"Xi'er, why didn't you answer my phone..."

Thinking that Gu Qingtian was in front, Qiao Xier quickly shook off Cui Yuhao's hand, "my mobile phone was accidentally broken..."

"Fortunately, I'm worried about what happened to you. By the way, Xi'er, I found the news about Zhuang Zhuang. I suspect Zhuang Zhuang was taken away by Gu Qingtian..."

Cui Yuhao thought he would see Qiao Xier's shocked or unbelievable expression after saying this, but he didn't expect her condition to be light and not surprised at all, as if he had known it long ago.

Sure enough, the next second he heard from Josie's mouth, "well, I know..."

Now Cui Yuhao was shocked, "do you know?"

"After Zhuang Zhuang disappeared, I also thought Gu Qingtian took Zhuang Zhuang away, so I went to find his important person, but Zhuang Zhuang wasn't there. Finally, he helped me find Zhuang Zhuang."

"This... How can it be? You don't have an enemy. Who will kidnap Zhuang Zhuang? It's clear that Gu Qingtian took Zhuang Zhuang away by himself so that you can beg him..."

Cui Yuhao was interrupted by Qiao Xier before he finished saying, "it doesn't matter. I'm satisfied that I can return to me unharmed."


"Master Cui, thank you for helping me find Zhuang Zhuang, but it's really inappropriate between us. Please don't come back to me or disturb me..."

Hearing the speech, Cui Yuhao's face changed greatly, "Xi'er, you promised me to associate with me..."

"You know the reason why I promised you to contact, don't you? Cui Yuhao, I don't love you. I didn't love you before, I don't love you now, and I won't love you in the future, so please let go..."

If Cui Yuhao didn't threaten him with his strong life experience, how could Qiao Xier reluctantly compromise with him?

Cui Yuhao's handsome face changes rapidly because Qiao Xier's words. He is very sad and angry to find that Qiao Xier will never fall in love with him. It doesn't matter. As long as he loves her, it's enough, but he's more afraid that he doesn't have the chips to let Qiao Xier stay with him.

"Xi'er, I didn't mean to threaten you. I just love you so much and want to be with you so much that I had to do that."

With that, Cui Yuhao's hands tightly grasped Qiao Xier's shoulder, "Xi'er, I promise you that as long as you are with me, I will never tell Gu Qingtian my strong life experience, I......"

Before he finished, Cui Yuhao's body was pulled by a strong force, and his face was firm and received a punch.

Cui Yuhao was unprepared at all, so his powerful punch directly knocked him to the ground.

There was a smell of fishy and sweet in his mouth. Cui Yuhao spit on the ground and found blood in his saliva.

"Who dares to hit me..."

Just wanted to look up and see who ate the bear heart and leopard courage dared to beat him, a man grabbed his collar and got several hits on his face in an instant.

Qiao Xi'er didn't expect Gu Qingtian to suddenly turn around and hit Cui Yuhao. After a short pause, he panicked and immediately grabbed Gu Qingtian's arm, "don't hit... Gu Gu Gu, stop..."

A "Gu Gu" successfully stopped Gu Qingtian, but the expression on his face was killing. He looked at Qiao Xier coldly, and his eyes were full of thick storms, "do you love it?"

"No... I just... Cui Yuhao is your future brother-in-law. Beating him is not conducive to family harmony."

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