Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1754

"Now we cangyanmen's help, at least in the future when the world is in chaos, we cangyanmen can't save ourselves, let Phoenix remember our cangyanmen's good at this time, and help us a little." Mu Ning said frankly.

Up to now, he can only be so calm.

If they falter and haw, they will surely think that they want to plot the golden scroll, then they will not agree.

Fengnv is now on guard against them.

Only a little bit of the first let Phoenix female down guard is.

Zhou Huaijin heard what they said.

That's right.

Cang Yanmen's way of doing things is not so disgusting, and even they are very honest, such honesty may be selfish, but it is clear that their purpose.

It's just that.

Zhou Huaijin still seriously shook her head: "cangyan door little master good, but I can't afford."


"we in the underworld have a plan for the trial hall."


"and I can never put any pressure on my future Phoenix girl for what I want to do."


"I have learned from the young master of cangyan sect. If I can help you in the future, I will certainly help you. As for fengnv, it is fengnv's own wish. I will not interfere. " Zhou Huaijin said frankly.

There was a slight surprise on Muning's face.

They cangyan door has put down the position to so, even give so big benefit, he unexpectedly don't, but directly refused.

Young emperors, after all, think too much of themselves. They don't know how good the benefits of cangyan gate are.

Muning is young after all.

Zhou Huaijin's response was somewhat angry in his heart, so he didn't respond for a long time.

The elder of cangyan sect quickly stood up and said: "in this case, we cangyan sect will not ask for help. Even if we don't want the help of fengnu in the future, if Jindi you need our cangyan sect, we cangyan sect will try our best to help."

The elder of cangyanmen still keeps a line.

Muning did not answer and did not continue to say anything. Although he was still angry, he recognized it.

Subtle as Zhou Huaijin, naturally also see out.

Just a faint smile: "thank you cangyan door."

The people of cangyanmen retreated.

Zhou Huaijin got up and planned to go to Fengxian hall.

The people of cangyan gate are angry, but they don't make any more trouble. Cangyan gate has been patient enough, otherwise it won't be controlled by the ethereal Pavilion all the time.

Fengxian hall.

Not long after Liu Qingqing left, a man entered Fengxian hall.

This person is Princess Jing.

After emperor Shengming left, she was forbidden to stay in her own palace, but she didn't make any trouble, so the palace people in Jinggong would put down their vigilance. Today, she didn't know where she got the news of the death of the former prince, so she broke into Fengxian palace like crazy.

"Zhou Huaijin, Gu Chaoyan, you two vicious people, return my ling'er's life!" Jingguifei rushed into Fengxian hall like crazy, and no one stopped her.

She didn't pull out the sword until she reached the inner hall. She was not afraid of Jian Yi's sword at all. She rushed straight ahead. All the way, she rushed here.

Jian didn't dare to kill her directly, so he only stepped back.

Jingguifei is more anxious to rush in, want to give Zhou huailing revenge.

Zhou Huaijin came to know the news, directly into the inner hall, will be quiet princess's legs to kick down.

"Give me Ling er's life back!" Jingguifei rushes towards Zhou Huaijin.

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