"..." Josie is a little embarrassed. How can she not be afraid? Just thinking that the money was gone, she was even more painful. "In fact, we can order takeout and go to the hospital."

"Oh... First, this store doesn't take out. Second, even if it can take out, the taste has changed."

He choked him back without saying a word, and josel simply closed his eyes and stopped talking.

But she didn't say, he was also rare to be silent. Qiao Xi'er was puzzled, raised his eyes and secretly looked at him, but found that he didn't know what he was thinking, and his face was secretive.

After a long time, he said faintly, "Qiao Xi'er..."


"Three days later, Cui YingYing and I will get married."

Suddenly, Josie's heart ached. Josie clenched his fist tightly. Three days later? When she first came to Jingteng City, his wedding with Cui Yingying was one month away. Now there are only three days left. How time flies!

"Yes... Really? Congratulations..."

Gu Qingtian's face flashed a trace of anger, "in addition to congratulations, you have nothing else to say?"

Anything else? What do you want to say? Happy wedding, have a baby early? Or wish them a long life together?

Just thinking about her heart hurts beyond measure. How can you say it?

"Miss Cui is a good woman. You will be happy together."

Gu Qing looked at Qiao Xi'er with his eyes. There was no expression on his secretive face.

Joe Xi'er's scalp was numb L and his whole body was stiff when the waiter had brought the dishes he ordered.

"I'm starving. Please eat quickly..." after that, regardless of whether Gu Qingtian moved or not, she had eaten happily.

In Gu Qingtian's view, Qiao Xi'er's action was heartless and heartless, and his eyes were getting colder and colder.

But only Joe Xi'er knew how tasteless she was. The food in this western restaurant was famous and delicious, but what she ate was bitter and astringent.

Qiao Xi'er had been buried in eating. After eating, she saw that the milk in front of Gu Qingtian didn't move at all. She stared at him, "don't you eat?"

Gu qiongtian didn't answer, but directly bought the order and took the lead out of the restaurant.

Josie looked at the expensive steak and bit his lip. It seems that he hasn't eaten all day. Can he stand it?

But the steak is already cold. It really doesn't have the original taste.

After a slight sigh, Qiao Xi'er didn't pack the steak, so he got up and walked out of the restaurant. He thought Gu Qingtian had gone, but he not only didn't go, but also stood at the gate and smoked.

Hearing his cough, Josie frowned and ran over at once, "don't smoke..."

"Josie, in what capacity do you take care of me?"

"I..." Josie's face was a little pale. "I didn't want to take care of you. I just remind you that smoking is harmful to your health."

"My health has nothing to do with you!"

His indifference and alienation made Joe Xi'er very sad. Seeing him curse, she turned and left. She followed him silently at a distance.

So they went to the hospital one after another.

When she arrived at the gate of the hospital, Qiao Xier, who was in a state of panic, was suddenly held by a strong force. She subconsciously turned her head and saw Cui Yuhao with an anxious face.

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