
Lu tingwan twisted his small eyebrows, looked at Su Li's neck, which had darkened several degrees because of this, and looked at what his fingertips were stained with... Sunscreen.

"Well, the sun is a little big today." Su Li raised her hand and gathered her long hair around her back to the front, trying to cover the skin of her neck.

"Didn't you think your skin was too white before and want to have a healthy sun?" Lu tingwan tilted his small head and looked at her. The more he looked, the more he felt that Su Li was a little strange these two days.

"Well... Did I say that?" Su Li continued to tidy up her books and dared not go to see Lu tingwan.

Lu tingwan: stare——

Feeling Lu tingwan's eyes, Su Li secretly glanced at her, but Lu tingwan was looking at her in an instant.

The little face is full of disbelief.

"Say, have you made a boyfriend?" Lu tingwan raised his finger to her with a serious face.

Su Li jumped at the bottom of her heart and denied: "... No."

"Really not? Then why did you suddenly buy these things?"

Don't you want to dress up because you have a boyfriend or a crush?

Su Li's mind flashed past her indifferent, cold and gloomy face, and the light in her eyes darkened.

boy friend?

Himself and him... Right?

"Really not." Su Li shook her head and whispered, but her throat was a little bitter.

"Well, I thought you had a boyfriend, which made me white excited." Lu tingwan said, turning out a wet paper towel from his bag.

"When you bought it, you didn't ask me to go there. You bought the wrong thing. It's not sunscreen. It looks like a concealer." Lu heard the wet towel open later and helped to wipe the neck out of Su Li.

Su Li turned her head and saw the wet paper towel in front of her. She was so frightened that she stepped back and hurriedly said, "no, I'll wash it off when I take a bath at night."

"But the color is strange..."

"It's all right. It doesn't matter." Su Li made an excuse: "I put it on for a long time. It's a waste to wipe it so quickly."

"All right."

Lu tingwan Nuo's mouth, put away the wet paper towel, took out a picture from his bag and handed it to Su Li: "look what I brought you ~"

Su Li took a look and asked uncertainly, "is it Jiang Yi?"

Su Li is a little face blind. Although she watched the MV between Lu tingwan and Jiang Ji many times, she watched Lu tingwan.

As for Jiang Yi, she didn't take it seriously.

"Yes ~"

"How can you give me this?"

"I have the cheek to ask Jiang for it. Several female students in the class have been assigned to it. I specially left it for you. Jiang's signature photo is notoriously difficult to take. It should be very good to take it as a collection."

"Thank you." Su Li accepted it with a smile. "What are you going to do next that night?"


"Didn't you say you wanted to enter the entertainment industry? Now your headlines are everywhere on the Internet. Are there any people in the industry looking for you to cooperate? Your voice is so good and your singing must be good. You should be able to cooperate with Jiang immediately?"

Lu tingwan turned his mouth and said, "I don't know."

"Do you want to make some preparations? For example, know more about that circle? Or let Jiang Yi introduce you? You said that others are easy to get along with. It shouldn't matter to ask him if you don't understand?"

Su Li doesn't pay attention to the entertainment circle. She just heard some from her classmates. She thinks that the circle is true or false, which is not very reliable.

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