"I don't know." Lu tingwan leaned on his shoulder.

Lu Yanxiu put one hand into her clothes, covered her stomach and asked, "why don't you call me? Is it uncomfortable to vomit this time? Do you have diarrhea? Do you take painkillers or drink ibuprofen?"

Or did she call him on video this afternoon to tell him about it?

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Yanxiu turned and stared at the small ears sitting honestly on the single sofa.

Inexplicably, my little ears were stunned.

What did it do?

It's nothing!

What's this smelly man doing?

"Why call you? You can't cure it." Lu listens to the night muttering.

"Sir." aunt Qiu, who had prepared dinner, came over.

Lu Yanxiu asked her, "she's not feeling well. Why don't you call me and let her sleep here."

"I told aunt Qiu not to call you. I took painkillers and didn't feel so bad." Lu tingwan said first.

Lu Yanxiu couldn't help her. He looked at Aunt Qiu and said, "aunt Qiu, call Dr. Li, ask him to come over and tell him about the situation. Later, let Chao Jiu come to me."

It's reassuring to find a doctor and expert in this field to prepare it for her in Jingyuan.

"I don't need a doctor. I'm much better this time than last time."

"Be obedient and let the doctor see."

"Don't do it if you don't want to." Lu tingwan, who was in a bad mood, didn't want the doctor to see him.

Lu Yanxiu had no choice but to change his words: "then let Dr. Li come and stay. Call him again if necessary."

Lu didn't say a word again.

"Would you like some water?" he asked her.

"I want to go to the bathroom. You take me upstairs."

Lu Yanxiu picked up the sofa blanket, covered her, and then picked her up with the blanket.

"My flower." Lu tingwan looked at the flowers on several tables and reached for them.

Aunt Qiu quickly picked up the flowers and told Lu Wan.

Lu tingwan took it in his hand and asked him, "why do you buy me flowers and roses again?"

"You don't like it." Lu Yanxiu answered her.

Lu listened to wan smile and didn't speak again.

Twenty minutes later

Waiting at the bathroom door, Lu Yanxiu knocked on the bathroom door again.

"Lu tingwan, are you all right?"

"No..." after a while, Lu listened to the weak response of the long ending of the evening.

"Lu listens late. Are you okay?"

Five minutes later, Lu Yanxiu knocked on the door again.

"Don't make a noise. It makes my head ache. I'm not so fast." this time, Lu tingwan was a little grumpy.

"It's half past seven. It's time for you to have dinner." Lu Yanxiu was not only worried that she had been inside for so long, but also worried that she would hurt her stomach if she didn't eat on time.

After a few minutes, Lu Yanxiu couldn't help making a sound again, but this time there was no sound inside.

He asked several times, but Lu didn't respond to him. Lu Yanxiu was in a hurry and directly opened the door of the bathroom and broke in.

As a result, Lu tingwan sat on the toilet with his head down, one hand supporting his waist and covering his stomach.

Lu listens to the night, looks up at Lu Yanxiu who comes in flustered, and asks feebly, "what are you doing?"

Lu Yanxiu breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "why shouldn't I call you?"

Lu tingwan looked at him angrily and didn't respond to him.

"How long are you going to sit? Are you sure it will make you feel better? Don't catch a cold for a while, it's more serious."

Lu Yanxiu has been sitting naked for more than half an hour. Lu Yanxiu is really nervous and anxious.

Lu tingwan looked at him and took a breath. He was very annoyed.

"I want to make a wish on this toilet that you will be a woman in your next life. You are tired of menstruation and bleeding every day."

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