old tears on his wrinkled face were vertical and horizontal, "yes, the most damn person is me... It's me..."

If he had bravely taken responsibility, everything would not have happened.

"Xiaoyu, I'm sorry... I'll give you an explanation!"

With that, Jin Yuandong took a deep look at Li mochuan, got up and left dejected.

At this time, Qiao Siyu devoted himself to Li mochuan. He didn't hear the abnormality in Jin Yuandong's words. Naturally, he didn't know that the so-called "confession" in Jin Yuandong's mouth was to seek death!

Jin Yuandong's episode soon passed. Gu Qingtian saw that Qiao Siyu was about to faint and wanted to help her up, but Qiao Siyu pushed him away and stood up with a stretcher.

She lay on Li mochuan's body, her small face approached Li mochuan's handsome face little by little, and printed a deep kiss on his sexy and cold lips.

Then, her lips slowly approached his ears and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "husband, I won't let you go alone, wait for me, I'll accompany you now!"

With that, Qiao Siyu rushed out of the crowd

Aware of Qiao Siyu's intention, Gu Qingtian - roared, "stop her!" then rushed directly to hold Qiao Siyu, "Xiaoyu, are you crazy?"

"Let go of me, brother... You let go of me, I'm going to accompany mochuan... He's dead, I won't live alone!"

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