Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1738

King Huai has already ascended the throne. It's not natural for the prince to ascend the throne. I'm afraid it's natural for the new emperor to get rid of it.

This is true of the royal family. The dragon gives birth to nine sons, but only one person can be emperor, and other existence is superfluous.

The guard then said: "now King Huai has become emperor Jin, not to mention that General Liu, who has half the military power, supports him. In his own hand, there is a shadow gate that can compete with the imperial court. Prince, this matter has been settled. Prince, we are in danger now. There are many imperial guards outside the prince's mansion. There was a shadow guard staring at us in the mansion long ago. We can't even move, let alone take back the throne. "


"prince, now, we should think about how to deal with ourselves. Emperor Jin is not against your compatriots or even against you. Can he tolerate us


"now that he has just ascended the throne, he still can't move us. As time goes by, I'm afraid..."

the guard said anxiously.

Zhou huailing was completely frightened.

He had no military power at all. At the beginning, his father spoiled him in every way, but he didn't put the actual things in her hands. What's more, later his father was afraid of him and banned him.

He raised some soldiers himself, but half of them were in the mansion and were watched closely. The other half, less than 2000 people, couldn't make it. Even during this period, he had no way to contact them.

Is Zhou Huaijin going to attack herself?

Zhou Huaijin is not a good man. When he was still in favor at the beginning, the young lady of the cabinet minister's family just annoyed him. He even cut off the arm of the girl's family, let alone the Prince now.

If he wants to do it, he will die by himself.

After all, even if he got Jiangshan, he wanted them to die.

What can we do.

What can we do.

Anyway, his life matters. He can't die.

"What do you mean? Tell Jun Yi to come Zhou huailing's mind is in turmoil. Now he can only think of Junyi. Junyi is still powerful. He can think of ways to make them comprehensive.

Around him, there is such a useful existence as Junyi.

Guard down and bring the favor.

At the beginning, Chang Shi Junyi of the prince's mansion was directly trapped in the mansion, where he could not go, and there was no way to know the news outside.

When the guard went down to find someone, he told Jun Yi the long history by the way.

Jun Yi's face is extremely ugly, almost pale in an instant.

I didn't expect that.

In a short period of time, the capital has undergone such earth shaking changes.

At the beginning, he followed the prince to ban his feet. He thought that in a few days, even if the prince's ban was not lifted, he could think of a way to go out. Unexpectedly, the prince's house would be guarded with iron walls, and he could not get outside information.


A few days.

Has the capital changed to a new emperor?

The new emperor is not the prince and has nothing to do with himself.

Doesn't it mean that he's lost sight, and there's nothing wrong with him?

It's all over.

It's all over.

He is still young and can wait for the next emperor, but Shifu can't afford to wait. He is so old that he will soon die. How can he see him become an imperial master with his own eyes?

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