If Qiao Siyu had a car accident and needed blood transfusion when he was five years old, he didn't know that Qiao Siyu was not his daughter at all. Although even Shiman cried and said she didn't know what was going on, in fact, even Shiman had betrayed him. And the daughter he has been holding in his hand is actually someone else's wild seed.

Thinking of this, Qiao Shengkai was very angry. He pulled his stomach again. He cried out in pain.

Seeing this, Du Yuelan immediately patted him on the back, "well, don't be angry. You shouldn't be angry now. You should have a good rest. As for Qiao Siyu, she won't be with Li mochuan for a long time..."

"Well, by the way, what is Xi'er doing recently? It's mysterious. I can't see anyone all day."

Referring to Qiao Xier, Du Yuelan also sighed, "I heard that she has accumulated social experience in an internship in a company. I don't know what company it is. It's too busy all day. I'd better let Xiaonan go to inquire about it another day."

"Well, Xi'er is still small. The outside world is too tempting. I'm afraid she'll learn bad."

"Yes, alas..."


She dreamed of Jin Zichen covered in blood. He was surrounded by a group of people with guns in their hands. Everyone shot at him, but he just stared at her and couldn't close his eyes when he was out of breath.


When she woke up from the nightmare, she found it was a dream, but there was a layer of sweat on her forehead and body.

Her scream woke Li mochuan. Seeing that her face was pale and frightening, Li mochuan frowned and gently patted her back to comfort, "don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here..."

Hearing Li mochuan's voice and feeling his warm embrace, her heart gradually settled down.

"Had a nightmare? What did you dream of?"

Qiao Siyu didn't want Li mochuan to know that the person she dreamed of was Jin Zichen, otherwise he would be more troublesome if his vinegar jar overturned.

"I can't remember. It's not a good dream anyway."

"Dreams are reversed. It'll be fine."

Qiao Siyu nodded. Yes, the dream is opposite. Yutong said that a scum man like Jin Zichen would harm thousands of years. How could he die so early?

Although he comforted himself so much in his heart, Qiao Siyu was always restless in recent days, as if something big was going to happen. Even the air in Jingteng city became depressed.

Sure enough, there is really no groundless wind in this world.

A week after Josie had a nightmare, a big event happened in Jingteng city.

An engineering accident suddenly occurred in the south of the city project in the charge of Jin's group. One party collapsed and killed several employees. The reason is that Jin's group stole work and materials to buy cheap and low-quality materials in order to save costs. As soon as this report came out, Jin's stock plummeted.

The huge Jin group was on the cusp of the storm in just one day.

But Qiao Siyu didn't know it at all, because the day before Jin's accident, Li mochuan took her to Greece for relaxation.

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