It's sweet to do anything with people in love. Although it took dozens of hours to get to Santorini Island by plane, although his body has been exhausted to the extreme, Josie's mood is very happy.

Because the hotel was booked in advance, they got off the plane and transferred directly to the hotel.

The five-star hotel can see the blue Aegean Sea from the room. The blue sea and blue sky intersect, which makes people feel particularly comfortable.

"Ah... In my lifetime, I finally came to Greece!"

Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window and breathing the unique breath of SANTONI Road, Josie stretched out his arms and couldn't help shouting.

At this time, Qiao Siyu was wearing a white dress with chestnut curls on her shoulders. With the background of the beautiful scenery, she was like an elf coming from the sky. The beauty was amazing.

Li mochuan was thinking that it was lucky that Qiao Siyu was his woman, otherwise he would be jealous of the man who had her. No, she shouldn't think so. She can only be his woman in this life.

His slender legs moved slowly. He walked behind her and hugged her tightly in his arms from behind her. "I knew you would like it here."

Josie happily leaned his head against his strong chest, holding his warm hands with both hands, happy and sweet, "how do you know I like it here?"

She remembered that she had not told her that she liked things here.

"I know everything about you!"

Josie raised her eyebrows. "Really? I don't believe it!"

"The first time I received the award was in the middle class of kindergarten. You sang a song" there is only mother in the world "on behalf of your class.

The first dream of primary school is to be a teacher, teach and educate people and cultivate talents. After junior high school, you changed your dream. You want to be a doctor, heal the wounded and fight against diseases. In high school, your dream is to be a French translator, because you liked a French film angels love beauty at that time.

You like lobster best, especially spicy lobster. You don't like durian because you hate the taste of durian.

Your favorite book is the little prince. Your least favorite book is the math textbook. Because you have poor math grades, you hate math.

You like ice cream, but you can often suffer from dysmenorrhea. You love gossip and love to vomit many times, but you want to make complaints about it, but you have to suppress your true personality and be a lady in front of others.

Of course, I also know you love me!

However, your dreams have become quite frequent, but I won't allow you to change your love for me. "

His voice poured into her heart like a warm current, and the heart on her left chest was excited because of his words.

In other words, what does her dream become frequent? Everyone had the dream of being a teacher when she was a child? Only after junior high school, her mother's death hit her very hard, so she wanted to be a doctor. Later, she was afraid of the hospital, so she resolutely changed her dream. Just three dreams. Where are they frequent? Some people change one dream a day!

But how did he know that?

Thinking about it, Josie asked, "how did you... How did you know so detailed?" because of excitement, Josie's voice trembled.

"Because I love you, I will try my best to know everything about you."

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