Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1753

Since the people of Xueyu only recognize fengnv, and if fengnv is the wife of the city leader, he will be able to directly stabilize the disintegration of Xueyu. Maybe they just trade with fengnv, and they can achieve their own goals?

But her thoughts are far away.


Fengxian hall.

Liu Qingqing accompanied Gu Chaoyan in the palace, and Zhou Huaijin himself stayed in the imperial study.

He used his greatest ability, the greatest possibility, want to complete the matter.

The Holy Ghost kingdom is building the spirit testing hall, and the beginning of the spirit testing hall is that the shadow gate takes in a man with accomplishments, and it is enough for him to preside over all the real spirit testing hall.

But this person's cultivation has no way to face things.

Then he can only continue to look for other possibilities, who are of higher cultivation level.

"Fubao, do it yourself." After Zhou Huaijin arranged things, she asked.

"Yes, master." Fubao answered and went down.

He went down the stall.

The people of cangyanmen just came.

Zhou Huaijin had already got up and planned to go to Fengxian hall. When she heard that it was cangyan, she sat down again. In the past, he would not have met this man of cangyan sect, but now, he still wants to see him.

Perhaps, the people of cangyanmen, for him, is also a possibility.

The people of cangyanmen are not as arrogant as those of the ethereal Pavilion, nor as uncontrollable as those of the snow area.

Since then, it has always been a state of humility.

"I've seen emperor shengmingjin." The little master Mu Ning of cangyan gate saluted respectfully.

"What's the matter with the young master coming into the palace today?" Zhou Huaijin did not ask too much emotion.

Muning smiles.

He said carefully: "well, when our subordinates of cangyan gate went out today, they heard that the Holy Ghost kingdom was going to set up a spirit testing hall. They wanted to try out people with spiritual roots who were suitable for cultivation to take charge of cultivation, so as to resist the invasion of the demon clan?"


"although our cangyan sect is not the largest, it is one of the best in the cultivation sect. Now that we are in the holy underworld, the holy underworld also treats us like this. We cangyan gate can help us these days. It's almost the most basic thing for us to try our spirit. We cangyan sect can send out a few disciples to help you, and at the same time, we can help you choose the ones that are suitable for cultivation with the fastest speed. "


"of course, we cangyan sect can come out to guide the cultivation." Mu Ning said politely.

Zhou Huaijin had some accidents. They came here to talk about this.

Of course.

After the accident, Zhou Huaijin thought it was normal. Although cangyan gate was a little low-key in front of the ethereal Pavilion, since she could coexist with the ethereal Pavilion in the Holy Ghost Kingdom, it showed that the ethereal Pavilion had no way to take them.

They all want the golden scroll, but cangyanmen has not come out, not because cangyanmen does not want, but has been hiding behind.


They seemed to think that this was a good way, so they stood up directly.

Nature has a purpose.

"The little master of cangyan sect is so kind-hearted. What do you want?" Zhou Huaijin asked directly.

"I can't say what conditions we want. The empress of emperor Jin is fengnu. We cangyanmen just want to make friends with each other. Gold scroll, Phoenix female don't want to take out, we cangyan door also have no way. But...


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