When she woke up again, it was four hours later. She rubbed her eyes and wanted to go downstairs to see if her parents came back. I just heard that her father said her sister was Uncle Gu. Instead of going downstairs, she stood at the entrance of the stairs and listened to her parents' conversation.

When he returned to the room with a pale face, Joe Xi'er was particularly confused.

Qiao Siyu is not her own sister, but Gu Qingtian's own sister, which is difficult for her to digest.

No, no, she should have suspected, shouldn't she?

My sister's blood type can't match anyone in the family, but she has the same blood type as Gu Qingtian. From the beginning of her timing, my father was not very good to my sister, and it was common to abuse and beat her. So my father knew that my sister was not his own, otherwise he might have to do it?

In the past, when her father beat her sister, she hoped that her sister was not her father's daughter. If her sister was born in someone else's house, she would not be so poor, but now her sister is really not the child of the Qiao family, but the child of the family. Shouldn't she be happy? But why is the heart so uncomfortable?

The cell phone rang suddenly. Worried about being heard by her parents, she immediately hung up the phone. Only then did she see that it was Gu Qingtian's call.

She muted her cell phone. No matter how many calls Gu Qingtian made, she didn't answer.

Until the evening, after Qiao Shengkai and Du Yuelan slept, Qiao Xi'er quietly came out of his room and left Qiao's house.

Qiao Xi'er didn't know what she was thinking. Anyway, at this moment, she especially wanted to see Qiao Siyu. On the way to the hospital, she called Gu Qingtian.

Soon Gu Qingtian's anxious voice came, "Xiao Xi, where have you been? Why haven't you answered the phone?"

"I went home and accidentally fell asleep. My mobile phone was muted."

As soon as he finished, Qiao Xi'er heard Gu Qingtian's relieved voice, "then wait at home and I'll pick you up now!"

"No, I just came out from home. Gu Qingtian, I ask you, isn't Josie really my sister? Her real identity is your sister?"

Gu Qingtian on the other end of the phone frowned tightly, but thinking of Qiao Xier's question, she must have known something, so she didn't hide it, "as you think!"

I don't know whether to be sad or happy, Josie began to cry!

Gu Qingtian heard Qiao Xi'er cry and felt a slight pain in his heart, "where are you now? I'll pick you up!"

Qiao Xi'er kept crying and didn't speak. Gu Qingtian's face changed slightly, "Qiao Xi'er, remember, whether Qiao Siyu is your sister or my sister, it won't affect our relationship! You..."

Gu Qingtian's words were suddenly interrupted. Qiao Xi'er looked at his mobile phone and found that the mobile phone was dead and turned off.

Put the mobile phone into the bag, Joe Xi'er reached out and wiped his tears, but the more he wiped his tears, the more

When Qiao Siyu just came out of the bathroom after taking a bath, Li mochuan was not in the ward. You don't have to think about it. Although he was hospitalized, he seemed to be busier than when he wasn't hospitalized. As long as he wasn't in the ward, he must have answered the phone.

As soon as she got into bed, the door of the ward suddenly rang. Thinking that Li mochuan would not knock on the door when she came to the ward, she thought it was a doctor or a nurse. She said faintly, "come in."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Xi'er ran in with tears on his face and hugged her, "sister..."

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