Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1739

Everything is gone!

Now all this is delusion!

He's never worse than anyone. It's not because he's not resourceful enough. It's the stupid prince who can't help him. Now even he's been dragged down like this.

What's the point of all this?

What else can he do for the prince's residence?

Jun Yi's eyes are full of murderous, and his gentle face is gloomy, as if it will kill people at any time.

And the guards were startled.

They are the guardians assigned to the prince's side. Their mission is so, because they are not the soldiers kept by the prince's house all the time, so they are far away from the prince and his long history. But every day I look back and forth, this long history has always been very good, just like a scholar. Today's picture is really a little scary.

He quickly reminded: "Chang Shi, the prince wants to see you."

"He? He wants to see me? " Jun Yi sneered and swept the books on the desk. Then he said coldly, "if he wants to see me, let him see it!"

Jun Yi is in a hurry towards the study of the prince's mansion. He is familiar with this road, which he has always walked. He has to walk several times a day. When he is busy, he almost sleeps there.

It's ironic to go now.

What's the qualification of that fool?

Now what's the right to call him again?

It's stupid.

Jun Yi stormed in.

Zhou huailing was in a panic. Seeing the familiar figure, she began to complain subconsciously: "Jun Yi, you should think of a way quickly. King Huai has now ascended the throne. He is already the emperor. There are not only the imperial guards but also his people in the prince's mansion. Now our palace is just on pins and needles here, and will be killed at any time. Think about what to do, how can our Palace Escape from the disaster, and how can we ensure the glory and wealth of today. "


"you don't know how vicious this old man's mind is. He secretly made the shadow gate. He secretly made such a thing. How can I force him to do it?"


"nowadays, the requirements of our palace are not high. We don't want any royal throne. As long as we keep this life, we can keep our glory and wealth. "


"as a long history, you always have the best way. Now think about it. As long as the palace is ready, you will be able to enjoy spicy food as well as the palace in the future. Anyway, the palace also has royal blood. "

Zhou huailing said in a panic.

"Glory and wealth?" Jun Yi stares at Zhou huailing and asks strangely.

Zhou huailing nodded, very sure.

He wants nothing else. He wants to be rich and have a good life.

As a prince, this requirement is not high.

When Jun Yi heard what he said, he was even more angry: "you fool, do you want to be rich? I'm the one who's going to give you advice until now. "


"now that you've come to this end, you fool will die here!"


"still want to be rich?"


"my whole life is full of talent, but as Xie Yan said, my eyes are not good, I didn't choose a good person to support me, but I supported you fool!"


"glory and wealth, you'd better die!" Jun Yi is full of disgust to say.

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