"God, is there a mistake!!! So Gu Qingming came to you today to talk about Josie?" Du Yuelan was no less surprised than Qiao Shengkai when she heard the news. She thought that Lian Shiman might have had a relationship with an ordinary person to have Josie. She also thought that a tramp and beggar might have raped her, So even Shiman never confessed to Qiao Shengkai, but he never thought it was Gu Qingming.

The handsome, rich, powerful and charming man.

This makes Du Yuelan jealous. Why can Lian Shiman find such a good man!

Now Gu Qingming has become Qiao Siyu's biological father again. God is simply unfair.

Just gnashing his teeth, Qiao Shengkai's irritable voice rang, "yes, he wants to recognize Qiao Siyu and let Qiao Siyu recognize his ancestors."

"What about you? What did you say?"

"What else can I say? He has raised his daughter for more than 20 years for nothing. Now he wants to say that he can recognize her back? Besides, if Qiao Siyu, a cash cow, enters the family, how can I make money from her in the future?" the more he said, the more angry he became. Qiao Shengkai was a little unscrupulous, "I think it's better to let Xi'er and Gu Qingtian dissolve their engagement. A man like Gu Qingming is not worthy to be Xi'er's father-in-law!"

Now Du Yuelan quit, "Qiao Shengkai, are you crazy? Where can I find a man who is as rich and powerful as Gu Qingtian and good to Xi'er these days? I warn you, if you ruin my daughter's happiness because of a Josie remark, I won't finish with you!"

Said, Du Yuelan's eyes turned shrewdly, "Sheng Kai, you should think about Qiao Siyu and Gu Qingming. Qiao Siyu is our family's cash cow, but she doesn't make much money recently. Now there is a rich man who wants this cash cow, why don't we sell this cash cow and make a good profit? In this way, Gu Qingming won't be offended. You have also done a favor. Xi'er will marry Gu's family in the future, and Gu's family will be sure I'll take care of her as the apple of my eye. "

Although Du Yuelan doesn't want Qiao Siyu's happiness, compared with her daughter's happiness, naturally, her daughter's happiness is important.

Du Yuelan's words can be described as a word to wake up the dreamer. Qiao Shengkai's depressed mood suddenly became excited, "wife, it's still thoughtful of you."

Qiao Shengkai hates Gu Qingming for sleeping with Lian Shiman, and he sows something in Lian Shiman to make him a big wrongdoer. But think about it carefully, Qiao Siyu has often lost his home in recent years. He didn't get much money except 300000 from her. That 300000 was the bride price of 200000 when Jin Zichen married Qiao Siyu in, and 100000 was cheated of 5 million , Qiao Siyu took it on his own initiative. The last time Li mochuan gave him five million yuan, he took Xiaonan's five million yuan and gave it back to Li mochuan. Let alone make a profit, he really lost a lot.

Now he still wants to make money from Qiao Siyu. I'm afraid it's very difficult. Didn't Gu Qingming say to ask for anything? I'm afraid it's not difficult for him to ask for a sum of money?

Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan talked excitedly about selling Qiao Siyu. They didn't know Qiao Xier was at home and listened to all their words.

Since the engagement, Gu Qingtian has the cheek to ask Qiao Xier to move to his side to live with him. Qiao Xier can't resist the bombardment of his family, so she lives with Gu Qingtian. Gu Qingtian has something to do in the morning. Qiao Xier has nothing to do at home alone, so she wants to come home to see her parents, but when she gets home, there is no one at home, so she goes back to her room After a while, because Gu Qingtian tossed about all night last night, as soon as she sat on the bed, she began to doze off, and then unconsciously lay in bed and fell asleep.

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