Ms.Doctor Divine

Chapter 1758

Your highness is kneeling. He gives Zhou Huaijin the most solemn kneeling ceremony. According to his identity, he must kneel in front of Zhou Huaijin.

Zhou Huaijin did not immediately let him up, but let him continue to kneel after questioning.

Jun Yi's face is not very pretty.

He has his own pride in his heart, but now his identity has to be so.

At this moment, he thought that if the person sitting on the Dragon chair today was Zhou huailing, he would not have to kneel here for a long time and not be able to get up. Instead, he would stand arrogantly under the emperor. Or, if he had chosen the right person at the beginning, he would have chosen Zhou Huaijin, the prince of the former empress, instead of the crown prince at the height of the sun. Now he has the same status.

He's good at everything, and he's no less talented than others. He's just not very lucky. He didn't choose the right person. Otherwise, how could he be so bumpy.


Since it's not over, it's not the end.

He can still work hard, certainly.

During this period of time, many people have been throwing olive branches at Zhou huailing, the former crown prince. Naturally, his ability is obvious to all.

Now King Jin has just ascended the throne, the foundation is not too stable, it is time to employ people.

Even if he doesn't say that he is one of the best people in the world, he is very easy to handle affairs with him. He can almost guarantee that he can do everything properly.

Based on these, he kneels here now and is still full of confidence.

"Back to the emperor, Wei Chen kneels here. There are some things he wants to discuss with the emperor."


"now that the former Prince is dead, Weichen naturally has no master. In fact, even if the former Prince is not dead, Weichen has no master. Although Wei Chen has a long history of the former crown prince, he doesn't sell himself to the former crown prince. It's just a cooperative relationship. If Wei Chen wants to leave, he can leave at any time. "


"now that he's dead, it's just right."


"Weichen is willing to work for emperor Jin in the future. He is willing to sell himself to Emperor Jin, as long as emperor Jin allows him what he wants."


"now that the emperor has just ascended the throne, the court is still unstable. It's time to employ people, but Weichen is the one who can help you do everything right."


"you can not directly deal with the matter first, but test Weichen. Within three days, I asked all the ministers in the court to listen to your orders, instead of many people who didn't accept you directly. What do you think, emperor Jun Yi inquired.

Zhou Huaijin carefully looked at the kneeling Jun Yi, thoughtful expression.

Have enough talent, so can be domineering commitment to what he can do.

Know their own strengths, know that others are not in a good situation, in exchange for this.

And what he said.

Within three days, all the ministers of the court hall will recognize him as the emperor Jin. He believes that Junyi can do it.

So to speak.

He's a very smart person.

There are too few such people in the world.


Jun Yi is a man, but he can't use it.

No matter how clever, gifted or capable he is, he never understands a truth.

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