"I don't know. Let's see it then." a month ago, she was in a bad mood because of the scandal between Lu Yanxiu and ye Songyao.

Hejiang also met at that time.

At that time, I promised to shoot MV and had the idea of entering the entertainment industry. It was completely a temporary emotional mischief.

Now... She doesn't know what to do.

"Li ZA, can I ask you a question?" Lu tingwan leaned his shoulder against the bookshelf and looked at Su Li.

"What's the problem?"

"HMM... is a person who always takes care of you, protects you when you are in danger, prevents you from being bullied and wronged, always cares about you, forbids you to fall in love with others, and sometimes is willing to lower his status and do something for you. Will he like you? Or is this person so kind to you just out of habit and responsibility?"

Lu listens to the end of the evening, but sees Su Li's soul, and doesn't know what she's thinking.

She reached out and waved in front of Su Li: "pear smack?"

"Pear smack?"

"Ah?" Su Li looked back and listened to Lu Wan in a daze.

"What are you doing? Are you listening to me when you want to be so absorbed?"

Su Li nodded.

"Do you think this person might like you?" Lu tingwan asked again.

Su Li shook her head: "... I don't know."



Su Li is doing her homework in the rental house. The room is lit with a warm but not very bright light bulb.

The small but clean rental house has a panoramic view of all furniture and supplies.

The boxes of books stacked in the corner add a bit of bookiness to the rental house.

The lovely Apple alarm clock ticking on the desk is the only thing in the rental room that doesn't make people feel lonely except Su Li.

In the rental house, she lived alone.

The sound of the key opening the door suddenly sounded. Su Li, who was doing her homework, suddenly turned around and looked over.

With a click, the door opened.

A slender man with cold eyes appeared at the door.

The man subconsciously looked up at Su Li in front of the desk, and then came in.

Su Li was surprised to see someone coming. He came tonight: "Why are you here?"

The man didn't respond. He just walked up to her and put a bowl of wonton packed in his hand on her desk.

Su Li looked, and her little face couldn't help smiling.

The man turned on the lamp for her, and the light around the desk suddenly became bright.

The desk was next to the head of the bed. He took a book from her desk, then half lay in bed and read it.

Su Li smelled the smell of wine on him, sipped her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"Did you drink?"

The man didn't lift his head and said softly from his throat, "well."

Su Li saw this and didn't ask again. She just silently pushed her homework aside temporarily, then took the wonton in front of her, opened it and ate it.

The corner of his eye was out of control. He looked at the man on the bed. Lu listened to the questions in the evening and day. At this time, it also sounded in his mind.

"What's up?"

The man suddenly made a noise.

Su Li looked back at the man and found that he didn't know when he had looked up at her.

I should have noticed her trance.

Su Li shook her head and slightly bent her lips: "No."

She continued to bow her head and eat wonton. The smell of wine on the man became more and more obvious.

Su Li pushed the wonton he had eaten for a few bites and asked tentatively, "do you eat it?"

The man raised his eyes and looked at her without talking.

"If you drink wine, your stomach will be uncomfortable. Eating something will be better." Su Li whispered.

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