Lu Yanxiu heard her "nonsense" and replied to her: "if you really want to make this wish, as long as you don't hurt, don't say the next life. I'll bleed every day in my life and hurt for you."

Lu Yanxiu's holiday?

Lu was amused when he thought about it later, especially when he shouted that he had a stomachache and used it. He laughed and looked at Lu Yanxiu's lower body uncontrollably.

Lu Yanxiu saw her staring at herself and chuckling. He followed her line of sight and then looked at his lower body. He immediately knew that she was thinking about those eighteen forbidden things. He immediately had no good way: "where do you look? What do you think?"

"Like you use your aunt's towel..." Lu listened to the picture in his head subconsciously.

"What are you talking about?"

Fortunately, she whispered. Lu Yanxiu, who stood far away, didn't hear it clearly. She reacted and immediately changed her mouth. She said proudly, "I said I contracted your aunt's towel all my life and cooked brown sugar ginger tea for you every day."

Lu Yanxiu: "

Lu tingwan looked at him, wrinkled his small nose and disliked the tunnel: "just your body structure, tell me where your blood comes from first."

Lu Yanxiu: "

"If you let Dong Li and Dong Ming in your business hear this, they will have to laugh at you. It will ruin your image." even she felt that it would ruin your image.

"There's nothing funny." Lu Yanxiu didn't feel funny. It's not a shame to hurt his woman.

"From small to large, because of you, do I still have an image?"

Lu listened to the night humming, suddenly thought of something, turned his eyes maliciously, then pursed his small mouth and said with a smile.

"In fact, I really have a way to cure my aunt's pain."

Lu Yanxiu didn't believe her because of her expression and eyes.

"Do you want to know?"

"Come on, you'll still sit here if you can."

"Don't want to hear it."


Lu listens to Wan Hei hei's smile, looks at him with seductive eyes and says, "you can't come to your aunt for ten months after you're pregnant ~"

Lu Yanxiu breathed slightly.

He knew it wasn't serious.

What does this little thing think all day long.

Seeing that he looked at himself with a broken face, Lu tingwan quickly explained, "I mean it. This is common sense. You can have a try if you don't believe it. Well, you can check it."

Holding his breath, Lu Yanxiu gritted his teeth and said, "if you want to have a baby with me, you must have a menopause in the future."

Lu was stunned when he listened to the evening, and then glanced at him: "you are menopausal, your family is menopausal."

"All right, don't sit down. I'll catch a cold later."

"You go out and I'll take a bath."

Lu Yanxiu looked at her. He didn't speak. He turned and went out to get her a nightdress. Then he adjusted the water temperature for her and tried. Then he told her not to lower it or wash her hair. After nagging for a few words, Lu tingwan kicked her out.

Lu Yanxiu anxiously continued to wait at the door until Lu came out late, and then took her downstairs for dinner.

After dinner, Lu Yanxiu cooked brown sugar ginger tea for her as usual, and then gave her foot washing water to warm her up.

Lu tingwan sat on the sofa with a thin layer of sweat on the tip of his nose. His pale face has now recovered its ruddy look.

It's so hot.

She looked at Lu Yanxiu squatting at her feet and staring at the footbasin. She raised one foot and patted the water in the basin. She succeeded in splashing a few drops on his face.

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