"What about sweety, dad and us? Don't you want them all?"

At this time, Li mochuan's fingers suddenly moved. It was Wang Guojun who first found this scene. He rubbed his eyes and thought he was wrong. It can be seen that Li mochuan's fingers moved again. He screamed in surprise, "Madam... Madam... President Li... He... He's still alive..."

Qiao Siyu thought that Wang Guojun wanted to deceive her and shook his head in despair. "Brother, sweety will be handed over to you. I believe you will treat her like your own daughter. You can live well without me, but I can't live without Li mochuan... Don't hold me. I'll go to find him. If it's later, I'm afraid he'll go far..."

When Wang Guojun finished, Gu Jinyan immediately checked Li mochuan, and Wang Guojun rushed to Qiao Siyu eagerly, "madam, what I said is true. President Li is still alive. I saw his fingers just move twice... Really, I didn't lie to you. If I lied to you, I'll die!"

At this time, Gu Jinyan's examination also had results, "Li mochuan does have signs of life. Although his breathing is very weak, he is still alive... Come on, send the patient to the operating room!"

The doctor who had originally announced Li mochuan's death examined one side incredulously, "miracle, miracle..."

Several doctors hurriedly pushed Li mochuan towards the operating room. Qiao Siyu saw it, rushed over and tightly grasped Gu Jinyan's arm, "cousin, is what you said true? Mochuan is really still alive?"

"Xiao Yu, you know, my cousin never lies. Don't worry. As long as Li mochuan has one breath, I will save him!"

This is undoubtedly great good news for Qiao Siyu. When she thought Li mochuan was dead and planned to die, he suddenly came back to life!

God, thank you for opening your eyes!

When Li mochuan was pushed into the operating room, Qiao Siyu wanted Gu Jinyan to take her into the operating room. She wanted to complete the operation with him. He wanted to live with him, but Gu Jinyan disagreed.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't guarantee the 100% success of the operation, and the process of the operation is very bloody. He's afraid Josie won't be able to bear it.

But Qiao Siyu became stubborn and couldn't pull back ten cows. She knelt directly in front of Gu Jinyan, "cousin, I beg you. I just want to accompany mochuan. I will never give you trouble..."

Gu Jinyan sighed, "then you should ensure that no matter what happens, you can't mess around. You should calm down!"

"OK, OK, I promise, I promise!"

Finally, Qiao Siyu changed into a sterile suit and followed Gu Jinyan into the operating room.

At this time, other doctors are ready.

Seeing the patient's family come in, all the doctors are persuading Gu Jinyan.

"Doctor Gu, why don't I have today's operation, you..."

"Don't worry, I won't be affected by any external influence. The patient is my brother-in-law. I will be more careful and cautious."

The operation was urgent, and they didn't say anything. They directly threw themselves into the operation.

Qiao Siyu went to Li mochuan and held his hand tightly, "mochuan, don't be afraid, no matter where you go, I will accompany you..."

Li mochuan was shot twice in the chest. He lost too much blood and the impact of the explosion, so he was seriously injured.

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